Movie uses pop music to make dull action scenes seem cool

>movie uses pop music to make dull action scenes seem cool

Attached: whitepeopleface.jpg (1600x1066, 313K)

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Who the fuck is this girl I love her

Btw atomic blonde and baby driver both do this and are both Reddit as fuck. Particularly the meme one take in atomic blonde that was so fucking try hard cringe

>>movie uses classical music to make dull action scenes seem cool

Attached: 1497957223083.jpg (337x301, 106K)

>movie kills of some random "main character"early on to seem unpredictable

Some Russian blogger

even better. time to stalk her irl

star trek beyond did this and Mike Stoklasa loved it, he´s such a worthless pleb (jay too)

Attached: mike and jay.png (1280x900, 833K)

she cute

>it's trailer uses a slow vocal cover of a pop song episode

so kingsman

>I'm the male version of this girl down to hair and eye color
what do i do lads?

Attached: 1297844970009.png (241x228, 95K)

Kill yourself, stupid bitch.

Attached: 1561968780002.png (645x773, 20K)

Dress feminine and let me fuck you gently

fucking diamonds.


You will NEVER KNOW :^)

nope it isnt her

Attached: pajamakid.jpg (600x627, 63K)


A rapist.

Attached: 1540107338076.png (674x552, 247K)

>different noses
Try again sweetie

wrong, kingsman action was kino

only the sequel

r*ssian scum youtuber with multiple channels