Cast him

Cast him

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warwick davis

Too tall

Jesse Eisenberg.

Hugh Jackman

Shapiro BTFO with FACTS & LOGIC

Ben Stiller or Jerry Seinfeld

Michael B Jordan

Woody Allen

DJ Qualls

Here's why:

yep, this. you can all stop posting now

Idris Elbow

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>not asking the more important casting question

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Corey Feldman

Cast her lookalike who put out god-tier nudes.

You fools OP means what movie roll should he play, which is Riddick

Some jewish women literally have the worst faces, it's fucked up.

Is that midget trumpet kike?

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She's actually cute.
My uncle married a Jew who genuinely looks like the witch from snow white. She's an eyesore. Abby Shapiro is not.

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That guy who played the racist chief warden in the Green Mile

This would actually be kino

I want him and Jon Stewart to debate.

She's adorable

why are leftists and discord trannies so triggered at him

He wants you to die for israel

case in point