Is it because they’re autistic? I guess I can’t be surprised as they’re so stupid they don’t even have their own currency or borders.
Why can’t they make decent films?
Other urls found in this thread:
are the people who make these kinds of threads baiting or have they just never seen a movie made before 1990
>80 years of literally nothing worthwhile
how can a big and rich european country even manage this?
for the love of god stop making these threads
If you say the wrong thing in Germany you get thrown in jail. Not conducive to art in general.
N-nein zis can’t be happening ve are creative reeeeeee
This is the same board which considers BR 2049 to be a masterpiece, are you surprised?
Der Untergang, nigger.
Because no one in Germoney funds good ideas. They all just spend medium amounts on safe ideas.
That being said, at least they started to make good shows two years ago.
It's just one autist who makes these threads, it's really embarrassing. Don't even respond to this thread when you see it next time.
>GIDF has arrived
WTF are you on about? What is not to like about shitting on the DDR user?
'life of the others' and 'goodbye lenin' were both pretty kino. Add to that that the German film industry is just a bunch of middle clas companies whilst the Hollywood is a corporate Monstrosität full of schizos.
And 'Mädchen in Unfirm' and 'Bilitis' were way better erotica than the Bong horseshit.
>Klaus Kinski
>safe ideas
well they throw 90 year old women in jail for expressing the wrong ideas, which has a chilling effect on artists in the country. Nobody is willing to say anything the government doesn't approve of for risk of being imprisoned.
Have you retards ever seen Das Boot,Der Untergang or M?
Americans drafted our constitution. Just saying.
it's been 80 years
man some German Chad must've raped OPs entire family for him to spam post this thread every single day from his soiphone lmao
Become a politician and try changing the US constitution. We have even higher hurdles for doing it for obvious reasons.
This. What's wrong with OP? He seems to be very bitter.
since their defeat in ww2 germans have been indoctrinated to hate themselves, their culture and their history. that affects a people's creativity. combine that with germany's being a very peaceful, stable, safe place, and you get dull, stupid and boring art. art comes from adversity and conflict and germany doesn't have that
We do have very creative people. What we lack is funding for anything that isn't a comedy or a Tatort.
i've seen literally everything from murnau and every german movie from fritz lang. that was then, 90 years ago. not to mention they killed every goodwill i had for them with german new cinema/new wave, whatever we want to call it
what about Run Lola Run
what about The Lives of Others
what about Das Boot
what about Stalingrad (1993)
what about Toni Erdmann
what about anything by Werner Herzog
>Germany doesn't have conflict
Post world war 2 half the country was raped by Russians. In both German states the men were all traumatized and took it out on their children who then went on to have massive spergout in 60s.
A wall then gets build not allowing fiolks to go see their own families in the east. Then Detente happens and at least you're allowed to go from west to east and back in one piece.
Then suddenly Re-unification happens after the world almost gets nuked. The entire economy in the east collapses and people now wander around aimlessly. It was like fucking Solaris during the 90s with Skinheads roaming the dead east and having two crooks as chancellor as well as plenty of unemployment.
But yeah, no conflict at all.
Goodbye Lenin was really, really good.
Nice headcanon.
Remember to thank the United States and United Kingdom for siding with USSR :-DDD
Because the eternal G*rmanoid only seeks to sow destruction instead of seeking creation.
then they have no excuse for their lack of good films. the germans must just be a bunch of autistic weirdos
>German """""""acting""""""
They made good movies before 1945.
Because this country cant and refusses to talk English. Even their movie theaters are all german dubbed and everything that comes on their tv is dubbed. How do you expect a country like that to make a good modern international flick when 98% of the population only speaks that ugly shit language.
And no im not an Amerifag
>you need English to make kino
M (1931)
Metropolis (1927)
Nosferatu (1922)
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (1972)
Veronika Voss (1982)
Unter den Brücken (1946)
Der Blaue Engel (1930)
Stroszek (1977)
Alice in den Städten (1974)
Der Letzte Mann (1924)
Ich War Neunzehn (1959)
Fitzcarraldo (1982)
Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant (1972)
Angst vor der Angst (1975)
Romanze in Moll (1943)
Bildnis einer Trinkerin (1979)
Liebelei (1933)
Der Kongress tanzt (1931)
Himmel ohne Sterne (1955)
Opfergang (1944)
Woyzeck (1979)
Der junge Törless (1966)
Der Wald vor lauter Bäumen (2003)
Liebe 47 (1949)
Hanna Amon (1951)
All Riefenstahl films
Große Freiheit Nr. 7 (1944)
Kolberg (1945)
Die goldene Stadt (1942)
Die letzte Brücke (1954)
Kinder, Mütter und ein General (1955)
Die Zärtlichkeit der Wölfe (1973)
Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle (1974)
Herz aus Glas (1976)
Deadlock (1970)
Kirmes (1960)
Die Mörder sind unter uns (1946)
Gruppenbild mit Dame (1977)
Freak Orlando (1981)
Die endlose Nacht (1963)
Der Hexer (1963)
Requiem (2006)
Alle Anderen (2009)
Bit this was a good movie though.
look at their architecture.
All great films but they are more like historical documents than cinematic artworks. There is something spiritually slim about them.
>Post world war 2 half the country was raped by Russians
Meanwhile, in reality, it's 10x more dangerous now than during the Russian occupation. Back when women actually went through forests in order to get back from working in the city, even with Russians around. Now every second woman tells you she's too afraid of going outside when it is dark. Imagine that, drunk Russian occupants presented less of a danger than "civilized Germans" do now.
Historically not true. I remember my grandparents telling me how the Russians went from village to village raping tons of girls and shutting up the people who would snitch.
eyo all shit is boring af bruh
For me, it's Vilsmaier's Stalingrad
nobody said the silent era of germany wasnt great or even the best (if you dont consider comedies witch america obviously ruled) and leni was influential. but everything you listen that i've seen and was made between triumph of the will and das boot is pure nonsense.
Perhaps during the war or shortly after it? Not that I would not agree that those things happened, they absolutely did.
My grandmother was born in 40, she told me she felt safer back then. Her mother had a bankjob in the city and drove through the forest, with the money and even picked fruits along the way, without worrying at all. I hear this alot actually, back then people felt safer than they do nowadays. Russians were bad but if we've gotten to the point where women are too scared of going outside at night you know shit is absolutely wrong.
After the war. My grandmother told me stories how they would hide the girls. On the other hand, all the women I know aren't scared to go out at night these days.
Probably down to different experiences from different regions.
The new state of Israel should have been established in Germany in the east and the occupation zones established and given to Britain France and the US should have been defacto separate countries for all the coloured people in America, France, Britain and their colonies in their respective occupation zones.
>thread turns into /pol/
like pottery
The women didn't really hide. They gladly spread their legs for Russians and Americans for some chocolate and cigarettes.
Nope. They pillaged AND raped.
I fucking love Aguirre zorn gottes, such a good movie.
they peaked early
They could've have killed themselves like other women in similar situations in history. If the German women truly had honour and loved the Fatherland, they would've killed themselves before getting raped by the conquerers. But German women never truly had honour or a sense of patriotism even though they lived in the most ethnonationalistic empire in the history of human civilisation. They preferred the spread their legs for a couple minutes and thus humiliate their race, state and family than doing the honourable thing and killing themselves.
Their problem is distribution and they make really edgy movies. The 2 best i saw were about a drug addict and the other about a serial killer in the schwartzwald. Both were really disturbing.
Contemporary germans are LITERALLY incapable of critical thinking, which you need even a tiny bit in order to be able to make art. Even the most low-IQ leftist director can sit down and analyze something critically, despite their generally misguided if not outright laughable sense of reality.
Downfall was the last good german movie, and before that, Das Boot which is almost 40 years old. Germany is an intellectual and creative cesspool, more so than the rest of Europe.