He deserved so much better...
He deserved so much better
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His death was kino as fuck though.
>dude, your mom was beautiful
i don't understand how that freed him from the control of the mindflayer. it was a fucking weird sequence
joyce's hesitation fucking got him killed. if she turned the keys a few seconds earlier, he'd still be alive.
neither did i Billy
It was controlling him by making him forget that humans had any worth. That one good memory was buried under all the ones of his dad being a twat.
Apparently he would have died no matter what because he was attached to the mindflayer. The show isn't clear on its rules though.
It was fucking Suzie and her demanding Dustin sing for 2 minutes
so how come will is still alive after being infected(?) by the mindflayer in season 2?
All I know is that that one part was fucking great. You guys know the part. And no, not him calling some fatty lardass. Him stopping the Meat Flayer.
>dude with a severe Oedipus complex
>remind him who he really is by bringing up the fact he wants to bang his mom
It was genius
What a cringy death, no, scratch that. What a cringy season.
>all that girl power shit shoved down the viewer's throat
>only BAAAD people and extras get to be infected because fuck making things interesting am I right?!
>remember when Joyce told Hopper that the other kids called Will a fag? Well guess what, he really is one!!!
>see that cute girl Steve has a thing for? well we felt that we needed even more progressive points this season so we're turning her into a dyke, haha!!!!!
>what's that? Billy is an interesting character and you want to see more of him? sorry but we can't have that kind of toxic masculinity in our show so we're killing him off
Have sex.
>have sex
Because they exorcised it out of Will. And they did it BECAUSE it was made clear that if they would close the doors earlier, Will would perish
Did you fuckers even watched S2?
Was just about to say this
Nice dubs btw
Too much sex dulls the brain.
>never got over his father
>never got to tell max that he does love her
>never teamed up with the rest of the gang to beat some monsters up
He deserved a proper redemption arc instead of just sacrificing himself for a mary sue.
why is he so handsome, bros?
because that's how real alphas supposed to look without powdering or roiding the shit outta themselves making them a bloated walking sack of shit
I dont get it, is happy thoughts that creature from a different world weakness or something? but why its a fucking inter dimensional alien not a christian demon
stop having sex whore
She didn't want to killl hopper, not her fault
hell nah nigga, his death was stupid
it showed the fucking mindflayer to be a dumbass who takes like 2 minutes to kill someone
he's a bully who has problems with his abusive dad with nothing else faggot
Was anyone else hoping he would snap out of it and kick some ass? Although since the monster this time was one big one it would be difficult which was one of my issues. All the characters were able to do this time is flee and stall. Only El could take it on with her Jedi powers.
Man, whatever the fuck happened to Justin Bieber?
It was the most emotional memory Billy had. That snapped him back.
>tfw Suzie killed everyone you loved
True. Both Hopper and Billy would still be alive.
*ahem* you mean to post him, didnt you OP?
This, fuck that bitch
I wish he'd banged Mrs. Wheeler at least once
Have kids.
hopper is still alive. he jumped in the rift.
I blame Hopper.
tell me I wasnt the only one who got a free cherry on 7/11 in his memory
Aye, the thought crossed my mind as well.
Still pissed at El for not contacting Kali or anyone really from S2. Somehow thinking a group of kids think they outwit and defeat a possessed Billy, when it took the combined effort of everyone from last season such as Joyce, Hooper, Jonathan and Nancy with exorcising the mind flayer from Will while El was shutting the gate. What made her think she could take on Billy as a host, if they acted sooner with greater force to exorcise the mind flayer all this shit could have been avoided
I really hope they don't do this. Hoppers death had such an impact it would be silly if they brought him back.
This. Would be a very cheap move.
я хoчy зaщищaть этy yлыбкy
It was a long time ago that I watched Season 1 and 2 but did we ever find out WHY they keep wanting to open that dimension? Like do they never learn? Also that monster in the end did it mean that they opened the portal again or did that thing somehow get stuck on earth? I don't remember all the details from the previous seasons anymore.
Did you even watch this season?
yeah that bitch managed to kill the two most kino characters, I hope she gets aids fucking that toothless mutt
Why was Suzie mad at Dustin and not the other way around? It was her who didn't answer him so everyone thought Dustin was making her up.
Criminally wasted because they didn't know how to write for him. He was scary and his violence was escalating last season. It was only a matter of time before he really lost his shit. So they opted for the Mindflayer cop out. This way the writers didn't have to address any of Billy's many psycho tendencies and he's free from consequences because he's being controlled by a space monster now. And that fucking 'redemption' scene was just awful. Suddenly he's 'good' for a moment because he had a nice mom? And Max this season is super loving when it comes to Billy? Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't she scared shitless of him all last season? What about fallout from the drugging? What about the threat to murder him? Nope nothing to see here.
Everyone was acting out of character this season anyway. Take Max and Eleven for example. Last season Eleven fucking hated Max because she was getting in her way to Mike, but now through some unseen off screen magic they are besties and fuck Mike just because? That made no sense. They only did it so they could have the Girls Rule Boys Drool story line. Which wouldn't have been that bad if it didn't last most of the season. I think that is Season three's biggest problem. They don't know when to stop and when to push. Many serious and comedic moments fell flat because they went on forever. Like the Neverending Story bit absolutely kills all the 'tension' that was almost non existent anyway, because most of the cast is safe. It felt like I was watching a parody of the show at times. These are but a few of my issues with season three. It had it's moments, but by and large it is the worst season they've made. And the third act being almost exclusively in seizure vision didn't fucking help matters one bit.
Clearly that must be the issue
He's with 72 milfs in heaven
Listen to this guy
I wish I hadn't.
I wish when he banged Mrs. Wheeler's head on that shelf that it wasn't a fake out. Missed opportunities.
based Alexi
How can it be anything, but him being alive? Why do you think that Eleven conveniently loses her powers for the ending? It's so she can't find out that Hopper is alive.
You could try actually arguing against any and all of my points, but you can't and won't. What parts do you see differently? I'm down for a real conversation about it. Prove my points to be wrong.
If I don't see Dacre Montgomery in opening credits of S4 I will riot
Alexei is the one who deserved better
Best you're getting is a 'Previously on Stranger Things'. The ending of this season is shit. All the emotional stuff doesn't hit like it should because we all know good and well that Hopper is alive. I guess I should've felt sad about them moving, but we all know that shit isn't going to stick either.
>based Steve gets shat on by terrible decision of gay inclusion with unfortunate implications
>based Hopper dies
>best boy Mike is sidelined
Pretty bad season desu
We saw those large cages in the facility under the mall that were pretty obviously hinted at as holding those creatures. So they could have gotten it from there as well.
Smirnoff also said there were many gates in Russia but they weren't quite right and used Hawkins because it was easier. Based on the opening scene my guess is even in Russia maybe they can open a gate however briefly and maybe one or two get through.
Don't forget
>ginger is niggered because Kikes get off on it
I have 50k in savings. im considering getting a really nice car like billy's and also growing my hair out. I'm in decent shape, i need to lose some fat though, i can definitely lift more than him at the moment. will laso have to by some tighter clothes and a nice leather jacket, not sure if i also want my ear pierced
He looks a little like every movie star actor ever
based Billy blocked the ugly ass spider with bare hands
fuck suzie that fucking bitch
You would have to absolutely miss the point of the character and of Dacre's masterful performance to think otherwise. Even though he was constrained by truly abhorrent writing, Dacre managed to stand out and actually improvised and wrote all the profound parts (ex. Billy's Dad's scene in S2).
The Duffer faggots unironically killed Billy off because Dacre wrote him better than they did and the soibois couldnt stand to get outperformed.
Also, Billy did absolutely nothing wrong when he confronted Steve in S2. He went to get his sister knowing full well that, if he went back empty handed, he would have had the shit kicked out of him by the only person he truly hates. Billy took his anger from his dad out on steve (he was crying as he nearly killed him) and pinned the black against the wall in the same manner his dad did to him. The "no one tells me what to do" should have made it obvious. Billy was never a horrible person and it was completely in character from him to be detested by his flayed self's actions and to break the chain at the end. If you couldn't recognize that, you're an absolute mong
A masculine face, coupled with some feminine features like the eyes/eyelashes and lips.
based and alexeipilled
>speak Russian
>they actually said the AmericanS (plural) and not the American in the final episode
oh no no no
semen retention
hes actually pretty goofy looking, he could have easily fell into the Yea Forums loop and been a loser
Billy was a horrible person for taking out his wrath on people that didn't fucking deserve it. Was his dad a piece of garbage? Yes. Does that give Billy the right to nearly kill people that aren't his father? No. Billy deserved better. All the characters deserved better this season. It seems that the Duffers are flying by the seat of their pants with no concrete plan for any of this.
Same with Steve. There would be no Steve aka the heart and soul If Joe Keery didn't charm the Duffers enough not to kill him off in S1
Stranger Things is carried by the actors
God I wish I could watch that beautiful human fuck Mrs. Wheeler
Yeah it's kind of weird that nobody is at all concerned with the fact that dozens (if not hundreds) of people died because they got absorbed by the mind flayer
he said amerikantSYI and not ameriKANETZ (meaning there was more than one american potentially in the holding cell)
The subtitles fucked it up and it's obviously not the biggest issue this season had but fuck it
Yeah Billy was a cop-out, but the Billy is a sociopath racist angle from S2 was extremely cringeworthy and didn't fit into the 80s action/scifi/horror tone of the series at fucking all. The writers realized this and instead of sacrificing the tone of the show and addressing it again just made him crab people. Better than once again having a violent racist sociopath in an escapist nostalgia show.
>Last season Eleven fucking hated Max because she was getting in her way to Mike, but now through some unseen off screen magic they are besties
Off screen magic? Did we watch the same show or are you brain damaged? Mike and her were spending literally all of their time together and this was established. The one reason you gave for El hating Max is shown extremely obviously as no longer being there. Then Mike starts acting weird and lies to her so El asks the only other girl she knows with a boyfriend for help and they bond. They're also teenage girls and they change allegiances like in the show on a dime. You might have known this if you weren't so pathetic in high-school.
>h-he's just like me!
Keep telling yourself that
enjoy your mid life crisis
>hes actually pretty goofy looking, he could have easily fell into the Yea Forums loop and been a loser
He looks like an actually white michael jackson
He should not be allowed to cut his hair.
>become american
>get shot
he was the best addition to the show, of course they have to fuck it all up, he was so adorable enjoying america
god, I fucking hate Yea Forums
It takes him from a 10 to a 7.
Of course this dogshit show would kill off the only good character.
Steve is so much better looking though
>sacrificing yourself for a woman that beat you up
>sacrificing yourself to save your qt sister
The mullet he had in the show was just a wig, he never actually had it grown out.
That's only a pseudo mullet. A true mullet is shorter on top and on the sides.
build civilization.
How can you blame Hopper when it was Murray who left him alone to get some corndogs?
>all these butthurt replies
Still works after all this time. Meanwhile dilate doesn’t get a single (you)
the newspaper at the end said 30 people dead in mall fire so the government just blamed it on that
Didn't even notice his watch until now. Looks pretty good
Imagine taking the time to read all this
>Hey #11, I'm #6. I have cool powers too.
>I can make people see bugs and stuff teehee
>Thats cool, I can
>use telekinesis
>use far sight
>read minds
>open and close portals to another dimension
Ah but pajeet #6 can you not shit in the street?
it's worth it
Would someone with Dacre's face and decent-ish body actually get doted on by girls in the eighties and presently as a 5'9 manlet?
I showed him to my mom and she said "oooohhh he's so cute", but once she saw that he's 5'9" she went "oh, he's a bit short", while she's a 5'4" womanlet. She finds Gemma Arterton mediocre, Cate Blanchett gorgeous and Willem DaFoe handsome, so make of that what you will.
You could be a hideous C.H.U.D. in the 80s and score hot chicks if you had the right attitude. Today you have to be the total package.
Isn't he 5'10?
>liking a racist
Steve's 5'10". Billy's 5'9".
How do we go back?!
Blanchett is beautiful I suppose but I feel a strong attraction to her personally, and there are plenty of blondes I'd love to fuck. I'd rather have Arterton. I can understand DaFoe being attractive to women as he does have a personality and charisma but he's no astounding male specimen.
That chick sucked her friends sucked and you suck for being such a retard
*I do not feel a strong attraction
Why could a woman get yet over a charming ugly guy back then but charming ugly guy is a massive no no now?
Dafoe has big dick energy. No man stays that thin for so long without having a monster dong. Women can sense that.
I just tried to give you a bit of background, because she does have a sort of weird taste.
Well yeah, we know DaFoe has a big dick because we've seen it. But my mom doesn't. DaFoe just has that kin of face that you either find attractive or not, because it's unique and mysterious. Plus he's got a deep voice. My mom also finds Amanda Seyfried very beautiful.
Mine does too. Never liked Pitt, prime DiCaprio, has gone off Cavill yet was attracted to Stephen Dillane, Matthew Macfayden, etc. Most conventional one she likes is Aidan Turner when doing his Poldark thing.
The internet ruined dating for like 90% of men.
>You let us in. And now, you are going to have to let us stay. Don’t you see? All this time, we’ve been building it. We’ve been building it…for you. All that work, all that pain…all of it…for you. And now it’s time. Time to end it. And we are going to end you. And when you are gone, we are going to end your friends. And then we are going to end…everyone.
Based Thanos
Oh, she likes Pitt, Michael Pitt as well, but prefers Affleck to Cavill.
>escapist nostalgia show
This is why I was so convinced they were gonna do a redemption arc, ppl forget Steve was an asshole in s1 and then did a pivot to good guy when it counted, and that's why he's such a favorite. Writers could have brought Billy into the team and brought some weird interesting energy, but instead they keep going weirdly dark and unapologetically murdering people in their "escapist nostalgia show." It's so obvious who they're going to kill now too, I don't know how people can think this show is well crafted when it's obvious what's going to happen by the end of the season in episode one.
>It's so obvious who they're going to kill now too
Who's getting the axe next smart guy?
>that single tear that falls from his eye
>tfw no more Billy
Billy said the N-word in season 2. He gets no redemption arc because SJWs believe that white males are pure evil and can't change.
>didn't manage to protect Max from getting niggered
Fucker should've stomped the nog's head in.
I liked how they put him in the Platoon pose.
He reminds me of Jason Patric in The Lost Boys. Jason was way Chadlier though.
Hm, good point, yeah, they do look similar. Dacre's more "beautiful", Jason's manlier.
He never said nigger though.
Funny how a show about the past is showing us our future.
Really makes you think.
He got to be the most interesting character of the season and got the best death.
If they didn't delay with stupid "Bald Eagle" codename. Billy and Hopper would be alive.
I did not read this
And sassy black girl constantly quipping while they can get shot in the head by Russians at any moment.
What if I told you Billy isn't dead?
Too much toxic masculinity for the show, even with the abusive father and the perfect mother
He was really charming but he was sending off his death signal when he said he would become an American citizen and escape the Russians. Still felt bad when he died.
I like how Max was sad at first but the next scene is her and Lucas singing The Neverending Story. Really grieving! Did he even get a funeral? I wonder what Mrs. Wheeler thought when her chad would never save her from her cuck husband.
I can't wait for 90's and 00's nostalgia to show male bosses treating women in the workplace badly like its the 60's.
The only good thing to come out of Stranger Things 3 is Dacre Montgomery breaking out and becoming a star.
I really hope he gets work moving forward.
As far as the character of Billy Hargrove, talk about wasting away.. The actor, the look, that character is a wet dream for any creative writer.
Got me good
6'0" is a g-good height...
why people like alexei too much?
he's a based character even with the little development he got
i'd do a russian taunt with him no homo
All they had to do was light Billy on fire
Stargate confirmed. Hopper is alive and jumped to the second "gate" in Russia. It was a good reference. Hoping for a SG-1 cameo next season.
I would really have liked to see him fuck nancy's mom.
I'm glad this asshole jerk with the face of a femme drag queen is dead. Good riddance.
Dude if my little sister is at some weird dude's house and he fucking lies to me about her being there then I'm going to feel pretty warranted trying to kill him.
Real hot take man.
>We’ve been building it…for you
The fucking facial expression he makes when he says "...for you." is incredible.
billy is a
big guy
>ppl forget Steve was an asshole in s1 and then did a pivot to good guy when it counted, and that's why he's such a favorite
That's not how it worked at all, fag. Steve was shown to be a good buy from the start who was too obsessed with keeping his popularity up. Johnathan was a creep, and Steve saw himself protecting Nancy from him. By the end of the season, he learned that he was too concerned with his image and learned to lighten up. This guy is pretty much the only character to go through development.
I felt pretty sad that best boy was sidelined this season.
I would kill to have a friend like this character.
Anyone else get a boiner when he was strangling eleven?
The worst character by a fucking mile.
That singing scene was so fucking cringe I literally had to look away.
>gay irrelevant side-character
got a boner when hopper was beating the shit out of the mayor
Are you memeing or something? We all know that even ir they did the things ASAP the russian Terminator would attack sooner anyway to compensate for it, same if they were singing for an entire hour the russian Terminator was going to appear exactly one hour later
Did you get extra triggered when Max introduced BBC fetish to 11?
no he didnt it was good for his character arc
self redeeming pretty boy dickhead
The actor probably fucked up his lines and there was no Russian speaking script supervisor to correct him. I'm going with subtitles as being the official canon.
Where is the gay thing coming from? His development is just delayed. He just wants to play board games with his bros and not listen to boring relationship talk.
What the fuck would Murray do against the Russian Terminator? use his Kabbalah magick?
Look at him. He's a 14 year old little twink fuck with no interest in girls.
Yeah and I'm saying they could've done the same thing with Billy. They basically said he was too fucked up from the abuse and not worth saving. The stakes are higher because he did some genuinely fucked up stuff, but he was still a kid. People can come back from that. Just saying it would've been more interesting than what they did.
Because every fat bitch is a yes slay Queen who can get instant validation and confidence boost on the internet from thirsty betas and other fat bitches.
Literally me
They hinted at it with Mike calling him out for not being interested in girls
>he was sending off his death signal when he said he would become an American citizen
What really sealed his fate is that he wanted to see Montana
Did the show check the gay boy box yet? If no, then add more gay characters.
>Not using your foul Jew sorcery to directly attack the Terminator's bank account and save your new best friend.
There's no such thing as asexuality. That's just an excuse used by girls taking a break from cock but who aren't interested in pussy.
This post deserves more (you)s
Also Murray was the best part of season 1, I am happy he got a bigger role
I really dislike the Mindflayer's motivation, he just seems like a butthurt child, it would've been much better for him to just take control of El
the showrunners don't have enough intellect to make that work they'd rather have bullshit teen drama
A bunch of dudes with sniper rifles would be better at killing 11 then a big blob monster.
>only now I've realized he's based on Billy Hicks from St. Elmo's Fire
Who wins in a fight?