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>Muh unadjusted figures

Literally fucking worthless. Even if Avengers were to beat Avatar, it would still not have actually made more money. All figures should be at a minimum be inflation adjusted. But Hollywood doesn't like that because it would show the top movie is not Avatar or anything else released recently. And actually since ticket prices have far outstripped the inflation rate, the important numbers should be in tickets sold. But Hollywood REALLY doesn't like that because it would show even though the US population has more than doubled since the 40s, they're actually selling fewer tickets than back then.


>7m till a fucking sequel becomes highest grossing movie showing absolute death of cinema
Now Transformers 12 or Fast&Furious 21 will be the highest grossing films soon because retards love sequels.

you need to adjust the avatar figures to account for the higher ticket prices for 3D. when you do so, avatar only made $1.9 billion

And then you need to take into account how long older movies stayed in cinemas for. Gone with the Wind had a 4 year initial run. It didn't have anything like TV or Netflix to deal with as competition. It was re-released over 6 times over 60 years. Adjusting for inflation is retarded because the world and technology has changed dramatically since then.

i dont get it, is it winning or not?

Return of Skywalker will beat them both in a heartbeat


who cares just pick a side and laugh at the other one

Yeah it'll prob beat it by a few million when its all said and done.

This will give them reason to release Avatar for 10 years anniversary.

i thought the analysts said it was a uphill battle?!?

Will capeshitters ever recover? Serious question.

The only thing that would make this better is if Avatar 2 would get the #1 spot

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>my favourite corporation won!

>Every time

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with inflation, tickets now are more expensive than 3d avatar tickets in 2009

Disney has to have been losing money for a while at this point right? Do they just want bragging right or something?

Yup, because Disney are going to buy all the tickets.

Imagine not depicting the adjusted for inflation stats lmao. I bet Disney paid these shitty sites to mask the inflation adjusted numbers so as to hide the fact that despite dumping billions into marketing, buying entire theatres to generate hype, signing on (((A-listers))) to attract normies and pumping out 22 generic formulaic "heres your CGI bro" tier cringefests they couldnt even crack top 10.

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>it would still not have actually made more money.
By that metric, Gone with the Wind made more money.

>Imagine not depicting the adjusted for inflation stats lmao.
I feel like you've moved the goalpost after claiming that Endgame would never reach Avatar's gross as is.

>Disney has to have been losing money for a while at this point right?
>reaches Avatar's lifetime gross at half the time it's been out on theaters
>Disney is long money because of this

Galaxybrained take there. COPE.

Endgame won't stay at the top.

Disney would be retarded to not push for a rerelease of Avatar in China. They could easily make another 50 million+ from CHina alone, since the cinema market grew like crazy in the past decade.

He means losing money at keeping 1500 screens for like $100 per screen or something, obviously

It did.

money laundering scheme

Avatar was a stand alone flick. Endgame is basically the end of a story spanning 22 separate films over a decade with insane budgets and endless marketing. So how exactly is it moving goal posts when Endgame literally had an evil megacorp backing it while Avatar was literally a single mans vision? Also this is excluding the fact that Avatars ROI is probably orders of magnitude above Marvel

>He means losing money at keeping 1500 screens for like $100 per screen or something

By that logic, Avatar lost money at keeping 3D screenings. It's moronic to think that they chased a higher gross to lose money.

>Avatar was a stand alone flick. Endgame is basically the end of a story spanning 22 separate films over a decade with insane budgets and endless marketing.
Ah, there's where the goalpost went.


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Why the fuck are marvel shills all using whataboutism?
When the fuck did I support avatar?
When did the person you replied to?
They are losing money *now* only to gain more when they (since they now own avatar) re-release avatar and people flock to see it to get it past avengers back to #1
As for Avatar I'm not exactly sure it lost money on 3D screenings since it basically made the same from weekend 1 up to weekend 20 or whatever, but you could be right that at some point it lost money too

> Implying Fox is a saint that didn't do nothin

The avaturds are getting nervous

Why don't you compare admissions?

>quoting a moron that is literally talking outta his ass with no source or proof to back up his figure

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If anything this proves that capitalism (aka market competition) works
Noone would go watch avengers 100+ times if not to have it beat Avatar

>supporting consumer marketing over supporting your nation
Odd kind of feel.

The next era of humanity is homo-globo, nations will be a thing of the past
For better or for worse, this is the future

That's good. Nations and religions were causes of Wars and conflicts. Not to mention different languages making it hard to understand each other. Humans are the only spieces that created these artificial differences.

I agree


this is the only quality post ITT
both avaturds and marvlels should be ashamed of themselves

First off, many of the other more intelligent mammals such as other primates, cannids, and cetaceans also developed tribal behavior, and various groups will fight and kill one another. Secondly, nations are the result of conflict, it is the natural evolution of tribalism. People like to pretend that we are somehow separate from nature, but we aren't. We are the result of a bunch of hydrogen atoms swirling around billions of years ago. Everything we do is a natural evolution of what came before.

Unironically maximum IQ poster.

Cringing very hard imagining the hardcore Marvel basedboy buying every tickets they can to make it the biggest movie of all time.
I hope they fail, the meltdown would be hilarious

> endgame: ten years of effort building a cinematic universe that no other studio was able to come even close to replicate.

> avatar: soulless garbage with null impact among pop culture made by a fucking hack that lost his mojo during the 90s.

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I hope Jimbo suddenly does a limited 10th anniversary IMAX anniversary rerelease of Avatar this year just to steal it back and make you capeshitters seethe.

You capeshiters never fail to make me laugh at your miserable threads

avaturds absolutely sweating right now

Can I pick both?

I prefer taking 3rd side and laugh at both.

Is Endgame ever going to be taken out of the theatre?

>no inflation adjusted

of course
this is lame tho

There's nothing more soulless than Endgame though

The re-release in China when?

Yeah, Disney can find that somewhere.

>Alita bombed
>Titanic and Avatar get dethroned by Marvel
>New Terminator looks garbage

Is Cameron okay? Life seems to be blowing him the fuck out.

It's pretty much guaranteed that avatar is gonna get BTFO any week now

Cameron must be seething right now

Friendly reminder Cameron hasn't directed anything since last Avatar. He simply puts his name on bunch of projects that people identify him with and gets shitload of cash in return. Alita was directed by Rodriguez.