>Johansson says in the statement given to EW by her rep that the interview as it’s been quoted “has been edited for click bait and is widely taken out of context.”
>“The question I was answering in my conversation with the contemporary artist, David Salle, was about the confrontation between political correctness and art,” she continues. “I personally feel that, in an ideal world, any actor should be able to play anybody and Art, in all forms, should be immune to political correctness. That is the point I was making, albeit didn’t come across that way. I recognize that in reality, there is a wide spread discrepancy amongst my industry that favors Caucasian, cis gendered actors and that not every actor has been given the same opportunities that I have been privileged to. I continue to support, and always have, diversity in every industry and will continue to fight for projects where everyone is included.”
Scarlett Johansson backtracks her comments after causing controversy
Other urls found in this thread:
>Rub & Tug
formerly Sneed
chuck & fuck
Seriously. All this over "high art" called Rub & Tug.
i'd like to rub and tug her if you know what i mean lol haha
Lol, like fucking clockwork. Stupid jew deserved to be criticized, you reap what you sow
>against political correctness and diverse casting
>calls out fake news
I like this redemption arc
What the fuck does she think political correctness is? It’s the very thing she then has to kowtow to and this is unironically a PC apology. But she’s against it. Like fuck.
I still think it's hilarious that all the trannies shit on her for not being trans, so they got her removed. But without her, they don't get their tranny empowerment movie made.
what was the original comment that was "taken out of context"?
based and wokepilled
do you think trannies get dilation breaks as part of their contracts when they sign on to film a movie?
suck and fuck
something like "I believe any actor should be allowed to play any role"
People were pissed she was playing a tranny, she said being an actor she should be allowed to play anyone. And she is right, casting directors should be able to cast whoever the fuck they want without taking into the accounts of other people's feelings. Trannies struggle in the industry because nobody wants to fucking look at them let alone buy tickets to watch them winge for 90 minutes.
all trans niggers should fucking hang
Have you forgotten that she's a KIKE?
Deception is part and parcel with those RATS.
>gets cast to play an FTM tranny
>trannys are upset that a biological female is portraying another biological female
>trannys also think that people are cast on the back of their lived experience and not on their ability to get bums on seats
Trannys should hang
waiting for the day that the small jews will flip on the big jews
This. It was so predictable.
>Art, in all forms, should be immune to political correctness.
>industry that favors Caucasian, cis gendered actors and that not every actor has been given the same opportunities that I have been privileged to.
Please tell me, Yea Forums. Why do you guys hate Jews?
>expecting women to be smart
>favors Caucasian
It favors Jews.
Scarlett made the mistake of telling the truth in public. You can't do that in current year. Tow the far left retarded liberal line or be destroyed.
Nepotism, banking, genociding races they don't like, forcing other countries to go to war for them, the usual.
So you guys ACTUALLY hate Jews? Sorry, I'm a newfag. But I thought it was all just edgy jokes.
As a rule of thumb, there really is no "we" on Yea Forums, despite many of the users sharing similar mindsets/personality traits.
Personally, I don't hate jews at all. I hate individuals.
It's canned NPC dialogue; just click through
Son of a fucking bitch.
You never, EVER, try to reason with SJWs. Those fuckers will swarm in with a victim mentality, they will cause an uproar on social media which will spread to all major media news outlets, and purposely minsconstrue any comments they deem unfavorable to their agenda.
They're like sharks, and when they smell blood, they attack. And this bitch just menstruated in the pool.
It doesn’t really have much to do with Jews, or trannies, or any of that. What I hate is knee jerk reactionary “outrage culture” that drowns out freedom of expression via upvote groupthink bandwagon mentality. The hacker known as fourchan will always be the enemy of the reddit state.
T. Redditor
She's just saying that diversity and shit is great if it allows talentless whiote women get roles that were attributed to white males. But if a black females start taking her place as a more opressed minority, that's PC. White feminists are cancer.
We’ve crossed over to the point that “political correctness” is nothing short of allowing trannies to actually have sex with children.
It’s what they’ve advocated for, but now it’s really affecting them they’re starting to worry
>”omg movie executive Mr. Goldberg, we need more diversity, all power to all peeples!”
>Okay then
>nignogs and assorted mudwomen crowd the talent pool and squeeze out white feminists
>”like geeze what’ll I do for work now?!”
>have sex (with me, shiksa.)
Scarlett Johansson is not your penis!
natpo and scarjo are smol jews
A rabbi made my mother fuck a black man
Go fuck yourself
tell me who runs hollywood moshe
>cis gendered
I can't believe people are actually using these nonsense terms. It's either fucking hysterically hilarious, or it's monumentally depressing.
They're so cute, I wanna pet them.
>implying you wouldn't be their pet
>It’s what they’ve advocated for, but now it’s really affecting them they’re starting to worry
White women advocated for this because they are the biggest recipient of affirmative action. All companies are hiring women to meet 50/50 quotas but if ethnic minorities are taking a white woman's job, they bring up merit and working hard although they wouldn't even be employed if merit was in line. White feminists are big hypocrites
Wino is extra smol
disgusting beings tbqhfamalam
Rats are very intelligent, you put a glue trap down and one gets caught, the rest quickly learn to avoid glue traps so you have to use those snap traps and they learn how to eat all the food off the traps without setting it off.
Holy shit, I barely noticed the little nigga.
I'd would consider being ok with Jews if they call off the war they started against every other culture in the world.
"im a jewess who wants to rub and tug nigger cock"
I don't hate them it's just that they control the American media, government and popular entertainment. Everyone is of course an individual but they're so dominant in institutions of immense authority that they form networks and entrain others into their vector field which results in social conditioning of the entire host nation, e.g. in political media they gatekeep for eachother even those on the opposite side of the spectrum which gives them control over the entire system.
"Tikkun Olam" means manipulate the gentiles. Cicero hated the Jews, they couldn't exist if they acted like everyone else or they would've assimilated a long time ago. Now they're destroying the Anglo-American legacy for their benefit and this is bad if you're what they consider an "Amalekite." Therefore being an anti-Semite is cool especially in America right now. I tell girls about this all the time and they immediately want to suck my dick. People just love me at parties whenever I bring this up they can't get enough.
Small Jews abet the big Jews. It's like how normal Muslims don't do terrorism, but nonetheless they'd all like to see a global caliphate.
t. gamma male Vox Day watcher
Calm down incel
They’re angry virgins
Whites have been expelled from 190 countries
Have sex
Your obsession with Jews is scary. How much do you think about them every hour?
Lmao this pol sperg larping as a chad. You had me until that ridiculous larp at the end
>I recognize that in reality, there is a wide spread discrepancy amongst my industry that favors Caucasian, cis gendered actors and that not every actor has been given the same opportunities that I have been privileged to. I continue to support, and always have, diversity in every industry and will continue to fight for projects where everyone is included
Was the gun pointing at her head visible when she read that off or did they manage to keep it out of frame?
Most nazis were trannys man
Obsessions are never healthy
Boy that didn't take long
The funny thing being that it's Jewish actors who have the largest disproportion in Hollywood.
But, you know how that goes.
Lmao this ADL agent larping as user. You had me until that ridiculous larp larp larp
Who cares?
Why are you so obsessed with Jews and invent these crazy scenarios where you have friends?
It was a joke and Jews control America.
Stupid Bane crash your fucking plane AHahahha
that's gonna be a yikes from me
But if we let that shit slide, they'll keep casting niggers as white characters.