Why did she keep teasing shinji with sex even up until the very moment she died?

why did she keep teasing shinji with sex even up until the very moment she died?

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she's a slut? i mean that's what they do.

she felt alone


she's an ephebophile in one draft of an episode she gets jealous of kaworu and thinks hes porking shinji

he’s an incel? I mean they deserve to be mocked


fuck off back to Yea Forums, degenerate

she was a drunken slut

Nah, she was legitimately soliciting him for sex. Partially because she's a slut, and partially because she feels sorry for shinji because he's an incel virgin faggot

>because she's a woman

If I were teased by an attractive older woman when I was a kid, even if it never went beyond teasing, then at least I'd have some fond memories of when someone pretended to want me.

why did chuck keep teasing sneed with sex even up until the very moment he sold the shop?

Really? I was under the impression she thought he was so pathetic that she had to tease him with sex to make him cheer up a bit. Man I really didn't know

>Nah, she was legitimately soliciting him for sex.

Just because it's on shitflix doesn't mean this doesn't belong to Yea Forums

Doesn't mean you shouldn't be permabanned for life for the incredibly stupid "muh seed and feed" spamming you literal retard

>tell animu shitters to go home
>somehow that means I'm šneed poster
I hate that meme. Changes exactly nothing about the fact that you should fuck off back to Yea Forums.

It's literally all she was good for.

>hates šneed

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Anime is a form of television
Please tell me where in the rules it says that anime (a form of television) can't be discussed on Yea Forums (a board for televison and film discussion)

It's on my tv

Right here

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Why didn't she sleep with every male in NERV

Why didn't she sleep with ME

Fuck off back to your Sneed thread you literal retards

How about you fuck off back to Yea Forums weeb

She is a pedophile slut.

Rei is the best girl.



Rei a fucking shit


Rei is a fucking million years old.

Imagine the experience.

have sneed, sneedcel

My god. All you capeshitters infesting this dumb websight since forever saying anime is "hot garbage" to quote one of yous, is really rich coming from the likes of you. What utter hypocrisy. And I don't often use that phrase lightly.

YOU are a fucking 14 billion years old or thereabouts if you really think about it.

>i don't like things that are not pre-packeged for me by jewllywood


This. It’s not teasing. It’s her way of being nice to Shinji. After all, it’s her job to motivate him to fight the angels.

>muh lifeless doll
thanks but i like my girl with a little spirit and temper like asuka, the top waifu

Didn't she literally proposition him that one time and he said "no"? She was on the rebound after Kaji was killed, but still he's a child compared to her. What was she thinking? She wasn't thinking. She was traumatized. That's it.