I want kino's where boomers suffer and get what's coming to them

I want kino's where boomers suffer and get what's coming to them

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they suffer with each remake and diversity casting of reboots of their favorite franchises.
source, im a 36 yo boomer

Here's an idea, grow the fuck up. I grew up in an abusive home but instead of complaining like a little bitch I worked my ass off, graduated valedictorian, got a full ride at Berkely and will be starting in silicon valley in a few months time. As I'm a responsible adult I also gave 50k if savings from scholarships and working part time, and will be able to buy a house with a mortgage in a few months at 21 and in cash at 25ish.

Don't even mean this as a joke I cannot stand the constant moaning it's downright pathetic, I did it you can too. And let me just reiterate, I am 21 and did this alone before I get accused of being a "boomer" by some retard who can't read

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It's frightening how my parents look both nothing like these people and also exactly like them.


>im a 36 yo boomer
I mean actual boomers you mongoloid millennial

it's true though

Absolutely no one cares.

shut up, dumb frog posting nigger.

>Loser gets ignored my parents, copes with it by becoming Amazon worker drone, smiling with glee.

Definitely not a result of the generation of sociopaths, people like this being considered "winners" for cramming themselves into overhyped pajeet/chink factories.

>silicon valley
enjoy trooning out for gibs

>waaaah waaah the world is against me what should I do
>grow up, work hard, go to a good college, get a good job


Yes life was easier for them. It's still pathetically easy now.

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>frogposting blogposting millennial
kys faggot

>Has overcome the rat race by going going into the most insectoid, shitskin infested career track

Enjoy tinkering with your code, I got an interview with Citibank in a week

>affording a house
>Bay Area

I live in the Bay and you won't be able to afford a house. Sorry zoomer. Boomers fucked you.

I legit cannot think of anything more boring than IB, but if that's what you want to do then good for you. I'd pick SV any day though and if I get bored I can easily do something else.

Yeah alright keep making excuses

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any vietnam war movie

That movie with Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep and Bruce Willis, I forgot what it was called but all the boomer characters get punished

Dude just letting you know I could kick your fucking ass. Don't step to me punk ass bitch

>I live in the Bay and you won't be able to afford a house. Sorry zoomer. Boomers fucked you.

I live nowhere near there and where I live, Boomers have made houses that should only be $75K-100K are approaching a half a million each with no signs of stopping. Homes that were 150K are now million dollar homes, usually. Good fucking luck, and remember, Boomers never had to deal with:

>mandatory car insurance
>mandatory health insurance
>stagnate wages
>inflation only got really bad around 1979
>social media showing everyone where the good places were, so they had peace and quiet, but you won't-ever

Really doubt that when I've been training effective martial arts for 5 years

Freddy Got Fingered

Wow, have you ever seen a poster just oozing with more white, cishet male privilege than this?

Absolutely disgusting.

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>martial arts for 5 years
Not them, but unless it's wrestling or boxing, you've wasted your time and the reality is that most guys can still kick your ass.

>victim of child abuse turns into a dumb frogposter
sad but predictable

Bjj and muay Thai. Meming aside it's extremely easy to wreck an average untrained person doing just one of these for 2 years, don't believe me and you're big yourself go to a local bjj gym and politely ask to roll with a blue belt (2 years) to see how effective it is.

Also doing literally any of them even the total memes like aikido could let you wreck the average person more often than not simply cause you're most likely to be reasonably fit.

Stop hating your parents, loser

The one on the left has some nice tits. I'd do her.

Lol sounds like another bitch for big P and the boys

OK, if you're good at that alone, then I wouldn't want to mess with you. If you had said "karate" I would have laughed.

Except for a sperm donation to my mom, my dad almost gave me nothing, yet he made sure that he was super comfortable always. Typical boomer.


>complains on Yea Forums
Keep crying bitch nigger

Death Becomes Her

Do you realise how completely crap untrained people are at fighting? Bjj and similar let you take people effortlessly, I'm sure something like karate (or anything with striking) would allow you to wreck someone untrained after 5 years even if there's a considerable size difference

t. actual one (why-pee-po don't talk like that)

Do you even know your dad?

>Do you realise how completely crap untrained people are at fighting?

>Bjj and similar let you take people effortlessly,

>I'm sure something like karate (or anything with striking) would allow you to wreck someone untrained after 5 years even if there's a considerable size difference
HAHAHAHHAHA no. A karate-only "fighter" will be utterly destroyed by anyone with a good grasp on wrestling technique, or a boxer.

Yeah obviously, I clearly said untrained

I don't think you get it. Most martial arts are worthless and even an untrained man with a semi-good grasp of wrestling or boxing will annihilate a "karate man" or "kung fu" man. Tons of wasted movements, and moves that only work with the cooperation of the "attacker". Having said that, as a man who is good at wrestling, I would not choose to fight a man who is good at bjj.

Just look around IRL. The boomers that made poor dietary lifestyles are disabled and/or dying before our eyes.

show them this

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>previous generation bad

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Chick in pink on the left has hueg tats

>the generation we raised is bad
big thunk

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Boomers are the worst, user. For the most part, every generation previous to them gave more to the incoming generations and left the world in better shape, whereas Boomers did the opposite.

It is though

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>the bankers and big corps lobbying the gov against common citzens aren't the blame, its the boomer civilians who did just as much as we re doing against it that are the blame.
i smell lefty psyop.

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What generation do you think those bankers were/are, smart guy?

Not the same user but what do you mean no white people like that?

This is actually a good pick. That film shits on everything sacred.

>just fight amongst yourselves goy
>don't forget to blindly trust the replacement generation they are woke like you

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Only blacks say "bitch nigger".

not an argument though. those are boombers

Any Vietnam movie

Every time boomer tried doing something about them they were mocked by liberal media and the youth clapped and obeyed, now you enjoy your corporate slop.
Have another marvel moobie.

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>this so much this
lefty psyop confirmed

You see, if generations started the blame game amongst themselves that means the (((people))) who are truly blame get another pass to continue the good work while aging idiots blame dying/dead idiots thus freeying themselves from the responsibility of ever doing something about it.
its a perfect plan thats only achievable by a generation of mass propagandizable idiots.

remember kids, everything is ok as long as its not racist.

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>my genetics caused me to do a certain thing
>your genetics should cause you to do the exact same thing

>Every time boomer tried doing something
Wrong. Boomers were given everything. Fact.

I came from an abusive home myself and I had to care for my little sister on top of it, so I get where you're coming from. On the macro level, you're not wrong. When you get dealt a shit hand in your personal life, you play it the best you can to improve your future. However, on a macro scale, boomers undeniably fucked successive generations.

Boomers, specifically North American boomers, were the most well off and oppertunity rich generation in history. The rest of the developed world was in ashes after the second world war and would take years still to recover, presenting a literal world of opportunity to them. And what did they do with all this opportunity? They used it to line their own pockets in the short term and create an unsustainable security net that would only benefit them.
Boomers squandered years of economic gains, singlehanded dismantled the moral fabric of a civilization within one generation, and shuttered the doors and windows in their best attempt to block the new generations from reaching their heights.

This isn't to say the successive generations aren't without their own failures, its just important to understand what generation well and truly go the shit ball rolling.

>all the soft, fat commie fucks in here crying into their patchy beards because someone told them the truth that they're worthless

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The die-off will be glorious. Home prices will drop too because the people holding out for more money in order to have a second home in Hawaii will be dust. Yes, the banks will own most of those homes, but their choice will be to lower the prices or eat even larger costs.
Good times in 20 years.

>>all the soft, fat commie fucks in here crying into their patchy beards because someone told them the truth that they're worthless

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t. fat commie fuck crying into his patchy beard doing damage control for mommy boomer

>t. fat commie fuck crying into his patchy beard doing damage control for mommy boomer

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>if I spam the redditmeme pic I am right

life in the west is still pretty easy if you are not white

>/pol/mongoloids believe this

>th-this meme is reddit now! Haha am I right guys?

Millenials are the safety scissor generation, it's no wonder they have no idea how to improvise when a plan goes to shit, they never any frame of reference into adversity. so they just sit and cry with a diploma in their hand and wait for it all to get better. Pathetic

entitled shitskin

t. triggered redditor

>Destroy world
>Dude wtf you destroyed the world!

If you are not a millennial you should end your own life

Best gen, only gen

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