LASH(ana) LYNCH BONDAGE (is the new bond film a porno)

Her name is LASHana LYNCH playing as BOND

So this darkie named lash and lynch is gonna be bond(age)

What the fuck clown world are we living in

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Does that mean M stands for "massuh"?

shut the fuck up you ACKUALLY faggot

am I the only one that sees similar traits in her with this guy?

am I autistic?

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Have sex

Pull the kike cock out of your brain

Have you considered not being such a pathetic racist, OP

she's a handsome woman

respect other people's way of life, bigot

Imagine being black and being called Lynch

t. cumbrain

>anti racist
What a cuck

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she looks like she fucks white boys

>shes not bond
Of course she isnt shes a woman, why would a woman ever be "james" bond

Or are you so stupid you think they would do like a "jamie" bond or something?

They will slowly phase out the name James Bobd and replace it with 007, just watch

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They will just give her the codename 007.

also known as "testing the waters"

Literally looks like Michael Jackson before he went pale.