Here is your Batwoman, bro!

Here is your Batwoman, bro!

Attached: Ruby-Rose-exposing-boobs-2ZAE3D-819x1024.jpg (819x1024, 48K)

Would you Yea Forums?
I would

ugly tattooed degenerate skank

she cute
but that archer tat is pretty embarrasing desu

No. She looks sickly. Like she might have AIDS.

All of that just makes it better.

I bet OP is still confusing Batwoman and Batgirl

Jesus, what pathetic looking tits


Her ass is so terrible. No excuse for that.

she's too annoying i can't do it


of coursh

Surprisingly nice tits desu

I've literally picked up one night stands mashed on E that were rake thin and they had better tits than this bitch.
God, she's awful.

Im not gay, so yes I would.

It did 20 years ago now she's just normie trash

Those tits are off putting

why does she look like a borderlands character

>archer tattoo

So she's hot but a total dumbass. Dangerous combination

Just like all women: They look better with clothes on. No homo, I just like a well fitting outfit that highlights curves way more than the gross fleshy mass known as "bare skin"

Fuck you're right.

>So she's hot
Do people honestly find her hot? I find her repugnant but maybe it's just me.

>Archer tattoo

That can't be real

she'd be hot without the tattoos

and I mean a 7/10 hot not a 10/10 hot

I thought I was the only one. I'm legitimately more turned on by beautiful lingerie than with tits out in the open.

>these jr high notebook doodle tattoos
Millennial women are the absolute low point of humanity

Of all the tattoo she could have pick, she pick archer.

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not a thing only boomers and zoomers

because tattoos were done by a 5th grader