Movies to make you cry, I'll start
Forrest Gump
your name
Call me by your Name
And pic related
also Spiderman 2
Movies to make you cry, I'll start
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Speaking of Forrest Gump the ending of saving Private Ryan is good too
tfw you can't beat it
Kill yourself you tranny discord
The only good film on your list is Manchester by the Sea.
And Spiderman 2, forgot that.
>your name
>call me by your name
Why did you type this phrase multiple times? Are you having a stroke?
I think he's talking about the anime Kimi no Na wa.
That's not a good movie at all.
more like movies where the main character whines a lot
What an absolute pleb you are
Ironic, considering you need to be effeminate as fuck to enjoy a movie like Manchester by the sea.
How is that ironic at all you retard
tell me more, tranny
Man, i wish i could enjoy a movie just because i can self insert and be able to ignore how badly made it actually is.
Tell me how is it badly made.
Nah i ain't gonna do it.
Look it up on the archives if you really want, it's not just me who thinks it's badly made.
I am right there.
based argumentless mental midget tranny
One of the best scenes of any movie ever.
Learn how to write properly, teen.
learn how to form an actual argument, tranny
>trying this hard to waste my time
>you can't just die
yeah time is especially precious for trannies since they all kill themselves at a young age
How is it badly made? Except for editing, the film is very competently made.
Name some of your favourite films
Bitch (user), please
The basic premise is bad, i don't mind movies that just focus on a character and his feelings but the entire movie is just about Casey Affleck feeling like shit, that's not an actual movie, it's just a self-wank for people who call themselves doomers as if it's something to be proud of. If you're gonna make suffering porn then it needs to have something else, Jagten is a good example, since it shows the whole town and doesn't just focus on the self insert, and like you mentioned, the editing was one of the things that just sucked out any entertainment that i could've gotten out of it.
So it's not badly made, you just don't like the premise. No, films don't have to have anything else than the exploration of a character. Also in the end he gets a little bit better. Except for the editing the film is well made, just because you have a certain preconception of what the film should be that doesn't mean that the film is bad.
Although i guess you could say it would be more enjoyable if you were, as i said, an effeminate fag who can't even get his shit together and drink responsibly.
>it needs to have something else
What about the situational humor? All the family relationship scenes? The entire narrative before the tragedy? All the scenes with Patrick and his band or his girlfriends? The setting itself being a character?
>Jagten is a good example, since it shows the whole town
How does The Hunt show any more of the town than Manchester by the Sea? This is factually wrong.
>No, films don't have to have anything else than the exploration of a character.
What you're saying isn't the objective truth either. I believe you can't just have circlejerk movies and you believe they can.
Him drinking wasn't the problem you dumb tranny, forgetting to put on a firescreen can literally happen to anyone, it was an honest mistake.
It's not like he was so pissed drunk that he put the fire on for no reason, he even intentionally doesn't turn on the central heating because it dries out the sinuses of his wife.
In what was is this a circlejerk movie? You mention Jagten and other brainlets would call that film also a le circlejerk movie for the same reason you're calling this one.
>there's nothing there
Half of what you just said is the same thing repeated over and over again, i'm not gonna bother replying to you again since you're obviously a retard.
I mean it's not the only thing that's in the film, the films has a lot of other things going for it. If you say that you can't have just suffering through the whole film you are wrong. You may not like it, but that doesn't make the film bad. Manchester also isn't only suffering so once you actually get some good points then we can talk.
I accept your defeat.
Jagten doesn't have dialogue like this the church scene is similar but i think that gets a pass because it's the only scene and the finale, in a way. Meanwhile all the dialogue in Manchester is written as if it was written by Trent Reznor.
>Jagten doesn't have dialogue like this
Yes it literally has, same naturalistic approach just without all the real world hiccups and pauses.
>as if it was written by Trent Reznor
What? Since when does Trent Reznor write hyper realistic/naturalistic dialogue?
>hyper realistic
Alright dude, i'm closing the thread. Make sure not to forget making a thread /r9k/ about how much of a fucking epic doomer you are.
The characters stuttered, spoke over each other, couldn't properly finish their sentences etc. It's no surprise that you a fucking frogposter, probably sheltered from reality and you have never dealt with an emotionally draining situation in your life.
he was responsible for the death of three white children why should i feel any sorrow for him?
Because it was an honest mistake.
This scene makes the movie
I am Legend
Marley and Me
Four Brothers
Honestly can't wait to see him play Stoner. I hope they don't fuck it up.
>I need to you to save me...
>that final flashback where we see the plane crash in it's entirety
>that entire ending
green mile
inb4 hurr durr nigger
Lonergan was clearly deeply inspired by Kiarostami and Iranian new-wave and if you aren't familiar with that vein of cinema you probably won't get the same amount out of Manchest By The Sea otherwise. Every scene dutifully and subtly touches and expands on the theme of death of communication, even the comedic ones. It's not the best movie ever made, but it's definitely the best thing to be put up for an oscar in the past few decades (foreign film category excluded). American cinema is such a dumpster fire I'm shocked something like it was allowed to be made.
Where does one start with Kiarostami? Chronologically or?
if you're used to slow movies, chronologically. If you're not, I would watch them like this:
Certified Copy -> Like Someone In Love -> Close-Up -> Taste of Cherry -> The Wind Will Carry Us -> Koker Trilogy -> Ten
Like Someone In Love and Certified Copy are both incredibly watchable and will introduce you to what he's about.
tfw you had to move home to the north shore from Boston just before this film came out and watched it near where it was filmed
I agree with you mostly but i think Manchester can be enjoyed without seeing Kiarostami. I watched Manchester and loved it, then i watched Kiarostami and loved it too.
Fucking shit movie
tits or gtfo