Godzilla sucks monsters suck anime sucks

godzilla sucks monsters suck anime sucks
mumble rap is better than your edgy weaboo shit
being a gangster is cooler than this stupid edgy nerd shit
mumble gangster rap is for cool ass teenagers all of you dudes are little kids

Only kids watch Godzilla

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fuck off with your normalfag opinions

>godzilla sucks monsters suck
Imagine being so unbased, take back that pepe!

More anime for me

wtf I hate godzilla now!!!

Have sex

i wonder what led to this post

As bad as weebs and nips are, wiggers are worse

Normalfags love godzilla, though

normalfag nigger

Normalfags love godzilla and anime, normie faggot

Everything sucks and fucks, it's all Chuck
Sneed feeds and seeds, Sneed grows and prospers things, he's an apollonian force of civilization and rationalism while Chuck is the hedonistic and humanistic counter-double, Dionysus...

godzillafags are the only ones who need to have sex

Godzillfags have 90% of the sex on this board

Mumble rap is honestly the gayest form of music that exists.

Prove it

godzilla is just capeshit, anime is just shit

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I'm literally fucking your mom right now

>Yea Forums was created because of anime
you owe weebs your respect

Godzilla isn't capeshit, Godzilla has soul

lmao look at this faggot boomer with his entitled "muh respect" bullshit

Me too

>it’s a “zoomer has shit opinion and makes a worthless thread about it” episode.
tired of these endless reruns...

I’m tired of you fags making me root for the jannies too.

I’m balls deep in your mother right now and I high fived these bros on their way out.

Lmao im in the same room as my mom lmao faggots



Why not

no u

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tell her I say hi and that I miss her.

Godzilla is technically anime

>Shin Godzilla
Shit movie

I'm fucking your dad underage

>mfw my ex told me she liked Godzilla

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So you dumped her and now you're still a virgin lmao


jokes on you, I just creampied a woman yesterday

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Prove it, virgin