How would you rate this siege?
How would you rate this siege?
Do at-at have pusy
Stupid. Sure the ion canons mean you can't park star destroyers over the base but they carry hundreds of fighters, bombers, and transports that the ion canons can't target
Land the AT-AT's along with infantry and artillery. Knock out the shields then pound the base with artillery while the infantry backed by AT-AT's storm the base. Send your bombers to hit the base and provide close air support. Have your fighters fly around the base and shoot down an rebel transports trying to leave. Optional: land special forces in transports behind the defensive line.
yeah but AT-ATs look cool
The AT-AT walkers are silly design. I don't care how iconic they are. At least the mini walkers make some kind of sense in terms of mobility.
How is an AT-AT supposed to even turn around? Their legs only articulate in one dimension.
I imagine the rebel shield prevented them from providing any real air support to the ground attack. So the walkers and ground troops had to go it alone. By the time the Walkers had taken out the shield most of the rebels had probably already evacuated the base. You would probably be better off trying to capture the stragglers and trying to pump them for information.
Completely ignoring the ground battle, there's no good reason why the star destroyers can't spare any of their collective thousands (if not tens of thousands) of TIE fighters and bombers to go after the transports and their escorts. The star destroyers are disabled but where the fuck are their escorts?
Why not use nukes or Sarin?
why the fuck do the snow speeders fly in front of the AT-AT's when they only have forward firing guns? Just park behind them and shoot at will
tank treads only articulate in one dimension yet they can turn around
I don't understand the concept of the "shield"
An AT-AT can walk thru it but not a tie-fighter
What about artillery shells or missiles?
IOn pulses plasma or laser bolts ?
Didn’t they basically say the weather screwed with flying proper ships? Granted it was a clear day during the battle so who knows.
how come at-ats were affected by toe cables if they don't have toes
Imperial tactical victory
Echo Base is destroyed
The Rebel Alliance is forced to retreat to a rendezvous point
Rebel Alliance strategic victory
The rebels main force successfully evades capture
Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader fails to capture Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker heads to Dagobah to start his Jedi training under Jedi Master Yoda
It could be like Dune where shields offer resistance proportional to the momentum of the object entering. Slowing moving objects would have an easier time going through.
>not even salt
Remember in the Phantom Menace when the Gungans turned on their shield and the Droid couldn't shoot through it but the droids could walk through it?
shields block anything with a certain amount of energy/speed
a slow moving walker can make it through but a ship in flight is counted as a projectile to be blocked. it's like a non newtonian liquid
>like a non newtonian liquid
i suppose it is
>empire has 25,000 star destroyers
>assumed to have far more other ships and probably hundreds of thousands of fighter craft
>rebels are the only major active threat to the empire
>track them to their last base
>send a small force
There was literally no reason not to send an overwhelming force to completely wreck the rebels.
Energy shields in Star Wars are pretty nebulous in what they can do. You have some like the ones over hangar bays that keep in air but starships can pass right through, ones like the droidekas have that block everything but can be fired out of, and others like the Hoth shield that are typically depicted as blocking energy weapons and any kind of ship, but the walkers could pass either through or under. You just have to accept that any given shield does whatever the plot demands of it because there's no real underlying logic to it.
then drop bombs with parachutes on them.
So why don't tie fighters fly really slow and low
just edge it
Like that weird space behind the portal in Expanse
that's exactly what they did
I still haven't received my benefits
Referring to fighters stopping the transports while they're in space, not in the atmosphere/grounded.
Up until recently, it was implied that it took time to cross the galaxy. Hours, days, weeks to travel from planet to planet. Now there's no sense of distance or travel time.
they don't need to turn around, that's the point of them
The transports are shielded, although badly. It's unlikely fighters would be able to stop them before they could make the jump.
what would the fighters even do, the empire was fucking pwning the rebs either way
A tank can turn 360°on the spot. An AT AT trying to do the same would look like me trying to waltz.
Destroy the shield generator and the ION cannon ,
Why do the rebels always put their army in fucking trenches right before their base is about to get barraged
they did this shit in the Last Jedi and they didn't kill a single fucking enemy combatant, except for tie fighters but that was all the millennium Falcon
they blockaded the fucking planet with star destroyers, they needed an ION cannon just to punch a hole through the blockade
as for sending a small assault force on the planet, you never send your entire army in a single assault, you hold back reinforcements and or reserves in case the enemy has something nasty up their sleeve
bro, thats literally how it plays out in Battlefront.
better than anything in Game of Thrones, almost as good as Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith, best Star Wars land battle, and one of the best land battles in fantasy kino.
Great soundtrack too.
Use the cover of the meteor bombardments to land
commando droid units.
The commados infliatret the base and plant explosives on the ion cannon and shield generator
Denote the bombs as star fleet drops out of hyber space , destory hith with Tie-bombers
Why not just bombard the planet from orbit? You've got ships and weapons (this is the future right?) so this kind of siege actually doesn't make any sense and why only kids up to the age of 12 can enjoy these movies.
The AT-AT is more analogous to an assault gun than a tank so they don't really need to turn as much as something like a tank to fill their role. Although I'm sure there's an EU variant with a massive turreted gun on it's back from a Star Destroyer or some shit.
>How is an AT-AT supposed to even turn around? Their legs only articulate in one dimension.
They've got some flexibility in their hips, judging by this scene where one of them turns to take out a passing airspeeder.
The energy field was strong enough to deflect any bombardment.
Not enough ground action. I think we ever get a good look at the base that they're defending.
>Attack pattern Delta
>charge straight at the AT-AT's in a straight line bunched up together
Why was Luke in charge of the assault again?
the droideka guns poke out of the shield just a bit to enable firing out while minimizing exposure of the barrel
How is it that the empire that has unlimited money, technology, army, and well basically anything has worse technology than those stupid rebels?
Why not drop those "bass" bombs from the Clone Wars onto the planet and level the entire place? Don't they have nukes to completely annihilate the place? Why not hyperjump into the rebels with one small ship (thanks Rian) and have it over with?
Star Wars has and always will be cool, but any other combat besides lightsabers makes no sense at all and looks extremely outdated/stupid.
They sorta evoke the super heavy tanks and tank destroyers in WWII like the King Tiger and Elephant. Heavily armored with tremendous firepower but very slow and vunerable to precision attacks by massed lighter vehicles and infantry.
For a siege against fixed defenses with supporting infantry they made sense.
Is that the in universe explanation? Because I can't think of any visual Star Wars medium where it's conveyed.
All you stupid fucking nerds trying to justify this The model makers needed something cool to make, and so they did. There's nothing practical about them
>main tactic is to have snowspeeders shoot unguided tow cables at walkers and literally run circles around them
You'd literally be better off ordering them to just ram walkers Kamikaze-style at that point.
>it occurs to literally no one apart from Luke Skywalker to have infantry take out the walkers by getting in close, breaching the hatch, and throwing explosives inside.
They literally could've ended the battle before it began by hiding a few dozen rebel soldiers in spider holes ahead of the main defensive line and launched a coordinated ambush on the walkers.
>How is it that the empire that has unlimited money, technology, army, and well basically anything has worse technology than those stupid rebels?
What gave you that idea? The Empire consistently outguns and outnumbers the Rebels. The one star destroyer fleet they sent against Hoth would wreck the entire Rebel fleet.
The reason the Empire loses is the poor quality bad training and motivation of their soldiers and leaders.The films clearly depicts how corrupt the Empire's military and industry is and the resulting incompetence of the ass-lickers who get promoted who use bad tactics
Dude, nobody sane is actually taking Star Wars (and fiction) seriously. I mean that would legitimately be crazy. Nothing about the tactics, technology, military, and so on makes any sense. It is just pure entertainment for small children and the nostalgia carries it over to one's adult life
Everything you just said happens but off-screen. It's mentioned though.
because they were stuck in their disabled ship carriers. you people just wanna throw shit without thinking.
A few more AT-ST scenes would've helped. They were there to cover the big transport walkers' flanks, but you hardly see them.
dash rendar had disabled most of them along with most of the atst
>not just going full Base Delta Zero and literally boiling away the entire planet's atmosphere
Why does the Empire do this?
Dude, the rebels have a cannon capable of neutralizing that super cruiser that was sent (I don't rightly remember the movies), so why not neutralize it the cannon and then kamikaze with a small ship at high speed to destroy it?
Besides, why not just bring in more of the fleet and continually bombard the base until the juice has run dry?
Why even go in on foot? Just stay in orbit and fire with all the ships, unless it's kind of mary sue generator capable of generating limitless energy it should run dry in a few minutes
>in Rouge One just two movies before they could shoot the legs of an ATAT
>now they are completely defenseless, save for tow cables
>notice glaring weakness in skirmish
>up armor them so it doesn't have the weakness
this kind of thing has never happened irl
I never liked how the ground Rebel forces in this battle exist to ineffectively fire at the AT-ATs and get wrecked by them as they run away.
I like how in other SW media they include other Empire ground troops for the Rebels to fight so it feels like they're doing something useful.
Is this just your head canon?
>wasting all that energy rather than towing an asteroid to collide with planet
The Emperor and Vader want Luke Skywalker alive
Why didn't the rebels send a suicide transport to hyperspace ram a hole in the Imperial blockade?
I think the official explanation is that they were a different model entirely not intended for frontline combat
>not using the Sun Crusher to blow up the entire star system
Except the initial plan was to bombard the entire planet
Slightly behind the clone attack on MY JIMMIES
Not that user, but it's conveyed alright. Just as he explained.
Luke arriving at cloud city was too kino
Why didn't the empire just hyperspace ram the Hoth base with one of their obsolete star destroyers? TLJ showed that shields are no match for this tactic.
Old EU stated that there were 12 million inhabited systems in the galaxy. The Empire is so absurdly thinly stretched that power projection is a real issue for them; you have one Star Destroyer to patrol five hundred systems of questionable loyalty, and suddenly you should detach dozens of them for what is to most Imperial officers a wild goose chase. Once the word gets out that the Empire is pulling away its major deterrent from certain parts of the galaxy you would have hundreds of worlds breaking out in open rebellion and you can bet there would be starship yards around some of those worlds.
That's the entire reason for the Tarkin Doctrine and the Death Star program: it is unfeasible to build up a large enough military to control the galaxy through conventional military power, so there must be something so utterly terrifying that makes even thinking of rebelling insane.
By the time of Return of the Jedi it is evident that without a new Death Star the Empire is doomed to fall: the Mon Calamari are in open rebellion and pumping out capital starships, and the Empire is unable to detach enough forces from elsewhere to subdue them.
hyperspace ramming has unironically and without hyperbole has ruined star wars
the ability to destroy large ships with a faster than light kamikaze has made all traditional space battles just look dumb
a massive death star to destroy planets? just hyperspace ram an asteroid into the planet and leave the planet uninhabitable for generations to come
its a lot cheaper and much more practical
that's so much more interesting than anything that happens in the movies or 90% of the books
why must everything be shit