>I'm exactly like Halter White from that show Malcolm in the Baddie
-Mumkey Jones after ruining his life
I'm exactly like Halter White from that show Malcolm in the Baddie
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Holy fucking shit he's actually marrying a manipulative pedophile. Wow.
>literally comparing his life to a tv show
Is he the representation of the “wow, he’s just like me!” meme?
Will Tyler call in to The Dick Show today? First on air trip to Greenland perhaps?
he looks like a monkey, quite honestly
>leaves you for a 15 year old
his elliot rodger stuff was pure kino, pleb
Watched the entire video, it was a continuous diarrhoea of feeble self-deceptions
>I have to take care of this delicate precious furry flower who deserves love and forgiveness
>come on guys everyone is redeemable even pedo rapists
>I’m like Heisenberg, he’s so coooool. What happened in season 5 again lol
>sh-she totally loves me guys, that’s why she wanted to go back to that 15 year old
>ohana means family! How dare I be criticised for my retarded actions! I will always defend even the worst scumbags because I’m such an enlightened guru
Fucking idiot
Did anyone else watch Null’s stream on him? Literal kino
Mumkey had no hope
I can't listen to Jersh for that long give me the cliff notes, famalam
>-Mumkey Jones after ruining his life
>just bought a house
>just bought a car
>has a good job
>has a great cat
>has loving parents
>still has offline friends
Are you fucking retarded? All that happened is that his youtube career is ruined and some neckbeards on the internet don't like him anymore. Who gives a fuck, I would murder your mother for his life
This guy gets it. The last two videos Mumkey's done are clearly worked shoots and some of the best stuff he's ever written
>All that happened is that his youtube career is ruined
How do you think he is going to afford the payments for all those things with NO MORE INCOME? Dude is going to go bankrupt pretty fast here.
>has loving parents
His family including his brother wont speak with him due to the proposal to the crazy check, even though he apparently lives only a few blocks away from his brother.
>still has offline friends
This is debatable at this point based on shit Mumkey has said himself.
Shits way more grim then you apparently realize.
he has a fucking job you idiot
>His family including his brother wont speak with him due to the proposal to the crazy check, even though he apparently lives only a few blocks away from his brother.
So what, family is family. That stuff will clear up. And even if not, he still has both parents. I don't
>This is debatable at this point based on shit Mumkey has said himself
Don't think you know absolutely everything about someone just because it appears you know a lot and he's sharing an awful lot
Quite literally who?
Basically he broke it down to
1. Have fun
2. Treat it like a business (once you’re successful)
3. Don’t burn bridges
4. Cut your losses
5. Mumkey is gonna kill himself soon
His patreon is less than half of what it was a couple months ago
Isn't a symptom of autism describing oneself in terms of external media?
Made parody anime reviews of shit like the torah and boku no pico, (pretty much any media), then started a-logging elliot rodger's corpse. Was admittedly kind of funny, got kicked off youtube, and is now spiralling into actual insanity
Josh is literally the only good streamer. Plus he shares our lord brosnan's taste in women
When is this gonna go full circle and Mumkey goes on his own Day of Retribution?
Kiwifarms has his deadpool at end of this year
>His patreon is less than half of what it was a couple months ago
This is the video Mumkey considers his magnum opus: youtube.com
Seething mumkeyboy. Enjoying watching your favourite youtuber going on a downward spiral?
Mumkey Jones makes about as much from Patreon as Chris-chan gets from his monthly tugboat. Chris's life is also a lot less fucked.
God, they're both fucked.
Mumkey for being a cuck and a cheater, his GF for being a groomer and a cheater.
I really do like Mumkey's content but the man is fucked if he doesn't rectify this soon.
So because he has the means to survive deplatforming, jewtube did nothing wrong, and every other poorerfags deserve it as well?
Cunt sounds toxic, but are we really going to buy into the whole Boomer "think of the children, raise age of consent to 35!!!" hysteria and claim a 15 year old, male or female, was sexually assaulted because their sexual partner was older than 18? Or, is it okay to selectively buy into ridiculous hysteria when it's someone deserving of hate who's done it?
If the genders were reversed, the pedo would be arrested. She fucking called the cops telling them what she was going to do and they laughed it off. Fuck that pedocunt and fuck pedodefenders like you.