I hear you're a racist now, father

I hear you're a racist now, father

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Other urls found in this thread:


I got the keys to your car, and I drove it into a big wall


I hear you’re a TERF now Graham.

>nogs slobbering on my catholic princess

down with this sort of thing

I laughed at this scene when I was younger but for me it really did end up happening that nonchalantly

what happened?

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Here we all are now, all the lads

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Graham is a fucking dope. I listed to his whole video explaining himself and he was practically crying over how difficult it is for lesbians.
Also are people in the US really shaming lesbians for not wanting to fuck trannies?

Fucking hell. It's like a comedy itself.

literally watching this episode right now

I hear you're a Sneedposter now, father...

what's everyone's favourite episode? I quite like the Passion of St Tibulus myself

kek is that real

What's a TERF?

>Also are people in the US really shaming lesbians for not wanting to fuck trannies?


pls no, let's just talk about father ted

Speed 3

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist

Ted>Dougal>Jack>Mrs Doyle

New Jack City

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Ted > Dougal > Larry Duff > Len > Jack > Mrs Doyle > Dick Byrne

he died the other day, F

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Larry Duff was the best

Rest in peace you crazy hole drilling Dougal corrupting car crashing cereal stealing bastard

somebody post that webm
you know the one

Is Father Jack the Kramer of Father Ted

I didn't hear about that. F.
Sure we'll all be dead soon.


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I became a racist.

Morning Mrs. Gleeson!

That woman was in the nip!


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what's the worst episode and why is it the one where dougal got that friend that was a bad influence

girl who hate trannies

For me it was the episode on the plane

but that is one of the best episodes

I hear you're a rascist now user.

god DAMN

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With a dog?


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He's from my town, he's been an alcoholic hermit for the last 20 years

>Right well that's my curiosity... satisfied

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kek, underrated episode

based lad

We're all going to heaven lads, wey-hey-heyyy!

It doesn't really matter, there are no bad episodes

I fucking love that giant novelty rollerblade hallucination

I knew a Ft. Clint Power.?


He got his lad out.

Post video

Yes Patrick, I'm a race realist
I don't hate
I just love my own people

did Jesus not teach us to love our community and fellow tribesmen?

Father Chewie Louie
Father Spodo Komodo
Father Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Father Andy Riley
Father Todd Unctious

Alright, Ted.

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At this stage Irish culture is about 40 percent Father Ted references. If you ever have to ask "did Irish people really do x Father Ted related thing" the answer is always yes.

I seriously doubt any tv show has ever had this gigantic an impact on a whole national culture.

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GOAT episode right here

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Is there anything to be said for another mass?

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That shit is just pure cringe.

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Is that Reviewbrah?


>that titty drop

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>Transwomen, a great bunch of lads


Feminist but doesnt like mtf



............how's the son?

Here we are now. All the lads

>tfw almost everyone but ardal o'hanlon is dead