Anonkin? My goodness you've grown!

Anonkin? My goodness you've grown!

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God shes so attractive

So has my penis, from 3 inches to 4

comfy oneechan kino

>ani im ready to go the the galactic opera

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S-So have you.

Anakin dindu nuffin wrong. Jedi were brought down by their own hubris and what kind of faggy organization doesn't allow people to marry/breed? If exceptions could be made for Ki Adi Mundi and his six wives then why not the CHOSEN one with his one wife? Obi Wan knew and didn't give a shit because he fucked whores outside of the order then they got Aayla Secura walking round looking all sexy and shiet in that tight outfit so the jedi had their priorities fucked up.

Anankin's benis literally ruined the galaxy

Heh, yeah.. mah dick!

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anyone have the gif? my old 4chien folder suffered an unfortunate accident

No! The jedi and their pedophilia ruined the galaxy. Anakin only wanted a normal life with Padme on Naboo. Anakin could have left and become a mechanic or something then come home and drank blue milk or whatever people do in their day to day lives in Star Wars.

No she isn’t, dumbass. THIS is attractive

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pleb and shit taste


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What ruined the galaxy was jedi hubris and their doctrine. Telling anakin to deny his benis was what killed the republic

Fuck off Anakin


s-so have you!

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What episode of lazytown is this?

imagine being that thong

My penis has doubled since we last met

Episode no. #69 - The Gang Learns About BDSM

you can see her butpusy


Why are Right Wing girls the hottest?

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I showed you my lightsaber, please respond!

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>she will never know you exist

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who /royalsweets/ here?

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What the fuck dude

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uh where's this pic from?
is there a leak?

The Jedi are responsible for at least 40% of why the galaxy fell, with the republic being the other 60%. The Russan Reformation completely fucked over the galaxy by making it so that the republic didn't have a standing army, which forced planets to effectively fend for themselves, which caused tension between the mid/outer ring and the core worlds.

What killed the jedi was their increasing politicization. Because they were seen as an anti-palpatine faction, they were unable to perform their duty of rooting out the dark side. Seeing the jedi descent into fascism led their purest member turn against them and ironically turn to the dark side and totalitarianism. The jedi are monks, not soldiers or politicians. It is a shame that Disney completely missed the point of the prequel trilogy.

For you.

> you just KNOW

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Jewy face

Why do people say this when he literally fulfilled the prophecy by bringing balance to the force when he killed the emperor in episode 6?
Episode 1-6 is a coherent story.

>bringing balance to the force when he killed the emperor in episode 6?
>10 years later Snoke appears



Episodes 7-9 are not made by lucus and not cannon.
They are fanfiction

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eat shit, george

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Her costume designs were so shitty.
She looks so much better in other films