*dabs on China*
*dabs on China*
Other urls found in this thread:
Truly the Dark Souls of Nations
truly a socialist heaven
ITT: people OBSESSED with a country that has beaten their shithole fair and square, without CIA coups and droning civvies
How are you supposed to take seriously a leader who gets triggered by Winnie the Pooh?
Coroner's cause of death: China
t. envious chink bugman
One Aryan is worth a million of you ant-people.
Do you think People's Republic of China will forgive you when they rule over your pathetic countries after usurping their economies?
why is China final destination: the country?
>1 billion more people than US
>GDP 40% lower
It's a feudal shithole hastily crawling up the ladder created by western countries
>breathe in that chinese smog while you put your 50th iphone of the hour onto the assembly line
truly a first world nation
Made in china
Daily reminder that China belongs to Tocharians. China was Aryan clay all along.
Say what about Asians being insects but I really am convinced that Chinese society is that akin to ant hive
Asians are superior to Whit-
I find the complexity of the Mandarin language highly disturbing, that language in itself is proof that Chinese people are basically humanoid ants.
Russia west of the Ural Mountains is technically a part of Europe:
They halfass everything.
Used to be a colony of the British Empire.
Some land that is now in present-day Liberia used to be a part of the Portuguese Empire.
Some land that is now in present-day Thailand used to be a part of the French Empire.
>South Korea
Occupied by America.
>North Korea
Occupied by the Soviet Union.
Occupied by America.
Every single country on Earth today has been under Aryan rule at least to a certain extent in its history.
Anyone else think the building @ 0:55 was going to fall over lel