Any new tv series this year worth watching apart from Chernobyl?

Any new tv series this year worth watching apart from Chernobyl?

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Are Swedes the most evil people in Europe?

>"Fix climate change!"
>"What's the plan?"
>*gets on a private plan and pollutes more at the age of 15 than the average adult*

Stranger things

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Thanks but no thanks. Anything else? Something on the level of Bosch or Sneaky Pete would be fine too.

Too Old to Die Young

Why is saving the planet evil?


Swedes are so fucking ugly, holy shit

honest question, is stranger things any good? I remember watching the first season several years ago and thinking it was ok, but very overhyped

if climate change is real why do leftists believe in it more than basedpilleds?

first is very good and worth, only watch rest if you are really into the 80's bandwagon aesthetic

Germans are worse.

>Taxing me even more while China cares fuckall about emissions
>Saving the planet

Trump said the planet needs to be destroyed.

just (re)watch John Adams, or are you a fucking Tory?

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Honestly I'd argue Anglos. G*rmans are just easily misled.

life is bad and should be eradicated

she never travels by aeroplane

yes she does didn't you read his post

greta is the last hope of the white race. climate becoming more and more nigger and we need to stop that.

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It's like Chernobyl but better imo

It’s not real

>I must avow to your Majesty, I have no attachments but to my own country.
>An honest man will never have any other.
God damn, I need to rewatch this.

Do you have a source to support your argument?

Okay so what IS the plan? How are we going to save the environment?

So you don't have a source?

I have one:

It's evil to push (young) people to panic and blind actionism and I am not denying climate change at all, only the proposed speed of it, it's obviously embellished by the left for political points.

Climate activists also always deny that nuclear energy, free market solutions or nationalist initiatives could ever be effective to fight climate change.
They are all anti-nuclear socialist/big-government globalists.

carbon tax

Give me your money and then we'll talk

Theft from the working class to line the pockets of corrupt government who continue to do nothing.

>can't decide what gender you'll be tomorrow
>absolutely sure of what the climate will be in 10, 25, and 100 years from now
>despite every doomsday climate model pushed since the 80s being completely wrong

Blockade the coasts of India amd china

>punish poor people for heating their flat

>tax corporations into oblivion if they continue to pump out co2
>sanction china and india into oblivion if they continue to pump out co2
Literally just basic economic incentives.

And has that happened yet? No? So now what.

Too Old to Die Young

>collapse the world economies so the world is greener

The key to saving the planet is to stop brown people from burning down the forests and building factories.

Instead we are going to try to stop a small percentage of a small percentage of world pollution through extensive public works projects in the West. And still end up underwater thanks to the brown people.

>tax corporations into oblivion
*moves shit overseas*

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Nothing is worth watching anymore.
It's all the same shit written and directed by people raised in the same shitty environment and filled with the same shitty empty tropes.

Honestly not the worst thing in the world.

that's when imperialism bad becomes imperialism good because it's going after corpos on "liberals'"behalf

Actually most climate models in the 80s predicted the recent warming pretty well. Not that I'd argue with you, you know better than scientists! Of course you do.

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>the worst thing that could possibly happen in our current world climate right now is not the worst thing in the world

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Still waiting for the North Pole to be iceless by 2010. Still waiting for NYC to be underwater by 1999.

>China, Russia and India responsible for 40% of worldwide CO2 emissions
>Let's tax the European who drives a car lmao

>adjusted scenario
user can you at least read what you propaganda says before posting

I Love You Now Die was a good watch

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I'm all for it but do you know who is going to cry the loudest? All the cunts protesting now.

>Scenario B
of how many potential scenarios? 2? 5? 10? 20?

Link me the scientific paper that made those claims. Not a blog, not Al Gore, not even a news article. An actual peer-reviewed scientific paper where you read those claims.

Swamp Thing

humans CAN'T change the weather
only GOD can change the weather

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>one of those 3 lines sort of kind of looks like the result we need, but we'll "adjust" it just in case
Well the science is clearly settled

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>reading scientific papers
I don't have pimples lol

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Peer-reviewed scientific papers are currently advocating for vaginas to be renamed front holes to not offend trannies. And you're already being dishonest by pretending it's okay that Al Gore went around saying this shit because "dur everyone knew he was being a little hyperbolic" and not the fact that he created a generation of 14 year olds who genuinely believe if they don't work to enslave the world under the State they will actually die.
>Scenario A assumes continued exponential trace gas growth, scenario B assumes a reduced linear linear growth of trace gases, and scenario C assumes a rapid curtailment of trace gas emissions such that the net climate forcing ceases to increase after the year 2000
Out of 3.

City on a Hill

Mind you everything prior to 88 isn't a prediction, this is what the "predicted" part looks like. Yep, he clearly predicted everything

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>Peer-reviewed scientific papers are currently advocating for vaginas to be renamed front holes to not offend trannies.
Can you provide a source for this?

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Are you going to actually talk to me or just keep demanding time wasting bullshit like they taught you at debate camp?

Can you not use google?

I'm not impressed by your dodging. You claim that scientists are wrong about climate change, I don't give a fuck about trannies, Gore, or teenagers. Back up your claim about where the scientists went wrong.

>retards with no reading comprehension think the UN said that we're all gonna be dead by the year 2000

Not him, but here's something you should consider if you think peer reviewed papers are objective truth

clitty on a shill

Predictable responses but you could have saved yourself the trouble and said "No, but someone on /pol/ said it was true."

>Back up your claim about where the scientists went wrong.
I don't think he can debunk everything at once user, pick something for him to debunk. Here's one debunking if you're okay with that

No idea what papers it's used in, but it definitely is a widely accepted term now
>“Front hole,” as another term for vagina, is also used by the National Institutes of Health, Human Rights Campaign, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth journal, and Fenway Health in collaboration with Harvard Medical School, the National LGBT Health Education Center, and the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers.

>giving people another reason to give money to the government so they do nothing with it while claiming to use it for a good cause
>saving the planet
Pick one

How is that a debunking? He claimed the climate prediction was completely wrong. The models in the graph are fairly close to the results, especially scenario B.

He was talking about scientists claiming the North Pole would be iceless by 2010, or New York City to be underwater by 1999. You can't say that and then, when asked to back it up, point to a model that's off by fractions of centigrade.

>How is that a debunking?
sneed's feed and seed (__________)

>haha replace your reliable car for a downgraded toy car shitbox with zero customer support
>also you should pay carbon tax go-I mean guy, haha
>China? India? Africa? No, they are poor and you should let them in haha

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It's fucking bizarre how obsessed leftists are with clime change but when push comes to shove, it almost seems like they DON"T want it solved. Even celebrities like the guy who plays Dwight on The office was on Twitter saying we shouldn't wait for India or China do anything. He was very vocal about specifically NOT wanting them to clean up their act.

>"we need to do EVERYTHING!!!!! to fight climate change! Abolish nation states! Tax everyone for 70%! Vote for Communists!"
What about investing in nuclear energy?

This kid is an absolute genius and profiting off the years of work from others while getting away with skipping school.

Doesn't she have a rich mommy and daddy who pay to have her propped up?

yes. Her parents are both celebrities in Sweden. (Something the media outside of Sweden always "fails" to mention, that she was pushed by the celebrity and money of her parents)

Sad thing is, the issue is real but it's been spearheaded by retarded leftists making it an easy target for the brainlet right which ultimately renders the whole situation into a circus with nothing being done.

Damn shame there's not a single centrist figure with real authority on the horizon to btfo both sides, instead we're left with fucking apes throwing their feces at each other like in this thread.

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>nice weather bad

saving the environment and climate could've easily been framed as a national struggle to preserve the nature and country. But the left doesn't want any collaboration with the right on ANY topic. Which makes one question their sincerity. If I really believe that issue X will destroy everything I will get any help I can get. But it's just a pawn in a leftist power play. Nothing more.

Legion the main character is like us apu posters
>lonley and want to be loved
>good guy deep down
>does "bad things"

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Make me world dictator and I'll solve climate change. My list of solutions include death camps, liquidations, labor camps, destruction of the old order, confiscating wealth and hunger games.

cool. when's the next ice age scheduled for?

If you promise to make the Province of Germany 100% German again, you get my vote.

She's genuinely autistic.

Much like many of the apu posters. Not a criticism, I like you tards.

Mass migration is a result of climate change, multiculturalism is also a policy of the international bankers who plunder the planet. I believe that reducing the world population to at least 500.000 people is a good start, preferably less.

Shit, I meant 500.000 million people.

What We Do In The Shadows

Environmentalists get really triggered when I explain that lowering our enviromnental protection regs would actually help the climate worldwide.

The reason companies don't follow pollution regs is because they're too extreme, and it's easier to just move to China where nobody cares.

We kill your worthless ass and throw your body into a pit.

>not just killing people
Look at this brainlet.

>save the planet
Don't tax / regulate trade with China
Don't fine China for dumping plastic in the ocean
Import millions of 3rd world immigrant (increasing their carbon footprint by living in Europe)
How are "they" solving the problem?

>pay this fine

>I remember watching the first season several years ago and thinking it was ok, but very overhyped
You are correct, don't watch it

impose Green tariff on all chinese products until they meet environmental requirements

Nuke India, China and Africa

hail greta

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lmao, he completely continues to ignore the huge spike at the end of modern times

and here I thought this would be a thread about this year's tv shows

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I don't give a shit about the planet

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Life is just advanced minecraft

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not only that, but they undermine the idea that the world is under an existential environmental threat by intentionally attaching climate change mitigation to far-left policies. look at green party politics or the green new deal. surely no one who understands how important climate change is would make such a partisan issue

> Five hundred thousand million.

>only whites care about the environment
>let's replace them

>attempts to move over seas
*nationalizes your industry, hangs your higher ups and seizes your assets*


Fucking based

she cute :3

greta is so cute. What ethnicity is she?


yes gaijin, we are white too!


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Some new some old
>Dark Season 2
>Sneaky Pete Season 3
>True Detective Season 3
>Legion Season 3
>Good Omens
>Too Old To Die Young
>Catch 22

Hypocrisy, at least so in my country. Politicians and teachers influence kids to influence future elections. These kids take off from school to protest against climate change yet go on 3 holidays a year with their parents and own multiple cars. Politicians of the left want to use these things to promote plans to put windmills everywhere, they want to put the entire ocean surrounding my full of windmills, they want to wreck the entire oceanic ecosystem, destroy breeding ground for thousands of fish, feeding spots for thousands of birds who breed on the small islands nearby just to show everyone that this is what everyone should be doing and actually believe that a tiny country whose pollution is not that high will then cause a tsunami effect worldwide of change of hearts and that India and China will change their entire country cause we showed them what is right. And the costs? Look at all the electricity we make, 100 years and we break even.

yep, overhyped.

fuck greta and fuck niggers
post based soph

White countries keep paying chinks and poos to pollute.


But that is the current plan.

white guilt nonsense

old and busted