
Rachel was a bitch and the worst friend.

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Well yeah, the hottest ones usually are.

Dem nipples though.

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Why are we pussyfooting around the real issue Yea Forums? I'm just gonna lay it out plainly. Why haven't we as a board, acknowledged that the Best Friend is unironically, indubitably, and undeniably Phoebe?

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Phoebe was the worst friend

Honestly, all the girls were shit.

The only okay friend of them all is Joey, everyone else is a complete and utter bitch.

Every one in Friends was an asshole in a way or another. They were an awful group of friends/partners.

I don't know how you could watch the show and think that they would make remotely pleasant people irl. Maaaybe Chandler.

No, it's Joey.

Nonsense. She started as a bit of a mooch but once she got her shit together, she was always the second main emotional support after Joey.
You know who, actually, in real life, would be easily the worst friend? Ross. Ross was an energy sapper, a self-centered emotional vacuum who did nothing for anybody else. He didn't try to entertain, he never did anything nice for the others and when something emotionally hard happened that didn't affect him personally, he disappeared like a coward. He only took and gave nothing.
Don't be a Ross.

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I get the feeling that most people on Yea Forums actually find Ross to be the most relatable of the bunch.

Aniston did a great job making her bitch of a character actually likeable. Even the producers knew Rachel was an unpleasant, materialistic, vacuous person. She was written this way because they knew much of their female audience would relate.

that being said, i wish i could have been her personal toilet for the entire duration of the series

Worst to best:
Joey, Phoebe, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler

Ross was the worst friend
>Joey and Chandler much better friends with each other than with Ross because he was a cunt
>Bullied Monica
>Treated Rachel like crap
>Treated Phoebe like a retard

I'll compromise and admit Joey=Phoebe but I don't think it's because of their goofy reddit-tier lolsorandumness. It's because they're both perfectly capable of functioning on their own separate from the rest of the other Friends. Ross would be a close third but he can't be in the top spot for me because of how whiny he is.

lol Rachel always bullied and treated ross like shit

he deserved it

poor guy just wanted her for like 20 years

Ross was an annoying Beta orbiter. He should have been bullied harder, if anything.

Jennifer Aniston has great tits. its a shame she never went topless

except for all the shit Ross did for Rachel(some unnoticed) is the reason why Rachel fell for Ross. that was literally the only thing that Rachel found attractive about him

Rachel’s flaws are low key, though. She’s low maintenance and easy-going in general.

>except for all the shit Ross did for Rachel(some unnoticed)

This show is such schlock. How the fuck can you guys watch it?

He missed out on the Discovery channel evening dinner to help her put on makeup when she had a broken rib or some shit.

I would drink a gallon of prime Rachel pee.

how about how he was gonna take her to prom when she found out that her prom date was gonna bail out, how he gave up Emily for Rachel for her to stay as a friend, (The one with the chick and the duck)where he was supposed to be on the Discovery channel but he ditches it to take of Rachel while she was injured. I can't stand Ross either but clearly you haven't watched the whole series enough to acknowledge that he did quite abit for her

There were other low key moments throughout the series as well. Like tipping the super $50 to fix Rachel's thermostat. And yeah, sometimes he was a cunt trying to sabotage shit for her, always regarding men though. but when he wasn't acting jealous he was pretty good

>>Treated Phoebe like a retard
She largely IS a retard

>spends half the series hitting on Ross' sister
>gets butthurt when Chandler kisses one of his while drunk
Nah, he wasn't a good friend either.