Cast him for the upcoming movie adaptation

Cast him for the upcoming movie adaptation

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Danny Devito, any other answer is wrong

Jason Statham

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Tom Cruise

This, especially because Danny is fucking 4'10". This guy is a giant compared to him.


Jason Memeoa

paul giamatti

ok ive seen this guy everywhere now what the fuck is the story

Idris Elba

It's gotta be /ourlad/ Warwick

probably some facebook video that was posted on 9gag and now it's here.

get with the times, grandpa

this is exactly what I imagine Jonna Hill would look like if we shaved him

Deepfake of Tony Soprano on midget body.

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>You're not God, or my father...or my boss!
I respect him. This man values God, family and employment

I would love to kick him right in the stomach and then say "Sorry, I thought you were one of the balls."

Henry Cejudo

>Go ahead and attack me bi-

Idris Elba

bagel incel

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It's a pretty short story

>tfw 5'9
its over

Warwick. Doesn’t even need to act. Just show him a post about him on Yea Forums and you have oscar Gold right there

those are just the most common male heights tho, that stat means nothing

Lanklet BTFO

>tfw 5'5 and people call me bagel boss now

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t.seething lanklet



Manlet rage being let loose



mad cuz short, always hear about being short, cashier makes short joke, other cashier joins in, joe pesci loses his shit

Reminder that 6’1” - 6’4” is the prime male height. Anything less is manlet anything more is lanklet.

>this article written by a man of perfectly acceptable height who only needs to use the step stool every once in awhile, who wants to be over 6 feet anyway? Always hitting your head on tree branches and stuff, haha. No thanks, I’ll stick to buying my shoes in the children’s department.