Just watched this. What did i think of it Yea Forums?
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A masterpiece. Don't even know where to start. It's staggering how much of the movie is literally just extended dialogue free sequences of Jimmy Stewart driving around San Francisco stalking this woman like a complete psycho. Or notice how Bernard Herrmann's music cues hypnotically repeat the same motifs over and over as if they're spiraling.
The main character was kind of a psycho, what the fuck was his problem?
I know haha, and he doesn't even do anything that's not socially acceptable. In fact you could argue that his psychotic behavior is what is EXPECTED of men in relationships and Hitchcock was critiquing toxic masc-
Oh wait, forgot where I was for a second.
This is not letterboxd kiddo.
is this bait
vertigo is indeed a strong comment on toxic masculinity and a powerful deconstruction of the white male ego
You liked the film except for the rushed ending.
How would i rate it out of 10?
You where pretty sure it was shit tomorrow. Did you aquire taste in the meantime and have repented of your cinematographic sins?
I watched it after i made the thread. I just wanted to hear other people's opinions and when you phrase it like that, you will get replies. Yes it was good, probably the best Hitchcock i have seen so far.
You have to watch it again before you make an opinion on it, no joke.
Why is that?
"le epic twist"
"le autistic John"
"le stupid manipulated woman"
Wow what a masterpiece. Only the music is good.
British people can't make good movies
Nice reductionism.
you thought it was absolute kino - some of the best visual storytelling in all of cinema
>some of the best visual storytelling in all of cinema
Any other examples of this?
I don't watch films made before 1990, they suck, the acting is cringe and I can't see shit because the quality is awful
i watched it 3 times and cant understand why people say its brilliant, best movie ever made and hitchcock's best. i unironically dont get it
>Holy Mountain
>Blue Velvet
just what i can think of off the top of my head
You thought it was an overrated piece of shit and the Guy Maddin 'adaptation' was better
>the acting is cringe
buzzword non-argument. explain why it's """cringe"""
>I can't see shit because the quality is awful
this argument would be valid maybe like 30 years ago before bluray was a thing
he was hired as a private detective following the ship builder's "wife" but he turns into a sociopath later on
the last laugh
David Lean
Mike Leigh
Alfred Hitchcock
Nicolas Roeg
Ken Russell
Michael Powell
Peter Greenaway
You are wrong obviously.
I understand people who say that it's Hitchcock's best but not the best film ever.
Do you have a link or torrent for the Maddin's version?
>falling for an obvious bait
He couldn't make it more obvious if he tried.
the thing is i like alot of his movies, not even meme obscure ones, my favorites are rear window psycho rope and rebecca, but i simply cant get into vertigo. its probably the only movie that i really wanted to like but cant
have you seen north by northwest?
I like Vertigo more than the ones you mentioned except Rebecca, i haven't seen that one. Rope is quite good too. North by Northwest is also really good.
i found rebecca really boring but i loved vertigo and north by northwest... do i need to watch it differently with a certain frame of mind to enjoy it more ?
Do you mean Rebecca? I haven't seen that one.
fuck i cant read. sorry my bad
All hacks.
yes, it was good fun aswell
Name 5 good directors.
Can't argue with that. Supreme taste.
Vertigo and NBNW seem to be shot in a similar visual style - both films have very rich colours and diverse colour palettes - but with Vertigo being more slow paced and more focused on shot composition and with NBNW relying more on the fast paced plot and changes of scenery and movement of the camera.
i think the reason why people like these films so much is that the visual storytelling mirrors what the story is about (or what the protagonist is experiencing). like in Vertigo, this very mysterious story about a woman that doesn't really make sense at all to the protagonist (or the audience on the first time) makes him gradually spiral out of control as the visuals become more hypnotic and strange. whereas NBNW the pacing becomes faster as the story progresses and has more of an emphasis on lines and the kinetic energy of the scenes as the character is thrusted in to new situations and locations rapidly.
toxic masculinity is too much of a modern concept, Hitchcock just presents how for male desire to emerge there’s a total disregard of the woman that’s the object of desire
Hitchcock was big into psychoanalysis, you need to understand it from that point of view to see what he is doing. I recommend those Zizek videos about movies for a deeper understanding.
God I just want all zoomers to die
there’s nothing zoomer in what I said
Hitchcock is a poor man's Orson Welles.
Vertigo came out the same year as Touch of Evil and is outclassed by it in every single way.
Welles is a poor man's John Ford. How Green Was My Valley came out in 1941 and it outclassed Citizen Kane in every way possible.
is this the one?
There's no comparison between any of these people you morons
Slightly overrated, but very good nonetheless. Hitchcock was a master and rightfully praised, regardless of how much a lot of Yea Forums despises him.
Both How Green Was My Valley and Citizen Kane are in black and white so i don't know what do you mean by your statement.
Bait is descending in quality
yes, that just an excerpt though. The documentary is about 2 hours and they talk about a lot of other Hitchcock movies too.
I have just finished North by Northwest, it was fun. Very well done, probably better than most, if not all Bond movies.
This scene gives me chills.
I didn't get it until the third time I watched it.
it basically created the blueprint for the bond/espionage/thriller type films