I don't get it

I don't get it

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>people in shitty monkey costumes and then nothing happens for 2 hours
>dude its a masterpiece!

Exactly my thoughts!

filter tested and is still working.
thanks OP!

Fuck off roasties

It's about the dangers of technology, mainly A.I.

this. its really dated, and maybe film technology back then wasnt as advanced as it is now or whatever, but still it simply doesnt work for young audiences

No, it's about the eternal return, muh Nietzsche

fucking based
quite possibly the most overrated movie ever, besides Star Wars (which is ironic since Star Wars was heavily inspired by 2001)

God the amount of shit taste in this threads

Zoomy zoom zoomers. I can't wait for all these dumbshits to go back to school so this place can clean up a little bit.

>muh old movies

>Exactly my thoughts!

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lmao take your meds gramps

>he says unironically as he pops another ritilin just like every zoomer his age.

Or was it an antidepressant? No balls generation anyways so it doesn't matter bitch boy. Keep crying for justice.

I like the sequel better.

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Or maybe it’s a warning and critique about how dependent we are on technology

very compelling arguments

back then, media wasnt shit out like it was today. 2001 was a wonder.

They aren't responding to arguments to begin with

Imagine living in the 60s and having no idea what the earth looked like from up there and seeing the possible future of space travel. Bare in mind this was made in the era of the Space Race between America and Russia so it opened people’s eyes to what the future would be like. It’s less a film and more an experience. I saw it not too long after hating it as a teenager and it’s still mind blowing how real everything felt.

I think you need to understand the context of when it was made OP

22y here and I must say anyone how argues the mastery of this movie should keep his mouth shut and stick to low IQ demanding superhero movies.

It clicks better if you think of it less as a story and more like a "spectacle". Think of a literal theatre or a music concert.

Fuck off you underage fuck.

You don't need to. Just enjoy the kino, zoomer.