A Letter from the Producer April 20, 2013

>A Letter from the Producer April 20, 2013

>After we returned to New York a year and a half ago with a lot of footage of Nick and the flood, we - young and recent film school graduates - thought that it was important to make a film that focused on everything we saw in North Dakota that summer, with the specific intention of getting festival attention. Once we realized that film wasn't clicking with festivals, we thought we would release it, as it was, during the Fall of 2012.

>In truth, the first edit of the film wasn't very good, but what we lacked then in experience we make up for with integrity and shrewdness. Sure, we may have let it go too long before deciding to "hit reset" and go about it a different way, but we care a lot about this film and we will not release it until it is complete and worthy of your time. Nick would never release his game until it was good enough to meet his high standards and attention to detail, and I refuse to betray our honor, Nick's legacy, or the audience that has waited anxiously. You deserve a great and interesting documentary about Nick, and you are going to get that.

>So now I am editing it myself, working on it every day, and it will get done. Since we're no longer making a film for festivals, I am editing a film for you. I want to impress you, entertain you, and leave you eagerly looking forward to our next film. I have everything riding on this film, the least of which is my reputation. The film is approximately 75% complete now. Also, I want you to know that I will start posting more regular updates to keep you entertained and informed until the day the film is released.

why did he lie bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Uli thread on page 9
Oh good, it's over.

uli is a bad person

Where is the keyboard?

More importantly, why did he lie Uli?

no u

he really is
>unironically claims he can't get a job because his circadian rhythm is off
>mooches off of his sister when his parents kicked him out
>literally plays thousands of hours of the same game


>t. jealous fag

but he works at wallmart? he has moved out of his house? and fixed his sleeping pattern?

you'e just jelly

under the fabric stuff. pretty sure he has a video explaining it. one of those OCD rituals

I think he learned how to directly interface with his pc

the game is already completed he just needs a way to pull it from the ethereal

Fuck off Chris

North Dakotan here. What's this about now?

The most famous person from North Dakota

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That was years ago.
He turned his life around.
Video related...


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What happened to him? Last time I saw him he was swimming in the ocean. Did he drown? Did he make it?

>The most famous person from North Dakota
That's not Darin Erstad.

That's right stupid. I'm talking about a real famous person. The platform master himself!

Attached: tmp_7924-ulillillia_537c47a7ac0e2_large1504743484.jpg (200x200, 34K)

Uli became a normie. REEEEEEEE!

But is he still afraid of chairs?

under the dryer sheets, he’s autistic

even better than that. He's travelling and got a job and plans on moving/or already has moved to Florida.


wasn't he afraid of blue water?

How come Ulillillia can make it and not CWC?

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>2013 was 6 years ago

I feel happy for Uli though. He has a real job and a girlfriend now and seems much, much happier.

Chris is autistic. U is "just" extreme OCD

He's been able to conquer several of his fears

I don't see a debug menu displaying various stats on this video. What the fuck is going on.

His last vacation had the debug menu turned on.


>be super OCD
>Still lucy enough to have a farm girl next door growing up


that's good to hear

>has a girlfriend?

This must have been before he started de-greasing his pizzas.

>draws/fr: ∞
>hp water is constantly dropping the entire time he stands in it
My sides are crashing

And mirrors and ketchup and mustard bottles...

why are country girls so randy bros

>lucy enough
Is this a new zoomer idiom?


better Degrease that post user

>washing your titties while still wearing your bra
but it will get wet


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simply fantastic photograph

Shitty lying NYU film faggots.

W-what happens when the water is out of HP...?

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you missed some good parts though

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Based Uli dabbing on the neurotypicals who think that if they put up with him they'll get e-famous

>You too lil' nigga!


>Host realises that he has inadvertently brought Nick to a gay bathhouse

Attached: 1561753494524.gif (384x492, 579K)

>published author of multiple books
>Lives on his own and supports himself
>Conquered most of not all of his fears
>Living a normal life
>Has a hot gf he takes to pound town on the regular
Why can Uli do it but you can't, user?


Fuck new Yorkers