When will this shit stop?

when will this shit stop?

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what are some all women movies which could have an all man reboot?

After World War 3 breaks out

You can't stop combing the internet for shit to get upset about, user, so with that in ind I'd say never.

i reject

Fuck white men

It will stop when it quits making TREMENDOUS amounts of money. Literally has never been an all female reboot that hasn't gone above and beyond everybody's financial expectations

Mean girls

Charlies angels
Ghost world
Red sonja
Sisterhood of the traveling pants

When you stop giving them free pr.

We're all looking forward to that gay shit.

This is a fun thread about laughing at hollywood, not a thread about shitty bait. Please leave.

Did QT approve this shit?

Why does trump blueball us?

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The whole movie industry has to crash and burn. Not sooner

when women can write their own scripts.
so never,

>what is Ghostbusters 2016

All these remakes are a slap in the face to women and black people. Instead of coming up with original characters and stories they rely on stories already made popular by white males. The studios have no faith in actually representing minorities properly, they just make it seem like it so the liberal brainlets will eat it up. Just look at how badly all these female remakes are doing, and they just keep doing it and losing money. its hilarious that liberals are working with their worst enemy lmao

Joy Luck Club

Include the western game industry and you have a deal

Hollywood is out of ideas. This is why you see nothing but sequels and reboots. Their new strategy is to remake old movies with all female casts to pull in women dumb enough not to realize they're being milked.

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Copy paste has worked well enough for Tarantino throughout his whole career.

It's like that South Park episode where the Family Guy writers are just manatees that have idea balls like "black reboot" "female reboot" "movie name" lel

When America has become so destablized that Hollywood can no longer operate.

That is actually a stage play.

When they accept that those all female reboots aren't profitable

This. Why do that when you can force them into roles they shouldn't be in and then turn around and say we'll if you dont watch this or like it YOU hate ALL black people and ALL women. Most NPCs will do anything to not be seen as different or go against majority think.




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>not reservoir bitches

Would you want to be the guy known for starting one of humanity's great catastrophies? I wouldn't


>US and China are too economically dependent on each other
>rest of the world is weak as shit irrelevant

It won't happen ever again.

Ocean's 8

All of them look like shit.


None, you sexist incel


when you stop giving them free advertising by sperging out every time

> The studios have no faith in actually representing minorities properly, they just make it seem like it so the liberal brainlets will eat it up.
They don't have faith because it can't be done profitably. Smaller studios trying to find a niche to compete in put out female/black/black-female centric films all the time and they typically bomb hard even with the tiny budget that gets put in.
There is absolutely no GA appeal for those sorts of films, which is specially why gender swap reboots and diversity recasts happen.

>hey girlfriend!
>this boy is so adorably clueless!
>let's catch the latest Christian Slater!


Reservoir catladies would work

Plot twist: There was no rat and they all kill each other because they're incompetent women

When will America start realizing equality means equal and not putting women and blacks on pedestals while telling everyone white people are evil and deserve nothing.

Right after they've given the last of the white people group showers.

Im just so sick and fucking tired of hearing about equality and how everything needs to be equal WE ARE ALL THE SAME. When these very same people think making every form of enterainment nothing but blacks and women. Thats not equality. Thats forcing blacks and women into things because they are black or women. Its just such a joke.

Get used to at least another decade of it.

when you have sex and stop bitching about stupid shit

Mean boys could kinda exist I guess. Some guys can be real bullies in high school. It’s never the chads tho, like Hollywood movies have you believe, it’s usually the brad types or the people just below brad-level that are bullies.

Okay, let's make this harder.

What are some all-Male movies that you actually think can work or wanna see with a female cast?

The Joy Luck Club

Will it be directed by Tarantino?

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incels will be spamming this later

how about something original instead of male-thing-but-not
building identity on copying men must be really empowering

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There's surely plenty of ideas, they just wouldnt ever bother giving them a shot when they could reuse financially sucessful movies from 30~ years ago and then remix them with pandering.
It's a proven idea, zoomers havent seen it, pandering will generate extra buzz.
How could a fresh new script even compete?

Did you watch Ocean 11 and 12 nigga?

When you start only supporting films that are original intellectual properties that aren't sequels and campaigning for them online to ensure they're massively successful. That's the only way to turn the tide away from this trend

when you stop giving them money

Hollywood studios buy scripts all the time that they have no intention of developing- they just buy them so other studios can't make them. They aren't out of ideas, they're just being risk-averse because the risk they take is losing hundreds of millions of dollars. The problem is they all want something with brand pre-awareness that will do well in Chinese theaters and make them a billion in revenue for a 200 million+ investment. What they SHOULD be doing is greenlighting many projects for $500,000 and hoping one of them becomes the next Napoleon Dynamite of Blair Witch Project that nets them 50 to 100 million. They won't because that's seen as a poor use of their capitol if they could have spent that time and energy making a billion from a Jumanji or Lego movie

Countries were more dependent than they are now before WW1.

when we stop giving it attention.

from my experience, bullies are always in a group akin to:
>leader: the midge
>the 2 twigs
>the piggy

Yeah they were pretty good. I mean 11 and 13 were

female ghostbusters

They won’t be able to find any women who will hold a candle to Buscemi, Roth and Madsen. It will surely fail and might even be funny

>Red sonja

But Conan the Barbarian is already a thing.

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They replaced every "he" with "she"! What a daring synthesis!


- why am I mr. Pink?
-because you're a virgin
*No nice boobs shaking during racing scenes because muh masculine women*
*Mr. Yellow is just a generic tinder thot*
This shit's not even funny

it's a fucking theater play and it was absolutely destroyed by critics, female included:
>Review: 'Reservoir Dolls' is an unconvincing take on Tarantino

Set it Off

Nice try, market-research division.

How did the joke fly over your head? Autism?

To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything!


Gilmore Boys
Buff, the Vampire Slayer
Bad Dads
Mr. 45

That looks godfucking awful

Predator. Since the Predator is already a vagina-faced monster it would be fun to have a bunch of roasties fight it instead of the repressed homosexuals of the original.

Wait a minute...


>All-women Ghostbusters

>All-women Ocean's Eleven

>All-women action movie Annihilation

>All-women Terminator
Gonna fail.

Seems like a winning streak, let's try a few more times and see how it goes.

With Gina Carano in the main role

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I just checked and Ocean's 8 actually made quite a few money. Enough to break even at least. I dunno how much cut is scalped off of the box office though.

cant wimminz make their own movies? atleast Lost in Translation is one movie with original idea that wasn't reboot of something else.

If a film breaks even, that means it's less than half what it's supposed to make.

It made four times its budget.

American History X

Who do you wanna see getting raped?

I would 100% watch this. I actually really like Joy Luck Club, and one from a male perspective would be pure kino.

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I'm just waiting for the day they remake Citizen Kane, but with a black transgendered woman.

Citizen Kang

Why couldn’t Lithuania go with this flag instead of that afroshit tricolor?

Around the same time you realize that nobody ever believed that and that politics is 100% screwing over other groups for the benefit of your own.

lmao wtf

When Jews first instilled the idea of equality aka white genocide

When the jews are expelled from Hollywood.


Not "all female", but Amélie starring a male incel would probably make quite a splash on social media.

It hasn't stopped since the 80s when they remade basically every movie but made it blaxploitation
I don't get why people are so triggered by an extremely old business technique, are you all zoomers or what?

Female reboots are retarded, but a loli reboot, now that interests me

sounds comfy desu

too easy

The First Husbands Club

You idiots should understand that the whole fucking world revolves around money.

This "all women" shit is just because ut might sell, and because writers are not as creative as they were. It has nothing to do with "morals/ethics", it's just fucking money.

>its been going on forever so it's ok

Whoa, this thread is off the charts!

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pretty decent bait

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>Hollywood claims they want more female lead films
>don't actually have faith in female lead films, so they just cast women in shitty remakes of male starring films
>movies are shit and often bomb
>blame alt right tussian troll bots
>keep making shitty remakes with women

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>using incel as insult in 2019

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More like Reservoir PUSSIES

of course it's three jews and a black girl

The only thing I have against this is you wouldn't believe men in that situation would have such shit decision making skill.

Still need an all Female Predator. Also all Female Das Boot

>Since the Predator is already a vagina-faced monster it would be fun to have a bunch of roasties fight it
Plot twist: the predator is a dick faced monster in the all-female reboot.

Alien already exists

Only time I've got to use this.

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Sure it is
Supply and demand

Blade Runner 2050