Read a full fucking article for once and stop sperging out over clickbait.
She isn't Bond you braindead incels
>a new, reimagined bond for a new generation
How many times are they going to do this, are they just going to do it until they've turned every iconic film into a leftist circle jerk
>she’s not actually Bond!!!1
No, she’s just taking over the codename, will be much better at the job than Bond himself and despite looking like an ape in a dress Bond will be madly attracted to her.
i wish i was dead
right but are they still making new james bond films? no because these are supposed to be the replacements
stop arguing pointless semantics
She is 007 though, you fucking pedant. It's very much the same thing.
Craig is still going to be the lead in the movie you idiots. Nowhere has it been said that she will the lead in more 007 movies after this one.
This is what happens when you let the Daily Mail and Sun post here
I hope you're happy Rileyspammers, your MEW vendetta started all this
Yes, you know who you are
That’s how it starts. When the film comes out, expect breathless headlines about how well her character was received. Then a couple of weeks later a twitter hashtag that no one retweets but is used as further “proof” of a groundswell of popular support for her to take over the role. Bam - here’s your new 007.
Craig has already said hes retiring from bond after this film
You're a disingenuous faggot. Craig is the lead for this movie, and then she takes over for future installments. That's about as obvious as it can get if they're naming her 007.
They’re still searching for another guy to be the next Bond.
She is 007 in it, apologist
Why keep searching when they could cast Idris Elba ?
And you’re a reactionary moron. They wouldn’t be announcing this now if they didn’t also state that she’ll be the lead in future movies. Stfu.
007 is a codename, not synonymous with James Bond, retard.
Why do they insist on casting ugly people in movies?
When all of the movies, books, and even the core idea of James Bond is that he's agent 007, then it is you fucking scumtard jewberg
To be fair, women always made the better spies throughout history.
He wasn't 007 when Casino Royale started, and he won't be 007 when Bond 25 finishes.
Go have a cry somewhere else, incel.
Women have never made a better anything except birthgivers, grow up, retard
Nonsense semantics. Bond is in retirement at the beginning of the movie and will be forced to come out of it, which is why someone else is 007 in the meantime. Calm down, autist.
>which is why someone else is 007 in the meantime
Well no. There are other 00 secret agents. They wouldn't reuse his number.
>They wouldn't reuse his number.
Of course they would.
>thinking logically is bait
The absolute state of this board
It's called testing the waters. 95% chance she will lead the following movies.
they already found it judging by op pic
>Of course they would.
Yeah, you're right. And everybody shares the same login on the high security government computers, too. It's just cheaper that way.
MI6 doesn't give a shit about James Bond being 007, they expect 00 agents to have a high chance of being fucking killed every mission.
Much like Daniel Craig is the 7th actor to play him, Bond is probably the 20th 007 in MI6.
Good god you're fucking retarded.
What part of "code name" don't you understand?
>Bond is probably the 20th 007 in MI6.
It's not like codenames are expensive. They pick a new number for each new agent.
>source: my ass
It still doesn’t explain how anyone is supposed to consider this creature beautiful
>people falling for obvious b8
Barbara Broccoli, who fucking runs the franchise, has repeatedly said that a female Bond is a retarded idea and they're not going to do it. You're literally falling for clickbait advertising campaign.
>What part of "code name" don't you understand?
You don't seem to understand. They don't recycle these names. Think military operations. There's never going to be another "Operation Desert Storm". Why can't you understand that?
Honestly watching Bond pretend to be attracted to this person will be more crinngworthy than just making her 007 permanently
>youre a reactionary moron!
>but please go see my movie, the negress isn't the lead I promise
>comparing bond to real life
You realise real life operatives don't use explosive pens, right?
What about M?
Or Q?
Clearly different people, same codename.
white people are mentally ill
I don’t even give a fuck about James Bond movies, baiting retard.
>regressive populist idpol garbage
>10 threads of pure butthurt over this
Please don't stop
Keeping these babies in rotation. Minutely bump
Oh yeah the film is still going to be fucking terrible, all this talk of 'bringing bond up to date with the modern world' is just code for 'we're going to cut his balls off.' And having Phoebe Waller-Bridge as one of the writers is a terrible mistake, I've always been a big Bond fan but I don't think I'm going to bother watching any more.
>Clearly different people, same codename.
Just different actors. Bond himself has been played by several different actors. But the character has always been the same.