Has anybody ever looked at you like this?
Has anybody ever looked at you like this?
yes and it scared the shit out of me
What does that expression convey?
god I love milfs so much
Yeah but I worked out everyday. Try it you guys
Yes, and she was taken and we didn't have sex.
>no rest days
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
based retard
you can just adjust your routine, i did the same for a while. train some parts this day, rest them the other and train others.
>lying about working out, on Yea Forums
i think you hit rock bottom user
>tfw you realize that no one will ever look at you that way
get a load of this guy
Wow, didn't realize it was Chrissy's wife from the last season of The Sopranos. Oo-fah!
fuck off back to your containment board
>everything i like is true, everything i don't like is a lie
the gentleman's guide to Yea Forums, very nice user
lots of asian women
Honestly the things you hear from people that don't exercise is amazing.
looks better now than she did then wtf
Yes, once. There was a girl at a party who just plopped into my lap and scratched me behind the ear. I melted.
Of course I fucked it up within an hour.
are you a dog, by chance?
Yeah, my mum
are you retarded? that's literally what i did, under advice from an actual trainer in my gym. why the fuck wouldn't that be possible, tell me arnie
Yes, but I never realize it until later
What? Having someone play with your hair feels awesome.
Well look I was agreeing with you, the things you hear are astounding really.
ok user i'm sorry i called you arnie
Every time I go out.
Today, in a grocery store, women were just glued to me.
>no fap in 3 days.
>no fap in 4 days, women finds me to be scary
Yours Truly,
Yea, but then she lost interest after a week or two. I gotta say, it sucks to have it and then lose it so quickly. I still feel shitty about it.
What a fucking whore
>he never got to fuck this pussy
What a shame
usually my wife after i get paid
You can do abs daily depending on how hard you push them other days. Cardio and mobility can be done daily. I work out 7 days a week because it keeps me on my routine.
It conveys a lot of things. If you can't read this look, you probably have never had sex intentionally.
Yet it actually conveyed nothing. Checkmate.
of course
this is an 18+ website after all
>You can do abs daily depending on how hard you push them other days
This is true but a lot of people fuck their back with crunches.
I haven't. What does it convey?
unintentional sex is best sex
Yes, my girlfriend,
There is a very specific deer in headlights look a girl gives when she wants to kiss you.
Yes, but she was drunk and then went to the bathroom to throw up. I never saw her again after that.
I literally can't have unintentional sex because I need viagra to get it up with a woman
you are homosexual
ever since I hit my 30s, and since I have a good job, pretty much every single female looks at me that way
lmao you fucking noobs
You can easily structure you workout in a way where you exercise a muscle and give it 48 - 72 hours of 'rest' before you exercise it again, and that's assuming that muscle is being pushed anywhere near failure in the first place. There are many training philosophies where intensity is decreased and frequency increased, and you can train a muscle several days consecutively because it's never being properly exhausted. There's no real damage to recover from. Pavel advocates this, several athletes and MMA fighters train like this, etc. You can easily come up with a routine where rest days are a rarity.
No just low T. Docs didn't want to give me TRT though.
Rest days are comfy. It's not all about gains
based verbose autist
Same, i was annoying her while she doing something, then she got up and started getting closer to me with that stare. I recede, but she followed me the whole house back and forth without saying anything. Then she get back to her business and i didn't bothered her anymore that day.
date of birth please
yes, and it always felt great. married now, and never get it. feelsbadman.
currently growing my hair to look like billys
ill have so much pussy
seriously if you're not getting drunk and fucked up so badly you at least take one day off a week why are you even working out
Dubs and one of the girls I want becomes my girlfriend this summer.
lmao incel
But you're a virgin, aren't you? (((Checkmate)))
That's what guys in prison like to think.
I have but my autimso was too strong and I remain an incel from that very day
>Billy will never hit on you
Why even live
Yes. Many girls and fags. Equally ive had girls and fags look at me with disgust tho. but thats mostly because my drunk opener is calling them sugertits. And the fags fags ofcourse.
Mrs. Wheeler has a solid foot game!
Roll outs, leg raises, heel touches, planks, about a dozen others. Not all of them everyday but rotating through the 7 day week.