What was this scene about, again?
What was this scene about, again?
Let's see Paul Allen's dubs.
very nice
Bump. Check em
Lionsgate checked THESE
american psycho sucked and only incels like it.
smart frog poster
have seks
I bet you're the kind of guy who cleans up after himself at the theatre.
It's about how they all obsess over the most minor details while in reality they are all the same, which is why everyone mistakes one another for basically the entire film.
The business card scene is the best example, Bateman obsessing over the most minor details while in reality they all have the same exact business card
Also check em
Check 'em
Dubs and I get laid in the next few weeks.
Don't just stare at them. Check them.
Huey Lewis and the Dubs
>in reality they all have the same exact business card
Wrong. If you didn't understand the scene don't bother posting bullshit.
About being a big manchild inside that can only get satisfaction over materialistic victories
Are you fucking retarded?
How did a nitwit like me get dubs?
let me try
yeah, not being a lazy AF burger
Very nice
Check out these trips
Holy shit, look at this pleb. I bet you liked Carruthers’ card because it “popped”
t. interchangeable slicked hair vice presidents