Lmao imagine being this poor bastard mum's and telling him every night before bed that women care about personality and not looks
Lmao imagine being this poor bastard mum's and telling him every night before bed that women care about personality and...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
Who will play him in the inevitable biography (about the students who survive his shooting spree) ?
His overall face shape isn't that terrible. Get a decent nose job and he should be fine.
damn thats funny
Most people who think they have shitty noses overexaggerate how bad it is but this faggot really needs to see a plastic surgeon holy shit
But can they surgically alter his race?
fucking lmao
Good. Non whites shouldn't be allowed to talk to white women.
Reminded me of this old gem
Just put on a wig and get married to a 60 year old white guy.
Being an Asian male must be horrible.
>that board
Are we really about to enter an incel crisis? I know many friends who unironically haven't had sex. Why does no one take this seriously?
Asian "males" lmao
Yea his nose and lips need work.
Other than that he'll be fine.
the hell is a lipcel?
i get the nose but what's the issue with his lips, they look alright
He never mentioned the race of the girl he asked out, you fucking idiot.
ooooo gay
His nose is fucked but incels should not complain unless they have lookmaxxed hard
Isn't that more chinkcel
nigger lips
Lmao and then in the real world there are literally MILLIONS of black, brown, and yellow cocks penetrating pure white pussy as you typed that angry incel comment. Oh lord HAHAHA I'm dying thank you so much for this post lmaoooo
99.98% pure cope
He won't need to in the coming decade.
You can't stem the tide of Asian males. You think we're only colonizing NA, Canada, and Aus?
Russia and Europe are next.
Being born an Asian is suffering
What they don't realise is that people, particularly women, don't like Asian men because they are usually short and slim. It's nothing to do with their race. Short, slim white guys face exactly the same problems and perhaps have it even worse, because they are considered to not be the "norm" for their race.
>pure white pussy
Could be worse. He could be a curry.
As an asian he can at least get a decent carreer and betabux for a used up roastie in his late 30s as a doctor
>that hair
i bet he was wearing an xl t-shirt and dad jeans too
Woman off all races crave tall white chad. Believing otherwise is cope.
Imagine being born not white or at least some white in you
>your hair is black
>your skin is either a gross porcelain or different shades of brown
>your eyes are black and soulless
Yeah but if he was donned in expensive clothing and jewelry, he would get women. It's hard to get there but status is still king.
they're so pathetic
do they really think white guys getting all the women in asia makes them sexpats? cant just be normal tourists who the girls love because they're white?
sorry you dress like that too
irony of this post
Guys stop infighting . Thats how the Thots are winning.
>definitely racial
why do ricecels worship white people
Kek ! Was that what your last trip to Thailand was all about ?
it's not fucking fair bros
i like that these pics are so rare you keep a folder of them to post in threads to show people "look! it happens this way too!" as if we cared
I think they think white people get offended by them or something which doesn't make much sense.
"Oh no, don't date my daughter asian man! How will I go on knowing she's going to be well taken care of financially oh my god the shame of having my daughter date a nerdy guy"
Doesn't happen, right?
Imagine unironically re-affirming awareness of your own insecurities, and then getting mad when others don't overlook them
sad really
honestly his only real issue is his nose.
His lips don't look as terrible as he probably thinks they do, and he looks pretty masculine for an asian man.
If he got a nosejob he'd be fine.
I'd just be worried about male grandchildren, asian half breed males rarely turn out good.
Granddaughter's would be fine though.
that and as the father you'd always remain the bigger man in your daughters life if she married a nice asian boy. no worries about him being some douchebag
It might help, but he honestly doesn't even need to do that.
Women don't see men the way men see women. A woman's primary mode of attraction isn't visual, the way it is in men.
The dude needs to stop categorizing his own physical shortcomings, and go to a few social mixers. Read a decent book or two. Learn to tell a joke.
The issue is he's ugly and looks retarded. I guess you've never seen hambeasts on okCupid.
well asian guys sure arent getting asian women so they gotta at least try white women lol
haha truth hurts
asian guys are just a hard sell to any race.
even Indian guys outclass them, loads of asian girls are dating Indian guys now.
So we know it's not even a dick thing, Indians have just as small penises.
It's got to be personality.
Asian dudes need to learn to socialize better.
the incels from r/asianmasculinity and the disocords don't represent real asian men. don't judge us by the guy posting the pics. we're mostly normal adjusted people.
You guys are doing the same thing black people do to whites (bigger dick, more athletic). Same shit different race.
>ugly wm
anyone who bases their opinion of real life on Yea Forums doesn't participate in real life anyway user, no need to worry about that.
settle down ricecel
there should be laws
LOL is this actually a thing?
if he's fine i'm brad pitt
Oh god this.
Here's the thing about incels;
you're young, you're inexperienced, you're shallow, you're judgmental, and you're projecting hardCORE.
You only think women go after "Chads" because you only want to go after "Stacy". That's it.
If you are on a incel board your personality is probably shit.
cant too riled up
Why are hapas so mentally ill?
>all small white chicks
all I ask for is asian men with bigger white women
>lots of asian girls are dating indian guys now
I've noticed this. it shocked me at first, not sure why, to see hot asian girls with indian guys was just really surprising at first. I guess because our culture doesn't really rate indian guys so highly in media? I'm not sure.
Anyway I see this everywhere at uni now, as often if not more than asian / asian couples. And these are rich chinese international girls.
Yeah Tom Cruise and James Dean sure had it hard. It's all about the face and most asians look like insects.
It's just banter
I don't mind Asian people at all, they're always so chill
That seethe
Caught one
noice haha
source of the girl NOW
or just illusion
Tbf white girls are the easiest race to date.
i just picture the greasy ricecel stalking this couple lol "seeee see! now i can show them!"
I don't know what you mean
Any bar in Pennsylvania.
These threads are so pathetic. What's the point of posting this stuff? Is it to rile others up or are you actually upset. Either way it's pathetic.
I get severe second hand embarrassment whenever I see one of these threads.
Do either one of you losers have girlfriends?
Is one of his ancestors black or something? What's with that black nose and black lips?
>dude is covered in 10,000 moles
>still gets hot asian gf
so this is the power of whiteness
lol me neither
Besides his absurdly large lips and nose, the face is fine. If he lost of weight he'd have decent cheek bones.
Youu dorks are living vicariously through OTHER people, saving THEIR pictures while you're here, posting on Yea Forums defending your "people".
It's absolutely pathetic.
>chad looking asian guy
>white woman that's hit the wall
maybe take that one out of your rotation user, it's got the negative effect than what you want
cute dog
>2nd hand embarassment
whats the 1st hand doing?
This. If you're not white and you wanna date outside your race, your best bet is with a white girl. They love dark skinned guys and you won't get any shit from their family/friends, they'll treat you just like one of their own.
He's wearing a 16000 dollar watch so she's probably with him for the money.
Embarrassing you and your comrades.
no he'd still be an ugly incel permavirgin
And this.
>Do either one of you losers have girlfriends?
>no but its ok since people that look like me can get them
tbqh, eurasians will be the ruler race of the future so I don't mind them too much. Mulattos are gonna be the serf class, like in brazil. low iq and sturdy enough for slave work.
I usually think of half asians as "half elves" and mulattos as "half orcs"
nah too hairy
Everyone in that sub is in their teens. Try being a 25-year-old kv. I don't even really think about it much anymore.
That dude doesn't have a jaw
>10,000 moles
I thought someone took an explosive diarrhea shit on his body.
Why do expensive watches look like shit?
Wow, this video really triggered some incels.
Dude on the left literally looks like me.
Curry’s are Asian.
so white bois can no longer use the >muh dick meme arrow response when talking about blacks
All races have good looking people. The rarity depends on the race though
Is that right, Vlad?
Then you are a lucky dude.
my korean gf uses the exact same gesture for asian men
stop obsessing over nigger dicks user it's not healthy
90% of these people who are convinced their face has doomed them could just work out and get a good haircut and develop some sort of social grace apart from asking for dates from every woman they see and they would be fine. The only person I've seen that I'd call truly fucked was that potato guy with a face like mask and I'm pretty sure even he has a gf now.
the ugly personality, lack of confidence, lack of self care, lack of social grace all affect your chances to get laid 1000x more than your nose being big
the fuck are those shits, this is going like the gender spectrum names tier of stupidness wtf
A huge amount is just maintaining the "adolescent skill set" and never growing.
Not really. I don't think girls like "soft" looking men. I don't know how tall he is, but I'm 5'9".
nah, its not that
Just be yourself, bros.
I remember a few years back when words like incel were only used ironically in places like Yea Forums. The fact that they've become commonly used by MSM and normies in a completely unironic sense is nothing short of disturbing. The human race just needs to end. It's become a parody of itself.
Is there a link/video to this pic? Pretty cute Asian
That watch looks more sexy and attractive than the gook.
Hey bros, let's all post timestamped pictures and/or videos of us COLONIZING our Asian qts.
I think there's someone for everyone. Except people who sit in their room all day.
can you image being asian? so pathetic. but cheer up asian bros at least you're not niggers
Honestly what did he expect looking like that?
That was never really a thing in real life. It was neither the race nor the body type responsible for the lack of racemixing but a cultural thing. My Chinese uncle married a white woman in the '80s and nobody gave a shit.
The seeming lack of racemixing between Asian males and white females (I say seeming because it actually happens a lot, it's just unremarkable and under-reported) is usually a cultural thing. Asian males generally don't seek or feel the need to seek interracial relationships. They want Asian women (as does most of this board apparently). This is changing as the cultural views shift. Actually it's been the case for decades now in Asia where Asian males date and marry white females, I know because I grew up there. The west is just slower to catch up, Canada and Australia is already full of these couples, it's only the rural parts of the US that are lagging behind.
White incels on Yea Forums want to believe they're of racially superior stock to make up for their deficits but truth be told, white people have never factored in at all in Asian people's social hierarchy. The majority of Asians consider themselves to be the superior by default.
White incels are panicking now that Asian males are competing with them for romantic partners and so are trying to reignite outdated stereotypes in order to keep their women from dating outside their race. Women tend to go with memes and popular opinion like the women in so they think that by besmirching Asian males they can stem the tide of Asian cocks. But they don't know they're actually helping Asian males in two ways, first they're artificially weeding out the low IQ THOTs and leaving only kind and high quality QTs to pursue Asian men, and two, by making it more taboo they're increasing the female desire to want to do it in the same way they memed their own women into taking BBC.
It's pretty funny. There are skullcels, incels who believe it is the shape of their skull that stops them getting laid. Currycels, gymcels. It's hilarious.
Context: She dated an English teacher (iirc) and he did the typical cringy shit that weebs say and do around Japanese girls. Even though she was physically attracted to him his attitudes and behaviour turned her off.
There's plenty of youtube videos out there that point out exactly what NOT to do when living in Japan/trying to date in Japan as a foreigner. I highly recommend the majority of them so you avoid these basic bitch mistakes.
have sex
Exactly this. Living vicariously through other people's lives. Peak incel.
He should probably start dating black guys.
what app is that?
Its more like >your dick haha
This image makes me homicidal, i pray to god i never find such creature in real life.
Someone should nuke L.A.
Unless you're a nigger, having big lips is one of the worst facial characteristics you can have as a male. It screams femininity more than any other feature.
*smacks lips*
why come white people ve callin sashimi "sushi"? shiiieeet.
Any other Astronauts here? And by Astronaut I mean NEET that is the same race as real Astronauts which also makes me an Astronaut.
>t. liplet
full lips on a man, with a strong jaw and masculine brow is attractive
I really enjoy being white. Hell I's probably would rather be a spic or hell even a nigger before being an asian male. Can you imagine being rejected by the woman of your own race, lol!
Poor dude. His only hope is to surgerymaxx
hmm not really
hurts man
Same girl in that picture with her half-Asian boyfriend
She looks Iranian.
So how you live in a fantasy world while in this is the real-world
I feel the same way but the opposite. I'm really glad I'm an Asian male and not white, even though I'm a westaboo that loves English culture (as portrayed on TV anyway).
Kek she's not even close to white. Maybe in America, nowhere else
what is the easiest country for me to move to, as an average looking white man, to slay local pusy
>black men reject their own women for white girls
>asian women reject their own men for white boys
>write a book about cucked black woman and cucked asian man hooking up
>book gets adapted into a film
>it fucking flops HARD
Genuinely poetic
This. Guys aren't gonna win here, thots will.
why is this board still called Yea Forums and not r/incelcringe
There's nothing wrong with being Asian. Don't listen to any of these incels on here. They are very angry, bitter people.
just go up to any woman and show her your white cock, women cannot resist white cock
>>asian women reject their own men for white boys
1. 99% of Asian women are with Asian men
2. The vast majority of Asian females-with-White men are brown jungle SEANIGGERS from 3rd world nations in Southeast Asian
3. There are more East Asian men with White women that the opposite
FACT really suck .. ehhh
TanTan, basically the Chinese version of Tinder
Well, have sex anyway.
/tv is mostly /softpedo and /lonelymale
As long as man promotes and rewards thot behavior, thots will always prevail.
Actually think with your brain, not your dick.
why is it so important to you what kind of partner other people have?
>left is based east asian
>right is mail order wife philippino
the absolute STATE of ricecels
maybe mind your own business
Maybe I should get one of those dang apps like those youngsters. But I'm autistic and have unmovable ideals about degenerate culture.
Who has $10,000 to blow?
Imagine the smells he can smell.
she looks exactly like that girl in that kpop mv because she is "Asian"
/pol syndrome
>shit tier clockwerk
only niggers and people without any idea of good clockmanship buy those
>racist loser brit
>brown midget Thai goblin-face
that is like the stereotypical WMAF couple
>and not white
To be fair, the lead role in that movie looks more like a browny than an east asian god. The trailers also seem to confirm that.
so long as theyre happy
>every asian man is a comedic side relief and has it hard unless its in his own country
>whenever one of those chinks gets lucky with a white female its a 11/10 wife, mother and friend material
i dont know bros
She looks exatly like those Japanese girls in JAV. That is because she is "ASIAN"
>he buys meme watches that no one realises are even expensive or good
Why does it even matter to you autist which race of women someone fucks?
She looks exatly like those Korean girls in kpop. That is because she is "ASIAN".
DISCLAIMER : 'Asian' means nothing other than a geopgrahical term where 4+ BILLION people live with people whose phenotypes range from blonde Slavs to brown Dravidians to black Filipinos. Lets ignore most "Asians" with white men are BROWN jungle Asians from the poorest region on the planet - Southeast Asia.
Holy shit I posted this screenshot on /r9k/ about a year ago. Never thought I would see it again lmao
Thats a pimp and thats whore.
A girl in high school once asked me to tie her shoe and I did it. All the guys who saw made fun of me for it. In hindsight, the girl was probably into me and just wanted an excuse to talk to me and become my friend.
>dude just be confident and approach them, the worst you can get is a no
Why does he have to hold her hand if he's her pimp?
Asian guys have it hard but I'd definitely say they have it easier than Indian men. There are lots of koreaaboo white chicks who lust over kpop idols and they want asian boyfriends.
I've never heard a white girl call a indian guy handsome or even average. Never.
Bunch of a reasons. A lot of white people I know here in Canada are from fractured families. I like the tight-knit one I'm in. And I've encountered too many unsavory (in terms of personality) white people that I can't really idealize them anymore. Smarmy, oily, salespeople trying to sell me things or scam me because they see me as a walking wallet and then the other end of the spectrum where they accuse me of things like stealing an umbrella that belongs to me. Just too self-righteous and inconsiderate peoples.
Asian international female students will fuck anyone, I should know as they're the only girls that'll date me and I'm ugly as sin and an absolute failure. The downside is they're usually fucked in the head, though they're attractive enough to make up for that. My loser mate is getting married to the daughter of a very wealthy Hong Kong businessman and he's not much better looking than I am
Do any asian dudes have jaws like that?
Seems like a huge advantage.
the state of wh*te men in 2019
>99% of Asian women are with Asian men
only in countries without a sizeable white population lol
oh no no no
based bald fatso
I did this in high school and the girl said yes. Had no idea what I was doing on the date. I set the date up and I chose stuff that was too adult -- like dinner theatre shit. We only dated that one time. I felt so awkward I didn't ask her out again. She rung me up on facebook last month.
that dude looks 10 years older than her lmfao
>just b urself bruh
>very wealthy Hong Kong businessman
Nice story bro. Meanwhile in the real world - white British in HK are with Filipino and Indonesia whores.
Isnt it funny how real-life conflicts with LARPING stories posted on Yea Forums?
I need sauce. Please tell me there are videos of her taking cock.
This is the spark/trait that is unique to white people it seems.
You will never see an black, Asian, or Indian man of the same age or older do something similar to a young girl of a different race.
Maybe it's alcohol but who knows.
you're really fighting a losing battle when anyone can just walk outside and see how many young asian girls are with white dudes.
No amount of images and links is going to be able to surmount that, let's be honest.
>very wealthy Hong Kong businessman
Nice story bro. Meanwhile in the real world - white British in HK are with Filipino and Indonesia whores.
Amazing that even in Hong Kong and surrounded by Chinese girls, they are always somehow with brown Filipinos or other SEANIGGERS.
So are you guys gonna hook up?
>young asian girls
>DISCLAIMER : 'Asian' means nothing other than a geopgrahical term where 4+ BILLION people live with people whose phenotypes range from blonde Slavs to brown Dravidians to black Filipinos. Lets ignore most "Asians" with white men are BROWN jungle Asians from the poorest region on the planet - Southeast Asia.
He looks like an Anglo but could be a German. Probably got rejected by a few Asian girls that night for being a fat old bald slob and that's his idea of revenge.
Why can Wh*te men get East Asian girls and have to slum it in SE Asia?
On the other hand ...
>Why does no one take this seriously?
Because normies think it's all fun and games until one of them goes on an inevitable killing spree, and even then they blame guns instead addressing the actual problem.
I predict that at some point there will be some sort of effective gun control established, but that won't solve anything because you're pretty much just trying to sweep the actual problem, of angry people wanting to go on killing sprees, under the rug and angry incels will just resort to the next effective killing method which my guess would be running over people in the streets.
I swear I'm not from /r9k/ or /pol/
we mean the light skinned asians bro.
no one is pretending boomers don't go for the jungle asians, but it's silly to pretend asian girls in western countries end up with asian guys even 50% of the time.
They're more likely to end up with a black or indian guy than another light skinned asian and you know that.
I don't really see anything malicious, it seems like his idea of flirting desu.
I'm talking about international students you autist, I go to a university where I see this shit every single day. I don't really give a shit about what happens in the chink shitholes from which you send us this unending swarm of bugperson colonists
Based biopick posters keeping the thread relevant
>mfw reading through this thread
Young western girls all want a kpop boyfriend in 2019.
Beta white men have to go poorest region on the planet - Southeast Asia - and buy brown jungle Asians
This is how school shootings happen.
Haven't responded yet. I'm married and have two kids now. Still awkward.
>Why does no one take this seriously?
because these don't affect the genepool by definition so it's nothing to worry about long term.
HOLY FCUk, is this real?
Is it 2016 again?
Shut the fuck up mutt
What about black women and white males?
come back to the light
Apparently, full lips are not feminine since you had to qualify your post with "unless you're a nigger," and niggers are typically very masculine looking
I bet he also did dumb shit the redpill community brainwashed him with like negging, "breaking the touch barrier", a dominating physical presence, and even cornering her or preventing her from leaving, which is probably why security was called on him. He's lucky he wasn't registered as a sex offender.
>niggers are typically very masculine looking
not really.
>round faces
>no jaw
>big lips
>button noses
>no body hair
blacks are pretty feminine as a race, their men hate to believe it though.
All race mixing is bad. Asian women are for asian men.
lol I can't image lying this hard
I mean, historically speaking, a black man would just punch her in the back of the head and the Indian man would just wait for her to be alone and rape her.
Such desperation. I feel sorry for you, guy.
Am I on fucking /pol/
This, my favorite race of shemale to fap to is ebony shemales
I even have a black sissy who sends me pics on Discord.
Fuck you insects are hot don't compare asians to my moth waifu
lmao at these dudes who save pics of random couples. how sad is your life?
>it's silly to pretend asian girls in western countries end up with asian guys even 50% of the time
Where do you live. It's at least 90% of Asian females with Asian males by conservative estimate, here in Toronto, for sure in Vancouver, and most of midwestern America where my relatives live.
Curry are asian
You dumbfuck
Ultimate cope
doesn't work that way bud.
asians are the most feminine race, the whole reason asia didn't progress as fast as europe despite having remarkable early scientific knowledge was because their culture is built on submission.
Asians woulds be utter cucks to their lords and nobles and this went on so long that whites were able to sail in on their steel ships, demand what they wanted and the asians were left utterly cucked because they cucked to their hierachy of subserviance for so long they hadn't progressed.
It's just a major flaw in their biology that makes both the men and women extremely docile.
This is attractive in women but not so much in men.
I live in Australia and have unironically never seen a young Asian couple despite me living in a city where they make up what feels like half the population
Honestly he didnt give a fuck
/pol/ logic here
This is counterintuitive to the whiteboy mind, but it is very true. I'm a black nerd, and when I was younger, most black girls wanted nothing to do with me. Living in America, most plentiful substitute was white girls. They were... generous to me.
He's a chink AND a jew?
>being pedantic
there's a difference between south and east asians
>it's another yellow fever fags vs insecure asian betas thread
I'm tired of these reruns, familia
What a larp
I can't believe how often this happens, asian women literally going out in public and pranking asian men into thinking they had a chance.
I saw this happen in my city when walking home from work, the girl's friend's were recording and everything.
I got super fucking pissed and went over to give them a piece of my mind for bullying these asian dudes that did nothing wrong.
The girls were obviously shocked to see me confront them but I didn't expect them to give me their numbers, I felt kind of guilty about it honestly I just wanted to stand up for the lil guy.
I have friends in Melbourne so I know they exist.
Also isn't Australia range banned from Yea Forums.
I just want a black gf.
I'd gladly trade white women to chill black dudes for a chill black girl back.
Unremarkable white man wtf kek
tell me more grampa
another Ausfag here.
We're only DNS blocked so it's easy to avoid.
Also other user is right, in Melbourne the majority of couples are easily asian girls with white guys.
Cope, nerd.
And then they sucked you off right there in the street right.
you first.
no I don't have sex before marriage.
all your efforts are hopeless guys
I find that hard to believe, but that would make Australia the outlier.
I think you need your eyes checked, she doesn't look asian
>that pic
That has to be fake account right? I though only black men get mad at this pairing.
That's a nose even negroes would be jealous of.
So . . . I take it that you arent white?
there are many more elves than half elves. why would half elves rule the future?
Tara McCarthy is a white nationalist
How? They're the easiest, unironically. Why would I lie?
Australia had a massive asian immigration a few decades ago so most highschool to college girls are 2nd generation.
Their integrated enough to be around white people all their lives but the idea of intermarrying is still novel to their families.
So yeah, afwm is super common here.
Here's a webm for all the loser white supremacists. Keep strong fellow ricels!
Idris Elba
Its a struggle to read this
No, I mean literally. I dont really understand what the post is saying, someone explain it to me.
Stfu I'm trying to bait both yellow fever incels and ugly gooks.
Because they have never earned anything themselves. People who yell about genetic features are often losers for this very reason
I'm Korean and my older brother is studying Post Grad in America. He came back for vacation and was talking how sexy white women are and BLACKED.com. How do I reverse this?
Nice moving of goalposts, Bryan. I never said that black girls didn't go for white guys. Money, honey. Black girls are not as materialistic as chinagirls, but they are money hungry
How is this tv?
Why do all of you incels live vicariously through other people?
nice Television & Film guys, very proud of you all
that was just bad, he just looks confused because she obviously waved at him
its instructions on how to be a social outcast, samefagger
Figure it out.
Korean women are the biggest coalburners and biggest whores. I'm Japanese studying in America and I always see Korean women with black Americans.
Good damn feels good being white
Has the radiation killed you yet?
What a pathetic video
>Go check the comments
>Yup...all incels from lookism.com talking about ""blackpill""
anyway, have sex everyone!
I dont know about you guys but being rejected by any girl feels about the same doesnt matter what race or if she my ethnicity.
The worst sex and relationship advice you can get is from parents, especially Boomer parents.