>conservatism bad
Conservatism bad
Other urls found in this thread:
>Didn't watch the show
>religion bad
>islam good
Pope has divine powers
Pope uses powers to produce white babies and kill evil people
Conservatism good
show heavily implied that conservatives are the way they are because their parents didn’t love them
Didn't watch the ending
The show implies modern right wing is a backlash to hippie culture. It shows how hippie culture ruined society and the show explains it very well.
>The show implies modern right wing is a backlash to hippie culture
>It shows how hippie culture ruined society and the show explains it very well.
bullshit, pope rejects his fundamentalist beliefs in last episode when he tells that priest that he changed his views on homosexuality, show never paints hippie culture in negative light
I can't tell if you're joking or if you're genuinely too dumb for this show.
> show never paints hippie culture in negative light
Never mind, you're dumb then.
>show never paints hippie culture in negative light
Yes. Stick to capeshit.
You didn't understand the show, you fucking brainlet.
Why does nobody talk about this show?
It got zero attention from youtube reviewers, is never mentioned anywhere outside of Yea Forums, and it's already 3 years old.
>It got zero attention from youtube reviewers
maybe become an adult? you'll find you have a different definition of people, as in nobody/everybody is talking about
The threads about this show on Yea Forums are nice but after a while some autists who didn't understand or haven't seen the show come and ruin the thread.
>people actually validate the opinions of English lit dropouts
People don't really talk about a good show as much, at least these days, as they do for a bad show since they don't really have much to complain about. They agree that the show/movie is good and then move along and the show is archived, put into the kino box and left to gather dust. Why do you think Disney makes so much money? Le epic controversial buzz surrounding their relatively mediocre entertainment is worth in the end more than the actual quality of it. People like meme and be butthurt about things, and good shows/movies don't really provide artificial popularity as, say, a Star Wars made with the sole purpose of raising eyebrows or a piss poor live-action adaptation of a well-received/beloved classic.
Litetally the brainlet filter red herring of the first episode
The show is pure kino
I don't think people can handle a show about Catholicism that isn't all about corruption, sex, and power.
Because no second season.
Yeah, it's very strange.
>ITT: americans trying to appreciate art
thanks for reminding me of this gem
Say again?
Because it's boring and the flagrant propaganda put me in a coma. I get having political or religious themes in a show, but fucking Christ the hamfisted commentary is unreal.
More like
>this show bad
Pleb filter
>didn’t watch the show
You think this is bad? You should watch Designated Survivor S3. You will appreciate The Young Pope.
If only the writing was as good as the visuals. I'm And I agree it looks good. The actors do a great job given the lines they're given, and at times it can be interesting. But, as I said, the hamfisted shit kills it for me. I hate when a show feels the need to hold my hand and guide me through what to think and feel. It's just terrible writing. And this could have been a good show too, but it seems a lot of writers forget the audience doesn't give a fuck what their personal views are. I'm watching the show for the characters, not self inserts of the writer pontificating his personal views through the characters. That kills it for me. There is no sense of subtlety or nuance. Just "oh hey did we tell you this is good/bad? just checking. are ya sure you got it? really sure? if you want i can explain it again..."
I can't tell if you're a liberal or a conservative.
Second season will be released late 2019 - early 2020. Malkovich joins the party.
>you're in the papal office
>mr papa himself is seated at his desk
>he leans over and hovers his finger by the button
What do?
Take the snack obviously.
This is what the Italian entertainment industry considers to be """good""" """writing"""? How goffo.
But that's true
Young Poop
Remember how HBO advertised this show as "House of Cards in the Vatican" and "this pope FUCKS!"?
I fucking hate the US
He's a conservative. Whenever they are exposed to different ways of thinking they call it "being shoved ideology down my throat" and make drama about it.
You should watch Gomorra its very similar to The Young Pope in the level of writing and tone.
You think its good till you realize its shite and corny, Italians put style over substance it seems.
I laughed my ass off with this scene
>>conservatism bad
That is literally almost all of TV ever since the 1960s.
Someone I know loved the fist season, then said S2 was so bad he dropped it
>jude law
>similar to The Young Pope in the level of writing and tone.
Difference is the Young Pope deals with stuff rarely seen on tv (faith for instance). Gomorra is trash: thugs killing each other over drugs, pretexting honour and family. At least the YP characters try to grow.
Name 5 conservative shows in the past 20 years
>first 16 seconds and there is already a naked kid
How did they get away with this?
Found the burger poster.
Wait til you get to a mmf threesome scene
Actually I'm from Germany.
Same protestant related bigotedness.
its because they build up characters and kill them just when you start getting interested in them over and over again
There's just like 3 of them, cuck. Not my point. Also politics in art are relevant, most shows from the early 2000s that were progressive at the time could be seen as having conservative elements nowadays.
Meant "relative"
Which is mostly true.
good post and quads well earned n-not that you needed my validation or anything