If you haven't seen Evangelion and Twin Peaks you don't belong on this board
If you haven't seen Evangelion and Twin Peaks you don't belong on this board
Agreed for Eva, but twin peaks sucks
Agreed for Twin peaks, but Eva sucks
fucking normalfags REEEEEEEEEE
>t. Zoomer who just saw them on netflix last week
So will we never be able to discuss Eva again without some spaz blindly claiming everyone but him only just recently watched it on Netflix?
Considering this is Yea Forums we shouldn't be discussing Eva at all.
Yes. Because it's extremely obvious that the release of Eva on netflix is responsible for the posts here
How so?
I saw Eva a decade ago but the recent spotlight it's had on it has spurred me to make at least one thread about it, how do we know that's not the same situation here?
thank god
Anime is a type of televison
And it belongs on not Yea Forums.
I’ve watched a decent amount of anime without having seen Eva, and no I’m not a zoomer. People watch series whenever they want to watch them. For me, I stopped watching Eva after the first few episodes but decided to give it another try after Netflix made it popular to discuss again. I’m watching with subs though, as Netflix made kaworu less gay
Wrong. Yea Forums bullies anyone who discusses entry-level anime off their board. Since it’s been released into the normiesphere I think mods are okay with discussing it on Yea Forums now.
Please tell me where in the rules it says that anime can't be discussed on Yea Forums
Yea Forums is for TV shows and movies. Evangelion is both. So what is the problem?
You realize that Yea Forums has Eva threads 24/7 right?
No of course you wouldn't. You've never been to Yea Forums.
Fun fact: Lynch actually wanted to reuse the Shinji masturbation scene for S3 of twin peaks; Bud "bust a nut" Mullens was allegedly going to jerk off over Coop's comatose body but they had to cut it so they could fit in more sweeping scenes
If against the rules, wouldn't mods delete it?
People only go to Yea Forums when they need to prove that anime today is shit, so they quickly scan the images in the catalog and then come back with something like: "all anime now is just some fucking little girls, just check Yea Forums right now if you don't believe me!"
Twin peaks was maybe special in the 90s, when the only other thing on TV was reruns of M*A*S*H or Emergency Room, but its just okay in the modern age of television.
That's good proof you've never been to Yea Forums.
I go on Yea Forums all the time. What are you talking about?
I saw evangelion almost all the way got boring
Im still on episode 1 of twin peaks after seeing every episode is about an hour long
If you have been paying attention you'd remember Yea Forums would have at least one Eva thread every day or two.