I watched this horseshit after Rogan shilled it
>title references Area 51 despite the fact that Lazar didn't work there
>random clips and images sped up jarringly added to scenes for no reason - actually very distracting when Bob is trying to explain something
>shitty CGI clips with no relevance to the content
>unintelligible Mickey Rourke narration of meaningless lines of dialogue
>awful camerawork, e.g. Bob is drawing something to illustrate a point and no attempt is made to show what it is for a few minutes
>Super sekrit footage of conversation that got him raided is sped up so we can't hear it (why include it at all?)
>Completely inconclusive - despite agreeing to do this dickhead's documentary, Lazar won't talk about Element 115, which he presumably stole from the lab
This thing is like it was designed by Eddie Bravo after a joint, it's bizarre
Someone give me some better Ayyykino than this BS
I like Bob's 80s glasses though