Bob Lazar, Area 51 & Flying Saucers

I watched this horseshit after Rogan shilled it

>title references Area 51 despite the fact that Lazar didn't work there
>random clips and images sped up jarringly added to scenes for no reason - actually very distracting when Bob is trying to explain something
>shitty CGI clips with no relevance to the content
>unintelligible Mickey Rourke narration of meaningless lines of dialogue
>awful camerawork, e.g. Bob is drawing something to illustrate a point and no attempt is made to show what it is for a few minutes
>Super sekrit footage of conversation that got him raided is sped up so we can't hear it (why include it at all?)
>Completely inconclusive - despite agreeing to do this dickhead's documentary, Lazar won't talk about Element 115, which he presumably stole from the lab

This thing is like it was designed by Eddie Bravo after a joint, it's bizarre

Someone give me some better Ayyykino than this BS

I like Bob's 80s glasses though

Attached: 71i+U2OxOXL._RI_[1].jpg (1200x1600, 204K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>entire section on cloud chamber experiment
>no attempt made to explain what the experiment actually consists of or what it's trying to prove
>no mention of whether or not they're showing the footage or just some random shit as usual

It takes a special kind of retard to believe any of this

tfw no one believes you were abducted

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lucid dream

What about it don't you believe?

what happened

Mirage men is pretty good

Out Of The Blue is an old one from 2003 but its a lot more serious that that Amazon trippy shit

Tell us. We'll believe.

It was a very frustrating watch
I just wanted to hear Bob talk about shit, the worst bit about that conversation they sped up was him at the start saying "we'll show it unedited"
The JRE he was on was annoying too cos the other guy kept interrupting

how does "lucid dreams" explain scars?

The more I look up about Lazar, the more I wonder why Rogan took the interview

This dude has been flexing on his story since the early 90s

pls greentext

He's a literal pimp.

Attached: lmao.jpg (800x679, 105K)

Didn't his first wife suddenly 'an hero' while he was secretly already with his 2nd wife?

She definitely died

Not sure about an hero though

yeah I think Rogan did a better job just interviewing the Bob and getting the story. this whole bullshit documentary was terrible, Mickey Rourke as narrarstor was just distracting and I can't remember the name of the guys, but whoever it was that was with Bob on rogan and made the documentary, was terrible, he hurt the movies credibility more than bob ever could

Fuck me, back on web 1.0 they really dug deep into this

UFOboomers must be raging that zoomers only know him from Rogan and this BS documentary


How did she ruin his aliens gig

They're still interviewing him 30 years on without a shred of proof

He installed security cameras for a FBI honeypot brothel since he had no job after being fired from the project.
Corbell and Rogan are shit at questioning. Corbell had proof that the S4 range existed with an old Russian spy satellite image before they destroyed the site.

Attached: UFOlogy.png (1600x5520, 3.79M)

>without a shred of proof
Gets really awkward when the chief of DIA starts digging into Lazar's claims and actually finds the black project he worked on

>pic related
Original satellite photo that were taken after Lazar made claims about a secret site at S4. They started photographing every day instead once a week because of it.

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Because it's a mental illness, user

His fake educational background is enough to discredit him

>"entire history of ufology"
>a bunch of stupid government conspiracy bullshit including the widely debunked mj-12 hoax that probably came straight out of usaf counterintelligence
embarrassing. read vallee

Your whole post is cringe. Don't try being an edgy movie critic anymore. Its embarrassing

I agreed with his evaluation. This movie was very strangely made and I wondered about some of the same things. You can fuck off if you'd like.

>lying about your educational backround to employers during a time where you could basically get away with any lie bc no internet discredits him
