For England, James?

>For England, James?
>No, for Wakanda

Attached: D7B07E7D-7BCC-4995-B68B-15F17175B186.jpg (697x571, 79K)

>For England, La-a?
>No, for the EU

>it's fucking real

>this is the end

>For England, James?
>England?! Capitalist white supremacist Colonial patriarchy much?!

Gonna flop

I can't wait to see this bomb.

No, for Allah

Nigger what

Why are the British establishment so obsessed with BLACK
There are something like 3 times as many asian people here as black people, yet black people must have 10 times the representation in media

ah, it's not a permanent replacement. she's just the in-movie placeholder until bond returns from retirement. fucking clickbait.

She kinda looks like Idris Elba, no?
Or is it wishful thinking from my part?

>ah, it's not a permanent replacement
Yeah dude, they're totally going back after the war ends.

she's much uglier

Its Idris Elba in drag.

Asian means Paki, right?

Notice they didnt call her the new James Bond just 007, plot will be James Bond being rouge and her taking the 007 designation from him

This has to be a joke, right?

>She's not bond, just the replacement 007 while they wait for Bond to come out of retirement

there, saved you a click on bait articles

>people were joking about this happening 5 years ago

She's only 007 not bond


This is brave and powerful. You internet trolls should go back to hiding in your Russian basements. *sips*

Basically yeah, or Indian/Bangladeshi

Even Idris Elba would have been better than this

Attached: temp325426966.jpg (242x242, 19K)

>Implying goy wouldn't get rid white man forever after