Make it stop

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Other urls found in this thread:

bitch get your jrue holiday lookin ass outta here lmao

>only for one film then it’s back to white male bond
It’s so fucking obvious this is for good boy points


Yea Forums will probably see it as a win because it's not a black guy who would fuck white women

>Good goy points


Wow I wonder if they'll make her a lesbo too or if she'll have a tranny Q or if M will be a drag kid.


Nah she'll peg a wh*te boi

I agree. You ought to hang for posting shit from the Sun.

It's not even that for fucks sake, in the film there will be some turmoil, James Bond will get stripped of his 00 status, this cunt will become 007 in the film, then she'll get killed and Bond will get it back in the end. it's so fucking transparent



Wow, so she's a woman AND a nigger? The SJWs are ticking two boxes on their (((diversity))) checklist at the same time!

The original source for this story is a tabloid rag known for making shit up. It's bullshit.

too late mother fucker, she's bound to be a lesbian as well.

If you weren't a low IQ kike consumoid none of this would matter.


>bitch get your jrue holiday lookin ass outta here lmao

I appreciate the obscure basketball reference on a board other than Yea Forums

Imagine unironically caring about one of the worst franchises in the history of cinema in 2019. Bond deserves all the shit it gets, I hope next Bond gets portrayed by a paraplegic that is also a transgender and Sri Lankan and overweight

>It's a famous white character, but this time it's a black person
Why is it always black people though. why can't the little mermaid or Bond be asian?

why always black people? why not a nip, chink or pajeet?

name's ger... nig ger

this is great. we're living through the era people will make fun of for a century.

>The Sun
>Twitter screencap
good fake, nig
>it's real
Well, that's it. I'm out.

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Well at least she's a brunette.


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This. Or Bond's already quit/retired, and she's already 007 so that they can more quickly jump to him getting back after she dies. It literally means nothing except free press and brownie points.

Because it signals without a doubt to the rest of bolsheviks that the overtake of industry is complete.

>muh pendulum
Can't wait for the book bur- I mean, the hate speech filtration
The existance of the old Bond movies makes me feel unsafe.

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I have no problem with the modern taste for diversity and whatnot. The real transparent fact of the matter is becoming clear, studios are exploiting black people and black people are somehow STILL oblivious to it. How the fuck can they be so blind to it, people that don't give a shit about spy/action movies, or even watch them are being targeted here. And they will post about it frequently yet never even watch the movie, and the actual James Bond fans will not either because it's unrelatable and unfathomable that a black woman is going to be a smooth womanizing spy character. I am mostly central and in my mind rational but this is the clearest case of fucking abhorrent pandering I've ever seen.

We need to infiltrate this Saudi terrorist cell. Send in our best agent, a loud black woman.

>era people will make fun of for a century.
Right, because people in eastern Europe are not flooded by the same equality and social justice shit they were force fed in the 20th century nowadays, this time coming from the West. Everybody is just having a laugh about it, haha.

desu I always found Bond movies to be supremely boring, and the only good Bong was Moore.


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>"Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don't work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed."

>"This is a Bond for the modern era who will appeal to a younger generation while sticking true to what we all expect in a Bond film. There are spectacular chase sequences and fights, and Bond is still Bond but he's having to learn to deal with the world of #MeToo."

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I hate that shit like this is just assumed to be racist. You can think a black person is ugly without it being BECAUSE they're black, no one assumes you're talking about race when you call an ugly white person ugly.

this, i could stomach it being a female if it wasn't a fucking NIGGER FOR ONCE

>Women have the vast majority of purchasing power in the west
>literally everything panders to women
wtf i love capitalism now #wewantsocialismbutnotreallywejustwantmorepoliticalpower

>They said: "There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says, 'Come in 007,' and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman.

British people can no longer be trusted with television & film.

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Whats with her being so skinny? We need a real woman of real size to portray us.

Nah I prefer it being a black women. White women are the ones who fucked over their own men to virtue signal and caused stuff like this to happen to them.

It's better when they get fucked over too.

the user i quoted didn't even mention wh*te women

What the fuck is wrong with Brits?


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>See, goy? Nig-I mean Africans are people too, just like you and me. They can even be your most beloved characters! And now that you're used to seeing them everywhere, you shouldn't have any problem opening your borders to an endless stream of them!

>death to brits

Retards don't understand that Bond is first a man then a white man. Those idiots ruined a fucking male icon.

Because nips and chinks don't really give a shit about representation in Western media - they got their own. What have niggers got?


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You know, it might become either the highest or lowest grossing Bond movie ever. People will either see it out of curiosity or discard it. Especially the female audience might be turned off, as women have, at least those I know, really liked Craig in the role.

>it's fucking real

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We need to put women in their place t.nignog

Damn UK, where do you get all these Somali-looking, half starved black women who look 50 when they're really like 30?

mad world innit

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>character exits office into a waiting room
>scans the room and camera shows a lone black woman sitting there
>looks annoyed and says to himself "we need 007...where is he?"
>she stands up

>Look at me M
>We're Bond now

>James bond quits MI6 at the end of spectre
>wtf why have they reused his code name

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Nothing because whitoids and chinks support corruption and imperialism in Africa so they can get more gibs to invest in tranny operations and keep Africa poor so Europe keeps getting immigrants and becoming new Brazil and killing christianity

what do when whites bend over back for them?

The name's Bond, paid Bond

Blacks have the greatest action movie ever made

If Europe was becoming Brazil it'd become more Christian

Imagine if the outrage if they made Iditewalala Kasinguwa white

What the fuck yo

Can we just get a crippled faggot nigger tranny with a speech impediment to make a cameo in every movie just to get it over with?

Why do big companies even bend over to politics? Who gives a shit about what a retarded group of people think about their movies? It's not like Bond is very SJW-friendly to begin with, I don't think they would lose anyone by just sticking to white guy Bond. This is probably just gonna be female 007 for 20 minutes and then back to Bond, so why even bother?

Its like casting Amy Schumer as Shaft. A refreshing new change! Follow her as she roots up the hoodlums of Harlem!...

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I think there's a couple reasons for this
1) The controversy sells and if recent cases are anything to go by it certainly feels like certain films are using diversity as a shield and use the controversy to promote themselves
2) A whole bunch of writers are super woke and want to push this shit so they can get retweets and likes for totally rocking the establishment and fighting the power
3) The people that demand this shit are extremely loud online because they dominate the overculture so there is misrepresentation of what people (the general public) want.

More like "Arrested and out on Bond"

maybe I have shit taste, but I don't consider her beautiful by any stretch of the imagination.

It isn't the companies as such, but the pool of people they employ is extremely heterogeneous in their believes. TV and movie production has always been a magnet for liberal thinkers. People like John Milius have always been a minority in the field.

Sadly this, we need a world war to clean this a bit.

>Captain Marvel star Lashana Lynch’s role in Bond 25 will reportedly have audiences dropping their popcorn in shock.
>Lashana’s role has been kept underwraps but sources close to the production have now claimed that Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s rewrite of the script will see the 31-year-old be introduced to audiences as 007.
>Now that is a moment we can’t wait to see.
>James Bond fans will know that the spy retired at the end of Spectre and as Bond 25 opens he will be living a life of luxury in Jamaica.
>However soon we will return to MI6 in London and the insider reveals that ‘there is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says “come in 007”, and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman’.

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British films are not eligible for government funding or awards if they don't have enough niggers in them.

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wow the juice really outdid themselves on this one


>it’s real

dam. It’s over, they won.

Wtf is that in her nose ?

Where's Idris Elba though

Based acute poster. Her scene will be a glorified cameo, maybe post credit, Marvel style then Fuku is gonna run outta the door with a bag of money and the nexy director is gonna reboot the whole franchise and we will never see her again.
It's like thinking we will actually see Potts or Valkyrie took the roles of Iron Man and Thor. They won't

>make watered down crap to appeal to the lowest common denominator of viewer
>the art of film making is secondary to pushing an agenda these days
>infinite resources and yet there are no almost good movies coming out of hollywood today
>make fun, action thrillers that everyone, not just a focus group or twitteroids, can appreciate
>no agendas in sight, other than to create kino and put their country on a map
>despite limited resources continue to create kinos out of a sheer love of cinema
why haven't you taken the wakalaiwood pill Yea Forums?

Lol, Farage went to the Shia show?

>the SUN
>another fake outrage thread

Yes, make it stop. Close down /pol/.

It's real retard, check other threads with different sources you fucking faggot

>literal diversity checklists

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They all quote an anonymous source and the original article came from a fucking tabloid

I think it's gonna be the first scene of this movie. After Spectre James Bond is out from the MI6. First scene gonna be M calling 007 to step in his office, and the sheboon will appear. Then she'll get some mission and discover some secret that has she killed.
Then Daniel Craig will step in as 007 again after this and his life being in danger or Lea being killed or kiddnapped.

I hate that I recognize this background so well


Tessa Thompson was the clear choice.

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it's just a moment in the film where they temporarily give the 007 handle to some chick because Bond be retired. Calm down Anons, it's bait.

>The Sun
How the fuck do bongs read this shit? Just looking at their home page makes me nauseous.

even more ugly! perfect!

>Makes film about Celtic Britian
>"Ay Yo Where the Dindus?"
>"The Fuck do you mean mate, there wasn't any dindus in this place and time"
>"You're forgetting the check list goy"
British films are dead

Isnt this the guy who plays shooting guard on the Lakers?

Who would Yea Forums cast as the beautiful black woman bond?

Queen Latifa or Oprah. Or a shit tacco. It makes 0 difference desu.


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no such thing lol

hate to say it but i agree with this stupid fucking whore

Elba? Really?
People wouldn't be able to say anything about the race, because you'd be labeled a racist then.
And Elba is a good actor, so the movie would do well in the box office.

At least now it's gonna tank.

thats bullshit warwick davis tried out for the role but I guess he wasnt black enough
shame on them

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I'm not even mad anymore

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>It's another edition of praising minority representation like it's the epitome of social evolution
>It's another episode of buy that ticket with your manufactured white guilt

Oy vei indeed.

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Holy shit this isn't a joke? Lmao, some literal who black woman becoming the next James Bond.

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Don't watch it, don't even pirate it because they probably make money via product placement. Just let it die a silent lonely death.

Wait this wasn't a joke? Well there's no way this doesn't bomb horribly

>he actually watches movies

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this cant be real

yeah these movies used to do great in china, they wont see a dime from them now
ive never seen a more guaranteed box office bomb than this

Clown world

its real

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Haim's Kong

It is, I don't know what's funnier, the fact that the new James Bond is black, is a woman or is a literal who actress, even if they had just gone with Idris Elba he would only be one of those. This is going to bomb so much lmao.

absolutely based and truthpilled

>Anyone who has a problem with this will be called a racist
This is a huge mistake


Purple drank, shaken not stirred

I've seen a couple of Wakaliwood movies and they are not, by any means, good movies, but it is quite obvious they had a lot of fun making them.

0.07 Metres


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goddamn she is ugly. like a fucking shaven ape.

just don't watch it, idiots

Atleast cast a beautiful one, she or rather he lol looks so fucking awful.

>ITT: Nobody reads the source article
It's literally a shoehorned-in 5 minute scene about how that black chick is codename 007. Craig is still Bond.
It's absolutely pathetically transparent.

>scarjo says she should be able to play whoever she wants
>Yea Forums: "based scarjo standing up to the pc menace. let actors play who they want"
>black woman becomes bond
>Yea Forums: "no, not like that!"

is it possible to make spy action-films without the spy going rogue at some point?

all the mission: impossible films and half the recent bond films have the spy "go rogue" in some form or another


Audibly kek'd

They are really going to dress an ape up in a suit?

It is actually amusing the movie makers haven't realized how tired cliche it has become.

SJWs hae done a terrible disservice to minorities. Peope i general never had problems with minorities, now people are openly racist because SJW are shoving them everywhere and accusing evryone of being racist or sexits everytime. They just desensitized people. It's ossible that was their endgame.

#3 is a HUGE factor. These people crying dont make the majority.infact theyre a really small minority. A lot blacks dont like this either

>The Sun
Man this truely is the dumbest board.
You all need to off your useless selves

Only nigger and female?

why not a gay niggeress amputee?

Read elsewhere you insipid nigger. Even the official FB page of this movie is reposting "hot takes" from literal whos from Mirror, Sun, etc.

With the state of prosthetics, an amputee nigress could be a pretty good agent. And if it was an semi attractive negress getting fucked by a white woman I'd be all for the gay part too.

Which means, she'll be fucking white men ?
Finally some BLEACHED kino

Fucking retard.


Boy, love to see /tvpol/ bitch about, well, anything.

How hard it is for some local or indie filmakers to "reboot" some of old, public domain female characters as racists or something? Just for fun.
I mean, I had some money to spare, so what the minimum budget to make Fantomah or Jill Trent, The Science Sleuth as preservers of white race and release it commercially at some film festival?

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Yeah why not use someone who is a fraction of the British population who would stick out like a sore thumb? Thass exactly what a spy SHOULD be! Bix nood muhfugga

I think there's the fact that a lot of these SJW freaks sneaked their way into powerful positions up Hollywood's corporate ladder. They're mostly white women married to producers and such or got the job thanks to female quotas. I blame wek white men who bend to this bitches

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Ahahahahahaha ahahahaha ahahahahahahahahagVsahahahaha

>implying british ppl are a thing anymore

>I have no problem with it
>proceeds to go on a triggered buttrant
Sure kid

Yea Forums doesn’t read. They rather be outraged.

reminder these are presumably the absolute best pictures of this individual that exist
absolute yikes on every level

that means you have extremely good taste

he should be a villain, maybe a anti bond like Francisco Scaramanga, i dont see him as bond and not cause of his skin colour

It is hard to get money for something like that, especially these days. You either do a small budget drama or a big budget even movie, almost everything else is disappearing, if not counting the shoe string movies companies like Asylym do.

>gibs have now expanded into movie roles

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They said: "There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says, 'Come in 007,' and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman.

"It's a popcorn-dropping moment. Bond is still Bond but he's been replaced as 007 by this stunning woman.

"Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don't work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed. Well, certainly not at the beginning."

But that's not all - the insider also told the publication that the term 'Bond girl' is now strictly forbidden.

>>only for one film then it’s back to white male bond
>after it flops world wide like every other movie that tried to be woke

It's propaganda to normalize secret agencies going beyond the rules to "save the country."

Mega brainlet detected.
"Breaking the rules to get things done" is what everyone who does anything has to do eventually.

What i don't get with all this "blackwashing" is, why can't the black woman be pretty, its like they secretly want to send the message of "this is the best we could find, black people just happen to be ugly"

That head band does wonders at hiding her 5head

James Bond IS A MAN.

I feel like they're doing it just for a reaction. Then they can say "We were forced to change Bond because of the racists!" so that they can have their cake and eat it.

The Praetorian Guard approves of this post.


God I hate Jews

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i haven't even seen Craig's bond movies since i dont find them interesting because when i think of bond i think of some cool old school smooth talking brit/scott doing it
i actually do think idris elba could do it somewhat right, but why would i want to see some black woman as bond kek

Fuck Nazis

I used to work with Nigerians who are obsessed with Bond. They thought black Bond would be stupid and that was when Elba was rumored.

There's no audience for this, only tryhard liberal woke people will go to this.

It only says 007 not James Bond. There are multiple 00 agents in the series. This is just some fucking ruse.

Only if you're a qt aryan woman

Are white people just banned from Hollywood now?

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It’s ironically very racist

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how retarded are the /pol/cels coming here?
>jews control the media
>jews made the things i like
>jews ruin the things i like

Jews controlling the media is such an open secret that the fucking media jokes about it you stupid fuck

Everything you greentexted is true, though. Unless Discord trannies like you want to start arguing that jews aren't in power for media?

Bet you cunts feel dumb for crying about Idris, now you’ve got a double dose of diversity

>She will introduce the Captain Marvel star, 31, as the current 007's replacement within the secret service, while a decision has yet to be made who will take over from Craig in Bond 26.
>An insider told the Mail: "There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says 'Come in 007', and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman.
>"It’s a popcorn-dropping moment. Bond is still Bond but he’s been replaced as 007 by this stunning woman."
>The source also revealed that Bond will be brought out of retirement in Jamaica to thwart a "global crisis".

Great, more clickb8 for Yea Forums to freak out over and not actually read, just so they can complain about cultural marxism. Fantastic

boil about it, tranny

>Come in 007
>this thing rolls in

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Same kek

You cut off your dick and it did nothing. You're still an ugly man.

>jews make good things
>jews make bad things
>all jews bad

I don't care i just want to be mad

It's all about slow boiling. You can't turn up the subversion to 11, otherwise the frog jumps out of the pot.

But now it does seem like they've ramped things up and are just outright destroying all whites in entertainment now. Maybe they got spooked.

>its like they secretly want to send the message of "this is the best we could find, black people just happen to be ugly"
no secret, just the reality of the situation, they just expect to mindfuck everybody into propping up the delusion
if craig manages to convincingly act attracted to this thing then he deserves the next 10 best actors

>reading the article and responding rationally
Why tho? It's so much more fun to assume the world is my imaginary enemy and get riled up over nothing

It's clickbait. She has the mantle of 007 in the film because Bond's retired. She's not going to replace Craig. She's not the new Bond


The media knows what it's doing. The movie makers know what they're doing.

Keep insisting that it's all a coincidence, though. You look more pathetic and desperate with each passing day.

make yourself stop caring about it lol you're literally going to have an endless stream of this shit to piss and moan about, the choice of when to stop being emotionally invested in it is yours

It is time for the Final Solution to the Diversity Question.

It doesn't matter if it's "clickbait", look at the entire attitude they're taking with it. They're really diving headfirst into the dumpster fire.

It's good. When normies get disconnected from the poisoned feeding tube that is modern TV and movies, they start looking around. Particularly in politics.

Then things get fun.

ah yes, damn jews have been slow boiling for 80 years and everything you love is tainted

fucking schizo

I personally know beautiful black woman, irl so i don't know

Take your meds tranny. Literally no one can argue that jews don't run Hollywood.

He is probably still is.

It'll be a couple of niggers.


Jews have so much money, it's not even about making a profit anymore, it's just about pushing their political agenda.


i'm not arguing they aren't. just that if they are, they've created so much stuff and you're cherry-picking for the sake of being edgy

Man, it's going to be really hard for you when you're gonna have to start defending pedophilia in public.

>The media knows what it's doing.
Appealing to the #woke crowd to increase the film's box-office without actually doing anything "woke"?
Responding to the change in gender politics in the most superficial way possible, again without really doing anything?
Like, would you want them to say "fuck women, fuck diversity, Bond is a male power fantasy and you can get on board or get out"? Even though the film would be pretty much identical, but wrapped in a sleeve of controversy and would make significantly less at the BO due to boycotts and twitter rants? Potentially causing the franchise to get cancelled?

There's a game to play user, there always has been. And you getting riled up over nothing just makes you a useful idiot to be used to prove how toxic male cinema fans are.


take your meds

>it's a everyone who isn't outraged over literally nothing is a discord tranny episode
Why can't the writers ever write something original?

Is calling people schizo the tranny discord agenda?
Pretty lame man, my uncle had schizophrenia.

A woman being a 00 agent at all is a joke. They're supposed to be the cream of the crop. Even female UFC fighters would get knocked the fuck out by an average man. They can't be 00 agents. Even a Navy SEAL is less absurd.

Please let this shit bomb hard

>gets called out for being a no-logic racist
>p-pedo leftist sjw REEEE

Look i hate Hillary and Democracts just as much as you do, but spouting /pol/ jargon doesn't make your "muh jews" argument any less retarded.

>Bond himself will still be played by Daniel Craig — and will still adhere to his old-fashioned macho characteristics, an insider told the UK paper.

>‘Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don’t work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed,” a source told the Mail.

>Bond was transferred into another branch and given the number 7777, suggesting there was no active agent 007 in that time; he is later reinstated as 007 in the novel The Man with the Golden Gun.

>Takes place in Jamaica

More clickbait

honestly who cares. james bond movies suck. imagine caring this much about a shitty series that no one even watches anymore.
boomer tier bullshit

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From what they've said, she's not Bond she's just a new person who has taken the codename for some reason that works parallel to Bond? Is that right?

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Bad argument, convinces no one. You're in for a rough few years, boy.

Female top agents have been a thing in Bond for decades. You'd know this if you actually cared about the franchise and not just reacting to outrage politics and clickbait headlines.
>Who is Anya Amasova?


It's been pointed out numerous times. /pol/ just wants to be mad because, you know, edgy teenagers with sub 80 IQs

maybe if you didn't ruin your case by being a racist retard you'd get somewhere

Agreed. But I wouldn't call it exploitation because the black population benefits from "representation". As much redpilled as you'd like to see yourself, more screen time for black people means more normalization of black people amongst the population.
So in a sense its sort of a symbiotic relationship between the blacks and the studios, each one recognizes the hypocrisy of the other, but both pretend to be oblivious in order to reap the gains.


trannies out in full force today

Okay cool, so it's nothing. They're just trying to appeal to the woke crowd in an easy way. Sounds alright to me.

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>Yea Forums memes about Elba Bond for literal years now because black Bond is just so retarded
>get a nigger woman Bond

>Black person named Lynch

Bond has retired at the start of the film. This woman is literally just a female agent that has his old moniker. The rest is just outrage over nothing

>here’s your new 007 bro

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Is it really all that surprising any more? Just look at British TV and Disney casting choices. It's all so fucking hilarious.

>$.50 have been deposited into your shareblue account

They better make her a strapon wearing bull dyke to make this shit even somewhat watchable because she fucking kinda looks like a female Samwell

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yep, LA just woke up.

Considering police and security are so terrified of being labeled racist that they allow pedophile sex trafficking gangs to operate unimpeded, it's actually genius.

>"Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don't work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed. Well, certainly not at the beginning."
This sounds incredibly fake, especially since Léa Seydoux was already cast as the love interest.

Don't women make the best spies because they have the added tool of sex in their arsenal and are the least suspected of being a spy because they are female?

Yeah and Bond saves her repeatedly, dumbass.

These trannies are pretty ableist desu

Yea in real life women are great at gathering info. But fictional spies need to excel in combat, which men are objectively better at.

gotta loicensee for that shitpost?

00 agents aren't just spies though, they're also like super soldiers, peak specimens. A woman filling that role is ridiculous.

You literally just said its fiction.

Women are also evolved to be better liars because of all the times throughout human history they got a man to raise a child that wasn't his.

Yea, bond is fictional. Are you retarded?

Yeah but this bitch is ugly as fuck boi she ain't seducing nobody

Yes, but let Bond be Bond. If you want a female spy movie, go make your own.

>they have the added tool of sex in their arsenal
big fat N/A in this instance

I mean only France makes paternity tests illegal because they are a cuck nation. I mean their national symbol is a cock.

Ok normies HAVE to be noticing by now right?

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Yeah. But they need to be insanely hot and actually womanly to fool everyone.

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Can't be too good looking otherwise you just get random people drugging you and attempting to rape you at every casino

True, it could have been much worse.
I still have to point out though, for those of us with James Bond as a childhood hero, never forget what they took from you. The cultural genocide of the white race keeps grinding.

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Never underestimate the power of a smoothed brain

Aside from Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan movies, Bond movies still always had a gritty realism to them. And I think 99% of moviegoers agree that seeing some yas queen beating up 5 dudes is always cringey to watch and the absurdity of it kinda takes you outta the movie.

The subhuman kikes at Kikewood will never ever stop ruining anything that's associated with whites or goyim.

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>those related articles on the side

WEW what happened to you Britain

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White genocide is real.

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>having a pointless black character in a film is cultural white genocide
This why people think you're a fucking joke



I'm black and I hope this flops so fucking hard.

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Just look at the normies in this thread, does it seem like they're waking up?

The Jews in Hollywood have to be laughing their ass off. Ariel and bond within a week of eachother becoming nogs? And most ducked whiteys even defending it? Whites are doomed. No one is going to notice until roving gangs of feral minorities are taking people out and shooting them in the street.

Someone should post that start of communism hell pasta i see sometimes.

Half clickbait to stir attention, half door-in-the-face technique to soften the blow for when they full-on replace Craig with a black man after this film, probably Idris Elba after all.

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>it's fucking nothing
Wow, what a surprise

they have the music industry and a good portion of television, but they’ll never be happy and it’ll never be enough for them

Oy vey goyim don't you enjoy your forced diversity?


The symbolism is clear to anyone that isn't a fucking retard.

Shouldn't the native Americans and Australians be frowning and whites there grinning? Since they're the invading ones.

Is this real?

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>The symbolism is clear to anyone that suffers from schizophrenia

Sometimes I love being in clown world.

I just want to know why? why does she HAVE to be 007? why not make her another agent? why do they have to steal and change instead of creating something new? why? I know the answer, I just want someone more versed in bullshit to tell us all why the fuck these people keep pissing on everything that is well and good as some form of rebellion, like a child who only gets to have one cookie and proceeds to start kicking and screaming

You're not supposed to like it. The whole point is to rile up whites vs blacks.

A certain big nosed tribe has an vested interest in keeping both races in a perpetual cycle of hate.

Our team you stupid nigger

we fight for the survival of our team
fuck everyone else

the sooner white people get their heads out of their asses and cut out this altruistic bullshit the better

>read article
>she'll just play the current 007 now that Bond is retired
Lads, she's either a secret villain or dying in le super cool awesome girlpower way as she sacrifices herself to save the incompetent male former-007.
Bond will regain 007 status by the end of the film.

“This is a Bond for the modern era who will appeal to a younger generation while sticking true to what we all expect in a Bond film,” the source said.

“There are spectacular chase sequences and fights, and Bond is still Bond but he’s having to learn to deal with the world of #MeToo.”


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But there's nothing altruistic about invading others.

Literally looks like a fucking crack dealer I prosecuted weeks ago.
What the fuck.

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>invading others.
on behalf of israel, we all agree on that point

now you know how it feels when Hollywood tries to destroy your favorite movie. remember this anger you’re feeling. it’s always a joke until it happens to something you actually care about


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I want Uhura to be a rugged German man in the next Star Trek series.

I also want shaft to be a ginger tranny.

Then we can watch you all bitch about racism and cultural appropriation like the hypocritical cockroaches you are.

>any white person that isnt british getting offended by this

Why would a german give a fuck? Shouldnt germany and france be glad they're no longer wearing the cuck crown anymore?

It's almost like races have some sort of solidarity.

Because niggers are favored by kikes.

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Who created your favorite movie?

>tfw it's real

why does lefty Yea Forums get so mad about righty Yea Forums? where else are we supposed to post, reddit? fucking deal with it faggots

Pandering aside, they are just plane making bad decisions. If you wanted a black female bond, they should have tried to find a younger version of someone like Viola Davis, who has enough range and flexbility in her looks to where she can made to look ultra professional or super deranged.

Lashana looks like she could only be a comedic Bond, which most of the fanbase wouldn't be too familiar with these days.

"""Lefty Yea Forums""" is an op. Discord trannies are very real and I trust some other anons will post the screenshots

They *were* the invading ones a few centuries ago. And yes, the examples of these cucks from the past are actually a good lesson for modern people about how whole populations can be replaced..

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You all don't see the plan?

After this travesty everyone will be super excited that an Australian Aborigine is playing Bond because it will at least be a partial return to what Bond has always been.

>click the trending thing on twitter to see normie reactions
>women going full NPC

How did it get this bad boys? How the fuck did we go from Hallie Berry as a bond-girl to women actively seeking the destruction of anything men enjoy?

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This would actually be hilarious to see how many ridiculous scenarios could be created just to include this character kinda like Stan Lee in the marvel movies.

Women are jealous of men

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She’s not going to be Bond. The article stated she’s temporarily caring the 007 code and that’s it.

I’ve only seen her in Captain Marvel but was a lot better / had more acting range than Brie Larson.


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Das rite

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>beautiful and a woman.

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Who the fuck asked for this......this is truly disgusting this is just an attack.

Honk fucking honk

I'm more than sure that they know how tired and played out it is, but they don't give a shit because all that minimal effort still pays off big time.

Peak clown world

>Bond is still Bond but he's having to learn to deal with the world of #MeToo

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hating on hollywood for pandering to twitter harpies is fine, but keep your racist conspiracy theory shit in /pol/ and Yea Forums

hahahaha holy fuck this is retarded

Each Bond is in their own contained universe.
So long as the writing is good, I could care less.

>when popular media is full of white characters, you're perfectly aware of the importance of representation and how it influences culture
>when it's full of basketball Americans you forget all of this and dude it's just an actor lmao calm down

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Well fuck you hooknosed ratfaced subhuman kike.


>my interpretation of events is the correct one, don't talk about yours!
sorry but if jews are gonna jew this hard, it can't go unsaid. when media becomes this politicized, poitical discussion automatically enters the discussion and it's not just gonna be the side you agree with

The sheboon deserves her last name.

The last 2 world wars are the reason we're in this mess
all the strong men died and the weak men left behind with the women repopulated
producing weak spawn.

the military has standards and minimum requirements, A world war is exactly the opposite of what we need
The weak dont die in war, they stay at home while men sacrifice themselves

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Just because facts are muh racysit doesn't mean those facts are bullshit/conspiracy theory, fucktard.

when all the races are at war and the west destroyed, the kike flys free to israel


the entire music industry

Typical subhuman cuntwhores.

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I'm obviously not an MIGAfag. And you should know that those mongoloids who cock suck ZionDon love kikes.

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is there a black person on Yea Forums that can put their two cents in on this and represent the entire population please? no racefluids please

A cucumber is bitter - throw it away - there are briars in the road - turn aside from them - this is enough. Do not add, And why were such things made in the world? For thou wilt be ridiculed by a man who is acquainted with nature, as thou wouldst be ridiculed by a carpenter and shoemaker if thou didst find fault because thou seest in their workshop shavings and cuttings from the things which they make. And yet they have places into which they can throw these shavings and cuttings, and the universal nature has no external space; but the wondrous part of her art is that though she has circumscribed herself, everything within her which appears to decay and to grow old and to be useless she changes into herself, and again makes other new things from these very same, so that she requires neither substance from without nor wants a place into which she may cast that which decays. She is content then with her own space, and her own matter and her own art.

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True, the republican party is full of pussies.
I'll always vote for the constitution party.
