So what happened to the black Buffy reboot?
Anita said no so it was canned.
Who the fuck is anita
Idris Elba was busy.
Some alt-right nazi bitch that can’t in to diversity.
TV hates comfy shows.
Oh is this the armenian chick who wanted reboots of other franchise but not Buffy?
Based. Made a new one a few days back
> IGNFF: I heard they were actually devising a Faith spin-off for you. Why did you decide not to go that route?
Dushku: The idea for the Faith spin-off just kind of came up in discussion because everyone really, I think, was feeling like this show's going to end and there are all these fans who love it so much and who love these characters and so, if possible, how could we extend that? I just personally felt like... It would have been a really hard thing to do, and not that I wouldn't have been up for a challenge, but with it coming on immediately following the show, I think that those would have been really big boots to fill. I think it would have been compared to Buffy. And just in terms of me, I've played that character on and off for five years now and I've changed a lot and while the character of Faith changed when I came back because I've changed, I felt like maybe it was time to... I mean, I love Faith. She's my girl and she's been really good to me, but I kind of just wanted to try something else. Purely that, because it had nothing to do with me not trusting Joss and his team of writers, who I just think are amazing. Tim Minear and Drew Goddard, and Marti Noxon and all these people, they're so talented and it had nothing to do with me doubting that they could make this show amazing, but I just... I don't know, sometimes you have to go with your gut, and my gut was telling me that I maybe needed to try something else that was just different.[1]
hnnng, we missed out on something potentially good instead of the garbage we got. Imagine if they had done faith the vampire slayer instead of dollhouse.
Buffy should be rebooted but this time they should do more with the blatant sexual tension between Faith and Buffy. I don't care if Buffy's black so long as they don't use diversity as a substitute for quality or something.
Just give me another comfy show to fill the SPN shaped hole damn it!
i'd grab her pussy. not gun lie bruv
Whedon's ex-wife came out and effectively #Metoo'd him. Stuff like confirming he casting couches mist of the women he worked with
His career never recovered.
If there’s one thing I hate Dushku for, it’s passing up on the Faith spinoff
Remember when Joss Whedon "intervened" in Dushku's career because she was in "trashy horrors" and "she was too good for that".
You can really tell which bits of Dollhouse were her idea and which were Joss's weird fetish shit. It's ridiculous.
Can't blame her for wanting to branch out a little. Dollhouse was theoretically a much better show but it needed a better writer than Joss and a better studio than Fox. It's sad really, she was good in it when the let her be.
meant to say I agree with the last part about a show to replace Supernatural but there’s no reason Buffy should be rebooted when dozens or hundreds of slayers were activated at the end of season 7. They have a perfectly great universe along with Angel. No need to cast it aside. Just build up on it, do not overuse old characters and use them in a flavorful manner
The "universe" is too bloated. A new fan won't want to have to watch seven seasons of a decades old show (that has aged like shit) plus read through comics and books just to understand what the fuck is going on. So much time has passed that a reboot actually makes sense. It wouldn't be the first time they rebooted Buffy.
keked at her being sent into a Spa after trying to nuke the world
That was so stupid. That would have been an appropriate time to kill off Willow.
Fuck the comics (except if they’re using Melaka Fray). It could always be a newly activated potential who’s just started learning about vampires and shit. I’m not suggesting they must follow up on all the arcs from Buffy and Angel but simply use the lore and existing monsters. It can still stand on its own
It's not Whedon that intervened, Dushku's career was in a bad place and she banged Whedon and convinced him to make a show starring her
She was right to pass. For one, Faith is only a good character playing off others, not on her own. Unlike Angel, she doesn't have 200 years of history to mine for stories. Joss did a Faith installment of the comics and it flopped hard.
For another, they were going to try and cram Spike into it.
The black Buffy reboot is dead. About a week after they announced it, they have a dumbass "clarification" that they were talking about a new slayer, not recasting Buffy--even though it was fucking clear they meant to and only backtracked when it was universally noped. Since then, the whole thing has been dead.
Add him getting blamed for Age of Ultron underperforming and Warner blaming him for Justice League.
His mainstream career is basically dead.
They should just do a Fray show. Set it a hundred years in a dystopian future and cut out the flying cars and ray guns.
I think they could have made a good spinoff that starts off with faith visiting a new place every week/monster of the week, assisted by Ghost-wesley as her watcher during the first season and then branching into more longer arc shit, tying her down to one city. It would require better writers than Whedon though.
kek I remember she was so mad about it
That's not the right order. She started fucking Joss during Buffy which is why he blocked her from moving on after it ended. He put out a Hollywood fatwa after she went on Wrong Turn so when Tru Calling ended she was in the shit. Allegedly she came up with the elevator pitch and gave it to Joss over "lunch" when they were "catching up" and he ran with it.
They were probably boinking during the show and Joss being the pathetic shit that he is did the show out of guilt.
First buffy best buffy
Spike was going to be brought in for the spinoff though and he is almost guaranteed to elevate a scene
Spike was played out on Buffy. That's why they had to basically recharacterize him for his stint on Angel.
He was great in Angel though. We missed out bros.
It worked. He wanted a soul to impress Buffy. Spike showed in Angel 5 that he could grow past that reason for having a soul
True. Is this Madison Montgomery?
>Madison Montgomery
Yes that's Emma Roberts.
I preferred him in his edgy form. They should have made him the bad guy in the spin off.
>For another, they were going to try and cram Spike into it.
Men wouldn't watch the series if Spike wasn't in it.
I know it’s Emma Roberts but she plays similar characters. This the witch from AHS?
>not wanting based Randy Giles
Joss is a lot scummier than people seem to think. Him and all the other fauxwoke punish the actresses who try to escape once they've got the influence to pull it off. He never actually raped anyone under US law but he pushed the boundaries with coercion a few times. That's part of why none of the big studios will touch him now, he's a #metoo timebomb
>they undid her character development and left her in hell despite helping a lot to reverse the apocalypse
Any pansies want to watch Buffy and chill with me?
>Cramming Spike in
Not another slayer getting SPIKED
Still in the middle of a Supernatural rewatch but I can discuss with you
Buffy the Vampire Layer
Got to go outside for food provisions. If I make it back and the threads still around,
I think you misquoted but luckily that was also me
ohhh thanks for the webm.
>TFW you will never be in Faith inside Buffy
it might or might not be in the development. No further details of it has been said.
>TFW no Prime Buffy gf in high school
>TFW no equally tasty college Buffy gf
>faith visiting a new place every week/monster of the week
or also assisting newly activated slayers. Buffy was still firmly rooted in Sunnydale from the looks of it (except for that vacation in Rome). Faith could be the one new watchers council send to slayer squads who need the experience in dealing with local threats. I want to include the second hellmouth Giles mentioned, but it would be too similar to Buffy. Faith's overarching story/big bad can probably be a network of demon gangs throughout the American country side. I assume with slayers being activated everywhere, more demons will be prowling and mobile instead of sticking to one location like LA/Sunnydale. Having an equally mobile agent could be useful for tracking.
>leaked footage of enhanced CGI for vampires going dust
Man, that was the Xander POC episode where the world was ending off screen and they didn't invite Faith to help them out. No wonder she turned, the Scoobies treated her like shit.
they should make a buffy: the new generation series with buffy and faith's daughter as the new slayer
>they didn't invite Faith to help them out. No wonder she turned, the Scoobies treated her like shit.
but they did, i distinctly remember Xander passing by Buffy, Faith and Giles fighting a tentacled monster in a room
It's a fully fledged Buffy thread with regular SPN webms like a sort of inverted Supernatural regular with occasional Buffy and Angel posters.
Nice change of pace, gotta say.
yea some of the regular/drifter Supernatural posters were being big-time bitches the past few threads, I want to take a break from them and talk Buffy/Angel instead
Are you certain? Even so, Faith did NOTHING wrong
>Faith did NOTHING wrong
well I'm wrong and she did not do me so
the Faith spinoff would have played very similarly to Supernatural if she's hitting different towns every week
Yeah, people who hate on the combined threads have no taste
>There's an alternate universe where Faith the Vampire Slayer and Wayward Waifus got picked up but it's completely devoid of shrimp
Whoever said Supernatural is a show for chicks have never seen its chicks
and we have more Angel seasons
100%, it rivals Buffy in that respect and the waifu grid for Buffy would be five by five
kek Hush was a great episode. A tad bit overrated though I think
Buffy Musical Episode > Supernatural Musical Episode
Supernatural cast musical ability > Buffy cast musical ability
I heard recently that it's a metaphor for campus rape. I don't know how I feel about that.
It's one of my favourite episodes although the best one is still The Body
Spike was so unbelievably hot
I like how at the end every girl in the world got slayer power. What a twist
Then whedon got meetood. What a twist
Ironic. He could check the patriarchy in other men, but not himself
haha what if slayers had a uniform and it was a catsuit and it was totally normal and it showed of their hot bodies when they did acrobatic stunts and kicks wouldn't that be hilarious haha? maybe buffy and faith could practice wrestling in latex suits and wash each other in the shower afterwards like a joke haha
yeah well 200th episode was pretty shite since it didn't even go full musical. it came out feeling half-assed. not even three full songs iirc, and i think that already includes the a capella of Carry On Wayward Son (which sucks). Classic rock is part of Supernatural's identity, why change it?
>Whedon becomes a corrupt fake woke watcher in the Buffy reboot
what if they captured demons through their vaginas haha
haha that would be so funny haha they could also fight demons and vampire that would mean sometimes their catsuits got torn and ripped and we saw their hot bodies underneath probably all sweaty from the exertion haha and then they could shower together as a joke haha
t. Spike
checked and kekked. it would be in character though
if I could dominate and fuck slayers like Spike did, I'd be bragging about it too
>Spike plays fuck marry kill with the magically empowered girls that exist to kill him
Holy based
Also I want to make minimum wage babies with that chicken girl.
>Also I want to make minimum wage babies with that chicken girl.
this cracked me up
imagine pretending to be hunted by demons and hiring a harem of slayers like this for protection wouldn't that be weird haha
haha that's hilarious
is this from dollhouse? the webm
here you go user
She looks about the right age but I don't remember that scene
Hold on lads, what's going on here?
Thanks friend
Hahaha and imagine they all accidently bodyswap and start lewding each other and you while they figure out how to reverse it
was he the director's self insert?
blessings for defeating evil
Yes and no. But mostly yes.
I wish I was a fear demon
what about mommy Cordelia?
Who aged best? Amy obviously but who aged second best? I think there's a strong case for Cordy
Used to have a giantess fetish.My fucking dick.
what were they trying to kill with chicken feet?
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
That would be weird ha ha.
I want one.
it was a witch-killing spell they botched. Spike and Cordelia were witches in that episode, and Supernatural witches have incredible longevity and lots of passive magical wardings protecting them from regular bodily harm. Sam and Dean had poor track record against Witches until they properly innovated it to a molotov cocktail and later, witch-killing bullets. their witch kills have since improved.
this is Cordelia's most powerful magic
Body so good it make Amy look right into the camera
what was going on in her mind during that take?
>"Charisma has the right idea, maybe I should get pregnant so Joss will stop trying to fuck me"
could God-mode Buffy defeat pre-mutari Illyria?
Whedon's ex-wife's "metoo" consisted of crying that he cheated on her.
That is a mis-use of the #metoo movement.
People cared more about the casting couch pay for play cum coercion than rich man does the infidelity.
That's a consideration for 'people'. I am just upset Joss didn't post vids.
>that time Angel gets her a necklace
>"plus, it really brings out my cleavage"
Cordy is underrated
is she in the Matrix?
she's essentially a slayer with access to incredibly powerful magicks (reality warping is a very high-tier magic), kind of like Dark Willow, who had powerful magicks and cast a spell on her to be physically powerful and durable. Both cases aren't sustainable for long periods, but then again so was pre-mutari Illyria in Fred's body
Yes she is, how did you guess?
I'd rate her udder
>buffy was on during my early teens
>many fantasies about buffy x faith x dawn
so many hot girls on that show
udder failure
she was ok in Veronica Mars
That spoiler, used to jack off to fan fiction of that shit. Wonder if its still on those sites, cant find my old bookmarks
I watched the first episode of Veronica Mars recently expecting Nancy Drew but CW. It was way darker than I thought with the murdered friend and the gang bangers and Veronica getting raped in the first episode. Don't know if it qualifies as comfy
Who's sad about the fact this show is in the past and all the people in it have aged hard? It's like my life is nearing its end with Supernatural ending now too. Will I ever have comfy times again? Will I care about any show again?
It feels like life is just a bunch of farewells now.
never watched, didn't know charisma was in it
someone got a case of the big gay you namby panby man
>Will I care about any show again?
Probably, but it will just be something to watch.
Rain is promising though.
>omg faith and buffy so hot
plebs, patricians like Dawn and Willow
also dawn goes from prime jailbait to thicc waifu so she is superior
willow is too obviously miss goldstein. She looks worse on rewatches frankly.
Dawn, faith, buffy, cordy and Fred is where it's at.
Honorable mentions to Gwen raiden, Darla (when on Angel), Lilah and Buffy's mom. Also that big titted italian boss from wolfram & hart in Rome.
Faith > Cordy > Buffy > Legal Dawn > Gypsy Woman Giles banged > Kendra > Harmony> Willow > Anya > Rat Witch girl > Tara
Maître Architecte, j'en ai découvert un qui pourrait être à votre goût
Willow a bisexual so shes superior
Willow is top qt and her character sure is Jewy but she's not while Dawn is ultra jewy
Giles witch gf was a qt
If you guys like Buffy you should play Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines if you haven't, great game if you vampires, lore and role-playing
Bien fait, mon ami, bien fait. Celui-ci peut être mon... masterpiece
We all have to grow old eventually. Sad
Me on the Left
>prepare your angus
The first two seasonf of VM are kino and comfy
What about my angus
Is there a hot rape scene?
No, she goes to a party, gets drugged and passes out. She wakes up in a bed all confused and scared then gets up, reclaims her underwear and leaves crying. I believe one of the mysteries is who it was who did it.
well whoever house she's in
cased closed
dumb bitch
Kevin Smith can direct scenes like that?
they could have those kid seers Angel saved working with them, they would be adults by now.
The blind ones?
It's a party at the designated party house. Didn't you party in high school?
I think so, it was the episode the blind assassin was trying to kill them?
>That is a mis-use of the #metoo movement.
The #metoo is born from a bunch of roasties exchanging sex for money, realizing only later that's the definition of prostitution.
could be recurring characters but it's a little weird to base an entire sequel series on those kids considering they appeared in 1 episode and probably weren't even fully named
The only way a Faith show would have been any good was as an alternate reality where Buffy failed and the world was overrun with demons. Otherwise, it'd just be a carbon copy of Buffy.
SO you have seen every episode and are rewatching?
Netflix or basic cable?
>That is a mis-use of the #metoo movement.
Trading sex for work and feeling regret about it years, if not decades, later isn't abuse. Even if it is abuse, I'm more inclined to feel sympathy for someone who feels compelled to do it because they can't make rent rather than for someone who is being paid the GPD of a central american country to play pretend. I don't care about the inconveniences and the feigned tears of the wealthy, powerful, and privileged.
Cord was the best looking of the female cast during the Buffy-Angel run, to claim otherwise is to admit to your uncurable faggotry.
Rewatch yeah before the final season. I have the DVDs because I can’t abide by watching Supernatural without the proper classic rock soundtrack thank you very much
Please don't remind them!
Samefag as I have rips of the first seven seasons and can stream them online as well but I like to check the deleted scenes so I watch with DVDs
BS. His career didn't go to shitter because of #metoo (which wasn't even metoo but good old-fashioned philandering) but because he was diva on AoU set and got on Feige's bad side. and then his conduct was not better over at WB. many directors survive underperformers and bombs if they are professional and agreeable on the set especially in relation to producers. but divas fall.
The streams don't have the classic rock tracks?
Streams have them. Netflix and Prime don’t due to license issues. Ran across so many people who had no idea AC/DC songs were in the show nor have they seen the perfect use of Blue Öyster Cult’s (Don’t Fear) the Reaper in “Faith”. I don’t have cable anymore
>and got on Feige's bad side
Feige is still relevant?
>Supernatural without the classic rock
What the fuck is the point? Those tracks add so much to the show in terms of atmosphere and mood. It'd be about as bad, I imagine, as watching them with a TGIF-tier laugh track.
What streams have them? I stopped watching after the shitshow that was God's sister season and I'd like to get caught up before the final run.
>Feige is still relevant?
Everywhere media but Yea Forums where contrarian shit blended with Mouse and cape fatigue pretends that he isn't one of the prime movers in Hollywood at the moment.
Exactly. Well it’s just the first season I think but it still waters down the show. A lot of anons complained the music was cheesy. Turns out they were watching with random indie rock tracks. It pissed me off
Honestly for the first few seasons I was hype for the new season to start just to watch the previous seasons recap set to Kansas, ACDC, or whichever classic rock track they had selected. I don't get that move.
>Didn't you party in high school?
No, I stayed inside
actually I was a mega chad but anxiety and depression has turned me into neet robot
this website has ruined me
License issues are a bitch
Spike a good boy!
First episode I saw.
It aired on halloween!
He probably meant to write POV
Hush and The Body are my favorites for the series. I maintain that The Body isn't just a good Buffy episode, it's good television period.
Mine’s Conversations With Dead People and probably Normal Again
These fucking college kids I swear to god. You've got to speak their language or they literally don't understand you and all their acronyms and terminology and pronouns and fucking affiliations get stuck in your head like lyrics to the most annoying song you've ever heard. I wish I were Dean's age so I could play the disaffected boomer card but at my age if I say to a girl I don't know what a polyamorous Trotskyist is I might as well be wearing a shirt that says "pretend we've never met".
I meant POV.
I get that
Agreed. I wish they hadn't put that one vamp in though, it kind of changed the tone back to fantasy when it could have stuck with the existential dread. Worst episode is when Joyce gets a boyfriend and Buffy straight up murders him but luckily he was a robot all along.
>I wish they hadn't put that one vamp in though, it kind of changed the tone back to fantasy when it could have stuck with the existential dread.
>Worst episode is when Joyce gets a boyfriend and Buffy straight up murders him but luckily he was a robot all along.
Not sure that I'd call it the worst episode, purely based off of Ritters presence. Still, it's not a great episode.
I dont know how to put the Ted episode. It’s not bad technically but it just feels really uncomfortable and annoying
It's the implications. Buffy didn't know he was a robot when she killed him and they never bring it up again, worse, when Faith kills a guy in the heat of the momentrise and shine Sammy it's framed as the worst thing a slayer can do.
It's an uncomfortable episode, to be sure, but I'd argue that it fits thematically. Buffy is frequently given a pass for shitty behavior that other characters get castigated for, and this is just the most blatant example of that. In addition, prepare your incel memes, the show routinely shits on traditional male roles so that it dumps on Ted the way it does also fits for the show.
He was actually sparred #metoo because that story came out about a month before. Then Harvey came out and it got buried.
Whedon is a bitch and has bad blood with a lot of studios. When something fails, he starts blaming everyone else. That's why his career nosedived.
That isn't what happened.
>that spoiler
Kek. Good point about the double standard with Faith though
t. Ted
>ted hits buffy, she hits him back, he falls and dies
>she calls the cops and turns herself in
>bad girls
>faith accidentally stabs a guy
>pretends it never happened and covers it up
>later tries to pin the killing on buffy
No one made big deal about her killing the assistant other than saying it happens it would have to be investigated. There is no double standard.
>There was a black slayer right before buffy
>they decide to ignore her and turn buffy black
I typed out a real long come back at you then I re-read youd comment and it turns out you did not insult me.
I am so glad I didn't hit send.
I thought you called me a college kid
Thank you,that makes sense.
I hope you have a nice day!
I feel like Joss was working through some issues when he wrote Faith and Buffy's relationship. Dude has some problems
Don't sweat it, my senseless rant could have come across that way
I thought Dobson died
Dude's only problem is that he admittedly completely buys into feminism. That's a good amount of self-loathing to carry around on a daily basis. Admittedly, it's probably easier to deal with when you're using your casting couch to bang hot teenage actresses who wouldn't have looked at you otherwise, but still.
He doesn't buy into it though, clearly, if he's casting couching. I read somewhere that he writes tiny women who beat the shit out of men because he got bullied by all the guys so he couldn't fantasise that one of them would save him in High School so he pretended one of the girls would River Tam all over them. Also all his female characters are either pure pure godesses of wit and upstanding character or evil treacherous harlots who at best need to be saved from themselves.
Literally just started this show the other day, only five episodes in so far though. I'm actually enjoying it alright so far but I'm excited to see what the show eventually becomes since it's so talked up. I didn't expect that Angel guy to show up in the first episode for some reason.
I'd say even that is giving too much credit. He's a steretotypical 70s/80s comic nerd. The hot girls in school chased after the chads that kicked his ass and he never got over it. That's why the stacys in his work are always punished for going after chads, meanwhile he fantasizes about his avatar getting all the girls.
The femme fatale thing is age-old. It's classic conquest fantasizing.
Had the same reaction about Angel showing up early
Stick with it. The first season is pretty rough but it really does improve as you watch.
>So what happened to the black Buffy reboot?
The producer said it's not a reboot. I expect mixed-Buffy is the daughter of Faith and Robin (the black principal) That'd work out nicely as I'm sure Dushku would be up for a plot-arc in which it's revealed she isn't dead.
Slayerhood is not inherited
They can make up whatever new rules they want given that Willow's spell broke the old ones.
Making up rules is what killed the comic books.
my new rule is that the slayer is at least a D cup
But the show already broke it's own rules with Willow's spell.
Also, the comics were bad due to being to to left-field*, even more so than Supernatural, which is something the original show avoided.
*tip for idiots: left-field doesn't mean politically-left.
I support this. We need to erase Whedons foot faggotry and waifism. More tittymonsters are always needed.
haha yeah what if buffy had the power of super strength and super boobs that would be so hilarious haha
Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suited to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life. As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby pledge my heart and soul forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. It haunts my dreams. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass, filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail big black cock forever. All hail large African nigger donkey dongs for all eternity. May my wife, sister, mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a huge masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own ass get fucking wrecked by a nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly super gay for the thought of a thick veiny super long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies. All hail mighty African purple penis power forever, Amen.
It didn't rewrite how slayers are chosen. Just that all that were chosen were given their powers.
The comics were shit because they were shit, rooted in Joss thinking he could do whatever he wanted.
There is no need for some dumbass rewrite. Just have a black slayer if that's what you want. Or latno. Or whatever.
Better yet, leave it alone and do something new.
Wide spread deepfake porn with starlet faces on porn star bodies can't come soon enough.
Fucking based
What made Supernatural more left field than Buffy?
The fuck she looks a lot like SMG
giv strong jawed negress gf
There is no woman whose appearance is not improved by the presence of big, fat tits. Provided the woman does not go full fat.
What demon is this? Is this the elusive semen demon?
Nah, tits are revolting at a certain point
>t. actual pedo
>What made Supernatural more left field than Buffy?
Mythological gods like Odin and Zeus, Christian myth, leprechauns and other fairies etc
The most left-field Buffy and Angel went was the monster of the week sci-fi stories (steroids that turn you into a fishman, an android etc) and the scenes where hideous demons blend into human society by pretending to be circus freaks.
Osiris, Minerva, Hecate, the Loa and other deities exist in Buffy mythology as well. Holy water, crosses and the Catholic exorcism works against vampires and ethros demons. The only difference is the Christian deity isn’t confirmed to exist in Buffy (even though it should since rituals invoking its power works) but it’s confirmed the be the strongest pantheon in Supernatural. The androids were more than just a MOTW though with the Buffybot and Adam. Also Buffy had an actual Dracula. Not that it matter since I like both shows
WTF is this?
Supernatural crossover episode with Scooby Doo.
My biggest lore disappointment with Supernatural was the leviathans. The season opens with the Lovecraft tease and I thought, sweet, they're going to do some Lovecraft mythos stuff. That makes sense as an escalation after Christian mythos. Nope. We get stupid leech people and evlulz corporations.
For as much noise as Buffy always made about apocalypse it never felt as grand in terms of scale as Supernatural. Sure, all the big bads were threats to Sunnydale but they never felt like they'd be threats outside of that town.
It's the Supernatural-Scooby Doo crossover episode and if you haven't seen it you need to stop whatever the fuck it is you're doing and go watch it. It is absolutely batshit and fucking perfect in every way.
whedon has been so thoroughly absorbed and regurgitated by the culture that there's nothing that special about buffy anymore
>Mine’s Conversations With Dead People and probably Normal Again
Patrician taste lad, both would be in my top 5.
Seems to be floundering as they are trying to find backers. Most online reaction from the old fans was highly negative, and SMG already ruled herself out of appearing, which I thought was a good move on her part to further dampen interest.
What about her legs and her tummy?
>evlulz corporations
you mean like Wolfram & Hart? I like the Leviathans because they were a much needed break from the angel and demon wars which were getting tired at that point. Additionally, the Leviathans quietly ushered a dystopian society masquerading as utopia, whereas all other apocalyptic forces (hell, heaven, the darkness) simply wanted the standard fire and brimstone. I agree that they could have been more lovecraftian (a MOTW in season 13 unironically fit the bill a lot better) but they were a pretty nice segue. If season 8 went in another direction and fleshed out Purgatory lore better instead of Sam hitting a dog, the Leviathans had so much potential in their homefield.
>as much noise as Buffy always made about apocalypse it never felt as grand in terms of scale as Supernatural
Glorificus tearing down the interdimensional walls were pretty cool. Especially when the different demons began emerging from the portals. Also the potentials being killed worldwide also produced some good sequences
I hate that he went out like a bitch in just one episode. I hate that Supernatural had no recurring pagan deity since the Trickster turned out to be Gabriel
>Osiris, Minerva, Hecate, the Loa and other deities exist in Buffy mythology as well.
They don't incarnate as humans though. Osiris appeared for 10 seconds as a ghostly head that refused to resurrect Tara, the gods from Supernatural.
>Holy water, crosses and the Catholic exorcism works against vampires and ethros demons.
This is just a plot device so Willow, Xander, and Giles had a way to drive off or harm vampires, it serves the same function as the anti-vampire plant (I don't mean garlic) from The Vampire Diaries.
>the gods from Supernatural.
wear suits and presumably spend time living amongst humans.
Watcher council motherfucker
Man's gotta eat
>also dawn goes from prime jailbait to thicc waifu
but then she kept going
The Vampanite plant from TVD serves the function of reminding us that Katherine is based because she's immune to it.
>They don't incarnate as humans though
they appear human-like but their true forms are monstrous or animalistic. Ganesh was seen as an elephant, Veritas had a cat-like appearance, the Vanir was a magic tree that animated a scarecrow, etc. It's more akin to shapeshifting instead of actually becoming human. Plus, a lot of them have lost worship over the centuries, which led to them being nothing more than a monster. But they still need to blend in so they could get scraps of worship from unsuspecting humans.
>This is just a plot device so Willow, Xander, and Giles had a way to drive off or harm vampires
If it were simply for vampires, I'd agree, but it also affected at least one other species of demon in Angel 1
pls no bully
>They don't incarnate as humans though
the Ra-Tet did
The work cannot be stopped
speaking of the Ra-Tet that was such a nice mini-arc. Imagine being the embodiment of pure evil and absence of the sun, while also being the conduit of a powerful mystical evil law firm, and then the Beast just comes knocking down your doors, killing your servants and then siphoning your power. Angel 4 was such a ride
>buffy help! the architect demon cast his thiccening spell on me!
I can't remember how old she is here
Haha, just imagine pinching her thighs and hips and rubbing her belly.
old enough for kisses
In how many states?
maybe the classical real-world mythology deities don't, but the oracles, Cordelia and Jasmine are all considered "gods" or higher beings yet manifest as humans anyway
haha yeah imagine putting a baby in her too haha that would be so funny
>seething colony cuck
same reason they ignored Blade as a black superhero
Haha but like seriously imagine meeting her at a convention and getting along really well so you go up to her hotel room and you're both kind of drink so you don't think to use protection and she tells you to pull out but in the moment it's just too good so you don't pull out in time and at first you're afraid she's going to be angry but she just laughs and you spend the rest of the night together and go your separate ways but then you see her on the television a few months later and she's got a swollen belly and her boyfriend is talking about how it's a miracle because he thought he was infertile but they're so happy and then you go to her next event and she sees you in the crowd and you make eye contact and she just smiles and winks at you haha that would be hilarious haha
y-yeah who would even want to impregnate michelle not me haha
It is not about diversity or a black superhero. It's about taking white things.
You know, she's 33, she must be looking to settle down.
pretty much. and i bet if it's a "diverse" reimagining, it's almost always black instead of native american, asian or latino
Why do they always recast redheads and Italians though?
Buffy was a white, blonde chick for a reason. She's a play on the age-old horror trope of girls like that getting raped and killed in an alley. Recasting Buffy as anything other than white fucks up the metaphor.
>gets fat
>still a titlet
That's a rough break.
uhm sweaty, black chicks are always preyed on by white males in power, check your privilege and update your metaphor
Season 5 was really well done and, I think, my favorite season. The villain was great, there were a few fantastic character moments, Giles not being a hero, and like you point out the final episode did finally feel like a genuine apocalypse. Shame season 6 was such a bucket of shit.
S6 was great in that it toned down that stuff. It was deliberate what now kind of thing. I liked the idea that saving the world doesn't make life happy or fun.
I'm fine with saving the world and being a hero having a cost. Season 6 just seemed to meander all over the place. It didn't work as an arc and the stand-alone episodes, save for OMWF, were either laughably bad or forgettable.
9/11 really killed comfy television. I recognise that was not its primary impact but it did.
are you two aware he's doing an HBO show that is going to be pushed to the heavens and shoved down your throat in 2020?
if not...he's doing an HBO show that is going to pushed to the heavens and shoved down your throat in 2020.
It was partly that, yeah, but that first writers strike cannot be understated in its impact. Networks didn't have writers for their shows so that's when they turned to reality tv, which doesn't have near the same requirements for crafting narrative. Prior to that strike reality tv was a one off and a gimmick, see: shit like MTVs Real World. When the networks saw that reality tv could bring in big views and real cash, crafting good, writer-intensive tv became an afterthought for a long, long time.
Gotta say that's some shit taste.
>life serial
>tabula rasa
>doublemeat palace
>dead things
>seeing red
>older and far away
All good eps. Plus the pre
I'll give you tabula rasa, but the rest is meh-tier filler.
i liked Dark Willow rampaging so season 6 was worth it
and Buffy's resurrection aged very well
>dead thread
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