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That's very good of her

unironically kill yourself op
that picture is wholesome

poor kids

IRL kino

I'm sure they are nice people. It's really sad that 2 white kids that young were ever in the system in the first place.

That’s unironically their meal ticket in 15+ years. Those kids will still have 100+ IQ compared to their normal spawn average IQ of 85.

What am I supposed to get angry about?

Attached: apu glass.jpg (657x527, 24K)

Hey at least someone gives a fuck about them, never going to criticise people like that.


What do what from us op? Those childrens parent WHO ARE WHITE probably did horrible things to those children.

Those white boys will grow up to be alpha. Under white parents; they’d probably become trannies or faggots

>77% of adoptive mothers are white.
>90% of Asian adoptees, 64% of multiracial adoptees, 62% of Hispanic adoptees, and 55% of black adoptees were adopted by mothers of a differing race.
>Only 3% of white adoptees were by a mother of a different race.
>Source: ifstudies.org/blog/the-changing-face-of-adoption-in-the-united-states

This is an exceptionally rare situation and that's why it's being upvoted. Black people almost never adopt white kids unlike the opposite which is fairly common.

i see nothing wrong here

Attached: 3453445.jpg (1408x1056, 458K)

why white kids? its bad for all kids

They won't grow up to be trannies that's for sure.

Honestly, once niggers hit 50 or so, I can't bring myself to hate them.

I can't believe liberals would allow this to happen

this really is white genocide

That makes zero sense considering people raised by black parents are the most likely to grow up to be transgender. I think you might have fallen for some meme.

white people only adopt black kids because they want slaves

Those kids are going to be fat and happy. Take it from me, they'll eat on time three times a day. Colored Greens, Mash, Fried Chicken, baked potato covered in gravy and butter and maybe some corn on the Cobb. And to down all that rich food they'll each have a mug of kool aid that's been enriched with some form of juice. And for Dessert, nut chocolate muffins and a pecan pie smothered in whip cream.

you can see the pain in their eyes. it's like being thrown into the gorilla cage.

Because you would assume white kids would have grandparents or aunts and uncles willing to take them before the system gets them.

No one is saying that you false flagging fuck.

same desu

>literally making shit up

guys what starts with a g and rhymes with broom?

white kids have more potential, so they're more important.


you mean asians and jews.

Numb nuts, take a good look at that black couple. Church goers they are not virtue signaling faggots!

I hope they're the nice "southern homecookin'" kind of black people and not the "puts kid in the washing machine as a joke" kind

Actually the white parents are the ones who neglected and abused them. They probably had a good chance of crime and dying early.
These are older black people who saved their lives. Saved them, not killed them.

that's two future colonizers right there....their dicks will turn black after fucking that much of a black pussy.

>black parents

The black father is still there for some reasions, why?

Adopting isnt easy and if they approved her for two kids they are probably much better off with her than in the system
inb4 someone posts that one story where two deranged white lesbos killed their 4 black kids

I'm sure they're nice but can't you wear something else than jeans sneakers and a polo, I mean maybe a necktie? Do you go to church like that?

They look like nice folks.


>James Earl Jones adopts kids

You've got to be some of the only people who could possibly have a problem with that. I'd further suggest a lot of you don't even give a shit but pretend to because you're such spineless conformists even on the fucking internet.

>my wife's boyfriend
What did they mean by this

My only issue with this is the fact that they all deny the fact that it's being upvoted because of race. They're all acting like it's just a random adoption pic that happened to get all these upvotes.

Reddit does this kind of thing a lot. It's not uncommon for pictures of black people doing something normal like reading a book to get upvoted and everyone in the comments acts like race had nothing to do with it. It actually comes across as quite racist, as if they don't expect black people to do normal things like read books or adopt kids.

Wow maybe these kids will pull a Kaepernick and grow up to lead whites in race war

or they're rich white liberals like Angelina Jolie

How can you take care of the kids if you can't take care of your body?


Black people in America generally don't adopt any kids. So it is clearly novel.

Feel sorry for the kids, t b h

She adopted those kids for the clout. Don't act like they didn't have multiple nannys 24/7

considering that the modern world was created by whites, you're wrong. all Jews do is give high interest loans and suck wealth from nations like leeches.


When the entropy comes anyone I hear saying this will be immediately killed.

kaepernigger is from wisconsin too lmao

their real parents probably got arrested for retweeting tommy robinson or something

jews and gooks have the highest iq. like how modern whites take credit for other peoples inventions because they shared the same skin color. pretty pathetic desu.

what's that got to do with you though user? you're just a dumb masturbating chimp trying to look like you've got a personal stake in shit other people did


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Thats because they are racist.
Racism isn't hating different races its accepting their differences and diversity.
Prejudice people hate you just because of your race.

You're a fucking idiot.

>considering that the modern world was created by Jews
FTFY, look up almost every single important scientist in the last 100 years, all jewish baby

The elderly black guy looks decent and nice, and the woman doesn't look like a complete bitch. Could be worse.

Israel is the nation state equivalent of a welfare nigger. China is China.




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how nice of these poc to adople these children despite them being wh*te
hopefully the kids don't disappoint them by turning into incels and school shooters like wh*tes tend to

That means whites are underrepresented you retard. The only group to be underrepresented even.

The meme that whites are most likely to be LGBT is the exact opposite of the truth.

created by whites but controlled by jews, sounds like you whites were the slaves, know who else was slaves? black people. you are literally the same as blacks.

we literally share the same DNA. also what the fuck have those gooks and Jews used their high IQ on? eating dogs and baby foreskins?

>black person does something normal
>hundreds of thousands of epic upvotes
do reddit users have any self-awareness?

Attached: rY7jgLq.jpg (1242x2208, 204K)

>wh*teoid cope
only ever seen white trannies and fags.

Attached: whites.jpg (1024x681, 183K)

>w-we wuz gooks n jews
lol. you are so pathetic.

dogs and cats in general get hundreds of thousands of upvotes you fucking schizo, it's not because he's black

>tfw they grow up to be great basketball players

>black person does something normal
>Yea Forums neckbeards go into pissing whining hysterics

You tell me, breh.

he's a 4cuck retard who obsessed over reddit and minorities. ignore him

There's nothing wrong with racism and having low expectations from blacks, I just wish they were honest about it.


>there's nothing wrong with racism

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What a surprise, a shitskin who doesn’t understand ratios.

Caring for animals really is a whypepo thing. People should get nervous when NoCs do it

dumb frogposter


nobody in the US considers blacks human.
right wingers consider them to be retarded aggressive subhuman chimps who destroy society, leftists consider them to be retarded subhuman monkey children who need to have their asses wiped for them by people who know how to make the right decisions

I bet you think races are all exactly equal besides skin color don’t you?


Reddit upvotes anything related to animals/pets

The fact that this ONE particular picture TRIGGERS you is very concerning. I would tell you blah blah but I honestly don't care about you or the state of your brain, do whatever you want

no, because jews and asians have much higher iq than whites.

Wow, black people acting like humans
have some gold, kind stranger

kind people giving young kids a home and family. Why on earth is this a bad thing?

And where do blacks fall?

what is wrong with this? it isn’t a single mother or a bunch of faggots so who cares

>a BLACK MAN eats food with a WHITE STRANGER
holy shit bros.. they're just like us!

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1463x507, 147K)

This heartwarming picture of black people doing something normal will really show you that black people might be human too! How very r/wholesome!

is woke twitter mad that they didn't adopt black children because black children get adopted way less

also way more genetic diseases from generations of inbreeding.

*some asians raised in a culture that reinforces studying as super important end up having higher IQs.

Did you know there's such thing as smart white dudes and retarded white dudes? Yeah it's crazy, did you know the environment in which one is raised affects IQ significantly? Yeah crazy bro

Yeah, that happens in real life, too. We call it welfare.

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yes there is, you fucking rightard

>Black people did a thing? FREAKIN EPIC!

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Damn bro it's really amazing and wholesome that this black person was able to overcome his race and act like a normal human being in this one situation. I bet this image makes right-wing racists furious!

ya but only when it comes to whites, not blacks right?

>I'm a nigger
>My daddy was a nigger (I think)
>His daddy before him was a nigger
>Oh lord, how can I lift this curse of niggardry that has been placed upon my family name
And so, from this day forth, the Browns would be... WHITE


hit a nerve? you sound mad

he didn't even rob her? REDDIT GOLD


The way Reddit reacts to black people doing normal things always reminds me of this. Just replace homeless with black people.

It’s disturbing how much white liberals worship and obsess over blacks. They try to act like them, constantly adopt Africans, push the cuck fetish, and become self loathing so they can appear as if they’re on their side. I remember looking at a reddit screencap posted here where some guy said he always felt happy and excited when black men acted friendly with little white kids

>those upset caps lock emphases
>literally has to add "i honestly don't care btw"
dude... calm down

they look like nice people
i only see one problem with this - kids will be orphan in their late 20s/mid 30s max, which is sad

>beats her shit in and steals her purse on the way out
Assuming this photo was actually real, looks far too candid.

i mean by your post i guess it worked

Being a nig and have iq over 80 must be izimode life. Everything just handed to you.

>no, because jews and asians have much higher iq than whites.
Is that why whites fucked them in the ass for thousands of years?