I fucking cried, lads
What the fuck
Stranger Things
>zero development
>over the top characteristics
He was a boring character. And the "but he had a tough childhood" thing was just fucking cliche. I had a very tough childhood, too. Nobody ever gave a fuck about that. And I didn't even take it out on my little sister. Hopper's "death" makes me more sad than this guy's.
Season 3 > 1 > 2
He was a great actor
I cried my eyes out. He was a Chad who died for us. He is an inspiration to all
he didn't deserve it bros
Why did no one ever call her on her shit? Holy fuck she literally had no lines where she wasn't a complete bitch to anyone except El.
Heck most of the characters were annoying as fuck or flanderized this season. Except maybe Will
>all his development for the season happens in the first couple of episodes
>the rest of the season he's basically the beeping motion detector from Alien.
>tries to win over Mike
>lusts after Steve
>warms up to Dustin
>somehow ends with the nig
Fucking Kikes.
It’s a kid tv show calm down nerd
Got in a conversation about the show with a friend. It came up about who's death hit hardest. I told him Billy's did, and he gave me a weird look. Long story short, we're no longer friends.
>Maxine threatened him once when she had a weapon and he was drugged
>He was scared of her from then on and didn't give her any more shit
This kinda pissed me off. He didn't even know about El's powers did he? He would totally beat her boyfriend to a bloody pulp out of revenge.
Based Double-Dubs. BillyBros have to stick together.
Her entire character existed to drive a rift between Mike and El. That was literally her only purpose, to cause pointless drama and waste everyones time.
white boiz BTFO
I wouldn't mind Netflix's BLACKED policy if the ginger and the nigger didn't have zero fucking chemistry.
I lost all patience with her when she did that "I think she knows her limits better than you!" speech. Where it was acting like Mike was in the wrong.
This is a character who has already shown that she's willing to sacrifice her life for her friends and they were all heaping pressure on her.
Wouldnt it make more logic if he had sacrificed himself to save max instead of eleven?
>They literally had to force Sadie to kiss him, unexpectedly, despite her objections, forever traumatizing her.
συναγωγή τοῦ Σατανᾶ
he sacrificed himself for eleven cus she understood him, or at least knew his pain
max didnt
All the fucking kids were little bitches this season Steve was the only good character that wasn't a dick
A man denied his mommy ;_;
He was a bad boy
Βασισμένος kαι Κοkkινοχαπισμένος.
Just saw Stranger Things(pirated). What did i think of it?
You liked it, but because reddit also likes it you don't want to admit it. You also have a crush on eleven and you realized you're a closet pedo.
Will was whiny as shit too, the boy needs to let his balls drop.
Max' entire arc this season was pointless, if anything mike was right about her in S2. She's an unlikeable cunt with a bad attitude
Max's role was supposed to be in a love triangle with Mike and El. Then Kikes got a hard on for making the nig fuck the ginger.
Your a bad boy
This. Fucking oyyy vveeyyys
Children that age don't fuck
Yeah, but that's not what the Kikes fantasize about.
Exactly. Fucking Kikes.