But only not a Frog, which is instantly an upgrade.
Here's the Alain Delon of your generation bro!
Already balding and has an ugly black guy nose
>a mutt
>new alain delon
Lmao Delon was one of the most beautiful men to ever live
hey at least he's not wearing a layer of make up
Did not age well. David Strathairn is better looking as an old man than Delon.
Good looking guys rarely do, just look at Brando and even DiCaprio
DiCaprio was your average twink and Brando did it to himself.
he looks like he wears wife beaters and lives in a trailer court.
DiCaprio was always baby faced which does not suit age and Brando had an appalling diet and lifestyle. It wouldn't surprise me if Delon, being a French faggot, aged poorly relative to Strathairn cause of excessive smoking and drinking.
He was a twink but prime Leo was beautiful, no denying that.
Ladies obviously find broad shoulders and athletic bodies attractive but Leo showed face is always the crux. His arms were skinnier than Winslet's in Titanic for Christ's sake.
Straitham drinks and smokes like it's going out of fashion, though.
He does hit the gym a lot, so that explains part of it.
Goddamn Winslet is such a prime chubby slampig in that film
Wish I was on that boat.
It's Yea Forums disscuss a guys looks and pretend its not gay episode
Delon was skinny too
I thought slampigs were trashy ugly filth that you'd still fuck in spite of that. But yes, I want to fuck prime Winslet. Love how pale she was in that film too.
David Strathairn always looked like an old man
That boomer feel. At least Leo is still smashing on the reg.
I intend to be going to the gym all throughout my life to be decently fit even when an old fuck, and if I age like Strathairn whilst still being able to drink that's even stronger incentive.
>Ratfaced Ausfaglian
>Better looking than Alain or Francisco or Gandy
Hiddleston mogged that faggot Gandy so hard.
you can find better looking men at your local college user
Nor will they be fr*nch.
I wish boys at my school looked like this
not even close.
why are you fags discussing the attractiveness of men? are you gay or something
Fearlessly smoking too, bless him.
They both look so old.
not *my* local college you can't. if I could I'd be getting cornholed all round the clock
lol not even close
Idiots. Fuck Leo and the the other shits. Harrison Ford was literally perfect during his prime.
He won't age well unlike Alain.
And has upper eyelid exposure and a turbomanlet. At least Alain Delon was average height for his time
That’s actually a pretty based old guy look. Colonel Sanders type beat
You’re not serious right
>not French
Instant disqualification. The best men are and always will be French, pic related.
Plein soleil delon is the hottest guy to ever live
>Good looking Bong is French!
Either great bait or pathetic frog WE WUZ cope.