ITT: Post utterly retarded posts that you can't respond to

ITT: Post utterly retarded posts that you can't respond to.

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Can't think of any but whoever created the "dishonest filmmaking" pasta needs to be shot

ya seethe lil guy?
so buttblasted you had to go and make a thread in the hopes other people could point out what was wrong with his post because you couldn't?

One time user called my waifu ugly and it really hurt my feelings

who was it?

Your mom


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It's true. Lucas and Spielberg are scum who destroyed Hollywood.

>Who are Coppola and Cimino

Attached: IMDB Retard.png (799x276, 27K)

it's okay because muh auteurism

Apocalypse Now was great but fuck these snobs putting the blame on millionaire boogeyman when assholes being given too much power over millions does more damage

Lucas just made a live action Final Fantasy movie, there's nothing wrong with that. Spielberg ruined cinema with his literal lowest-possible IQ pandering (yes I'm including zionist propaganda schlock like Schindler's List and Munich in this) designed to make Americans overall stupider.

How someone can watch Jurassic park and think it's anything beyond the cheapest form of entertainment amazes me. Literally an hour and a half of "le big dinosaurs eat people". There's no character development, there's a lame attempt at a """""story"""""". It's basically a trip to the zoo, except the latter is more fun and engaging.

>putting the blame on millionaire boogeyman when assholes being given too much power over millions does more damage

i know what you were trying to say, but this is the most retarded wording you could've written out

>zionist propaganda schlock like Schindler's List and Munich in this

stopped reading

Have sex

Coppola did put his own money into Apocalypse, you can't blame him. Cimino that's another case he really fucked that up. So yes let me rephrase Cimino, Spielberg and Lucas are scum who destroyed Hollywood.
Lucas made terrible films.

>shitting on Spielberg and Cimino
imagine being this reddit

It's about them destroying the Hollywood system not the quality of their films. I like Cimino. Also Spielberg is completely reddit, except for Indiana Jones.

spielberg did nothing industry-wise that couldn't have been done by someone else coming first.

if you think new hollywood would've lasted forever had it not been for spielberg you're delusional.

He did Jaws. Sure somebody else could have done that, but nobody did. He did it.

i have a whole folder of these

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I don't have it screenshotted but on Reddit,
I had some fucker argue with me about the medical side of the transgender issue.

I've just become a physician, and he (as per his other comments) was a lifelong chef become an EMT I think. He was spewing the same shit as /pol/ does, only more muted, and unironically. It was pathetic how out of the scope (and how out of touch with contemporary research and psychiatric education) he was. But all the more, it was more harrowing that someone in the medical field is instead bringing their retarded preconceptions with them, rather than what actual medicine says.

The runner-up is the guy who was adamant that he would always drive better than a computer. Though that isn't as grating, as he could not even articulate his side, he just repeated the thing above when presented with points to the contrary.

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>goes on reddit
>gets mad when people criticize the "medical side of the transgender issue"
>wants self-driving cars
Is this peak soi? How'd you even end up here?

How'd I end up here or why I'm here now specificially?
To the first one: 6-7 years ago I randomly stumbled across Yea Forums, the rest is history.
To the second one: the threads on Yea Forums are pretty funny and I like sneedposting.

>I like sneedposting

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This is autistic but I don't disagree
You even talk like a redditor. Go back

>yes I'm including zionist propaganda schlock like Schindler's List and Munich in this

It's ironic because you're more likely to have a low IQ if you subscribe to racism.

Cringe and fuck off.

>t. triggered zionist

>Go back
Why would I go back if I'm there right at this moment?

God, I miss IMDB.

Reactions like this is exactly why people keep sneed posting.

What does this have to do with movies retard

What does this thread?

but hes 100% right

>discord tranny redditor
Fucking disgusting