>Celebrity complains about how hard being famous is.
Why? Ed Sheeran made about $100M in 2018 and somehow he's unhappy? What a fag.
>Celebrity complains about how hard being famous is.
Why? Ed Sheeran made about $100M in 2018 and somehow he's unhappy? What a fag.
With $100,000,000 you can buy a couple hundred acres, surround it with an electric fence, and have a permanent land and air based security patrol at all times. The only barrier to privacy is yourself
>orangutan feels like a zoo animal
but what he is saying is definitely true, having everyone know who you are and at best stare at you or at worse mob you and demand things from you is gonna suck
should he not share this experience because he makes lots of money?
>im so sad i hate attention
*acts in game of thrones for more attention*
Its better than the alternative
What the fuck is it with people, especially during these shitty past years
>Do something
>It comes with consequenses
What the fuck did he think was gonna happen? You write music that people like, people are gonna follow you like you're a god. This isn't exactly a secret. He's probably just playing his "social anxiety" for even more cash.
No idea how people can stand to look at his ugly face, let alone listen to the whiny bullshit he records
Just become a songwriter or producer then, Ed. Literally no one will recognize you, you'll be in the money and making music.
Oh he's feeling like a zoo animal while pushing himself into half of the movies these days? If I see one more random Ed Sheeran cameo...
Some people are never happy.
He's ginger. He's obviously going to be a genetic sludge of health issues.
>artist pursues music as a career stemming from his passion for it
>inadvertently become among the few to garner an obscene amount of attention from it, effectively destroying any odds he might've had of integrating into normal society again
>dehumanized by the public, stripped down to his basest core and forced to uphold an existence of performing and producing like an animal forced to dance in a cage to the gluttonous person's amusement
>somehow it's his fault for winding up like this, when it's really the music industry chewing him up, spitting him out, and grinding him down into just another product and persona to sell, simply due to the fact that any successful artist doesn't deserve to have their issues seriously regarded because "i'd be happy with $100 million dollars, so why shouldn't he? huhuhu"
He's grown man not a teenage girl.
I swear to god everyone has "depression" and "anxiety" these days
I've stopped buying Heinz tomato sauce cos if this cunt. I don't want to hear his dreary songs or buy anything endorsed by the whiney cumstain.
Just reading this thread should clue you in as to why. Guy makes a complaint about how he is handling fame badly, everyone just tells him to shut up because he's rich.
Its not because he's rich. Its because he's more than happy to put it aside and go on a stage in front of thousands.
Oh idk why not just fuck off from the limelight and make the public largely forget who you are
>B-but I still wanna share my art with the people and make millions of dollars
Then fuck off you dumb ungrateful ginger cunt
Fuck off Ed alright. No one likes you.
Real social anxiety is crippling and has a big impact on your life. He's just a fucking autsist carrot top.
The thing is that he's not even just doing normal performances. He has these out of place cameos in all kinds of media that piss people off. An attention whore like that has no room to complain.
>No one likes you.
That's funny because my bank account says otherwise.
He was a ghostwriter for Maroon5 before making his own music. I don't believe he's an introvert.
No one as in non NPCs.
I had to work at a place where they played this insufferable fucking faggot on the radio at least 5 times a day so for that reason fuck him and i hope he fucking kills himself
If you can get on stage and perform in front of thousands of people, or go on set to act in movies, it's not real "social anxiety" the way people like us experience it. Just because you're nervous around hot girls and sometimes can't think of something to say during a conversation doesn't mean you have social anxiety. That's why it seems phony and annoying when Ed Sheeran complains (or writes whiny songs) about his so-called social anxiety. Not to mention that being rich and famous is a free ticket into any social situation, removing the most difficult part of social anxiety in the first place: approach.
It's also annoying to complain about being famous when the alternative is to live a miserable, grueling existence as a wagecuck serf for your landlord, which is what 99% of us are forced to do in order to live. There isn't a single person in the world with a real job who wouldn't switch places with him in a heartbeat. Basically what I'm saying is: fuck off Ed.
If he kills himself they'll start playing him even more.
Someone told me I looked like this cunt.
Imagine how badly I wanted to kill myself.
>waaaaa it's so hard making millions by farting around in a movie set for two weeks every year instead of having a real job waaaaaaah
i fucking hate actors
If he doesn't want to be famous he can literally just stop and live a better life than the rest of us could dream of without working for the rest of his life. If he wants to keep making music he could do it under a pseudonym, or go into more of s producer role for life visibility. But he doesn't, he keeps doing gigs, he just released a new album. It's a lot easier to to stop being famous than it is to remain famous, look at Billy Squier.
Has Buckethead ever complained about shit like this?
I mean these musicians always use the excuse of them just wanting their "art" to admired and they didn't want all this crazy fame. Buckethead has released like 300 albums and still manages to be a somewhat private person.
>make very shit music that only an NPC would enjoy
>surprised when you enter a shallow sphere of society
Do you get any pussy from looking like him? At least that would be something.
Only poorfags think money makes you happy.
hope Richard D James kills this ginge cunt
Yeah, this happens to a lot of people, to go in thinking that it's not going to happen is just retarded. He can be as passionate as he wants, people are going to stalk you if you get famous enough, just how it works. And actually, yes, he has millions of dollars, I don't feel sorry for him, he got into it, knew what to expect, and is rich, cry me a fucking river.
Bump. I won't rest until this thread is filled with Ed Sheeran hatred.
Joke's on him, he's as much of a bottom for bigwig jews than all the other cumrags beside him.
>GINGER replaced by NIGGER
good riddance
We’re all on the hedonic treadmill. No matter how much money and success you make, you will always plateau back to your your default happiness level. Being world famous does sound like a bit of a drag honestly, too. People at his level can’t just walk to the store without being harassed.
That being said, millionaires bitching is very hard to sympathise with.
Then fucking live in a third world country. Literally nobody would care
Taylor self manage herself and is not affraid to stand up against jews: Spotify, Apple and now Scooter Braun. or people she doesnt like, Kardashian clan for example, and she was definitely much more bullied by media and people than Ed ever will be. But then she is southern mentally strong girl outside of the hollywood degenerate weak minded bubble.
Imagine if pops up in one as the end villain, now that would be a twist
The alternative at least allows you more solid and consistent opportunities to develop genuine human relationships and for you to relate to/empathise with the people you come into contact with. A guy as famous as Ed Sheeran will probably interact with more people than you or I would in our combined lifetimes, but nearly all of them will want something from him or project an idea of him that he can't possibly match. The millions probably soothe that a little but there's only so much shit you can buy. Social anxiety often comes alongside a deep need for validation, that's why you always hear this shit from celebs.
Imagine thinking this pleb tier faggot singing empty platitudes over basic pop folk progressions is an """artist"""
what a moaner
Never understood this guy’s appeal. He’s like a poundland version of James Blunt
>I wanna be a famous musician!
>why is everyone looking at me this is so uncomfortable
Donate your savings to charity and get a real job pussy, then talk to me about your social anxiety.
Great counter argument user
Reminder that he married his childhood oneitis after she friendzoned him during school, pied him off to go live in America and then suddenly realised she loved him all along when they reconnected after he was ridiculously rich and famous.
I understand what he means.
I genuinely feel sorry for the Kardashians, they barely even know what it means to be human. Their lives are so shallow and superficial, and no-one loves them for who they really are.
Look at him. He reeks of "oh no people like me WAAAAAAAHHH I hate being rich and famous WAAAAAHH"
This is all completely up to him. He can move and live anywhere he wants, he can make genuine relationships if he wants, these people live like literal royalty but they need something to complain about because they want their cake and they want to eat it too, he's just another mentally Ill narcissist, like most celebrities. Pathetic projecting on to a celebrity.
If the other 99% of us found out how fucking easy it is being famous there'd be riots in the streets.
Millionaire children who got there through nepotism, luck and greed complaining how hard they've got it so the rest of us don't figure out we should stop giving them all of the pittance we earned by working 8 hours a day then going home to to an apartment smaller than their toilet.
Socrates said 'fame is the perfume of great deeds he must be rolling in his grave
I know his songs from the radio but holy shit, if he was buying bread in bakery in front of me I would never tell who he is, looks like every other average Joe.
why are you talking about money when he is talking about fame?
being a celebrity sucks, i hate paparazzi and how insane people go over people simply for being famous; despite being a nobody
also, money makes life easier; but that isn't always the key to being happy
>they want their cake and they want to eat it too
Well, yeah
No point having a cake if you can't eat it
this is only a feeling entertainers get, not real artists. real artists would think "all these people came to enjoy my work". or do you think a writer would ever be mad that his philosophy is shared by millions of people? of course not, unless his work is ingeniune and only ment to be sold like a product. now think under what category Sheeran falls...
shut the fuck up.
kek, couldn't come up with a counter argument?