Can anyone recomment me some horror kino...

Can anyone recomment me some horror kino? I’m sick of childish stuff with cheap and infantile jumpscares and prefer a more atmospheric, slow-burn type of horror film. My favorites are pic related and Hereditary.

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Jacob's Ladder

Yo, I already told you Bone Tomahawk and Climax when you asked before. That not good enough?


Honestly, imagine choosing what you like because you want to project the image of A THINKER who appreciates SLOW-BURN horror.

All horror is schlock. With extremely rare exception, all movies are schlock. Telling people you like this arthouse shit doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look stupid.

Attached: SOYHORROR.jpg (2000x2000, 666K)

ok thats onions horror, but what about good horror? looking for some good movies as well.

haha, filter still onions

The Blackcoat's Daughter was actually really good. I actually liked it more than the vvitch.

jesus im hoping this is ironic and im just taking the bait but this is the most cringe autismo /pol/ post ive ever seen

So do we have tot undserstand that you ironically tell us jumpscares are horror, zoomie? Need that big boom jumpscare to leave your eyes off your phone.

Posession of Michael King
Shutter (thai version)
Paranormal activity 3 (only decent one imo)
Rec 1+2 (spanish version)
Conjuring 2
The Fourth Kind
The Wailing
Goodnight Mommy
The Collector
House of the Devil
Cabin in the woods (not scary but great)
30 Days of night
Here comes the Devil
Bone Tomahawk (not horror but good movie)
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
Devils Pass

Worst horror ive ever seen: The Inkeepers

the vvitch haha

>Jacob's Ladder
Great and trippy film. Too bad this is going to be niggarized now and future plebs will not even know the original.

are those good or bad horror movies?

lol so true.

Angel Heart, it's not as scary as the cover says, but it's good

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>the only reason he doesn't like the remake is because the lead doesn't share the same skin color as him
actually mental.

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The Masque of the Red Death

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good ones imo, though i usually get flack on here for some of them.

because this site is filled with edgy children who shit on people with different opinions

Session 9, it has many issues but it's a cute little flick and it has a few very memorable scenes

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from recently i guess The Neon Demon and It Follows, though those are kind of hit or miss, you'll either love them or hate them

Hour of the Wolf

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not really horror horror, but Fallen is very good

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>skin color
nope, don't care about skin colour. But all of this is shoving an agenda down my throat. It's brainwashing. It's conformism and virtue signaling.
Niggers have their own culture and can tell their own stories which might be great. But niggarizing and feminazing is malign propaganda.

sorry but im not sure that a director who made "straight out of compton" is going to be able to get even halfway as subtle and unique as the first film. there was a ton of missed opportunities and pointless shit in the first one too so a remake could've really turned it into something special, but now everything is ruined.

honestly can't take you seriously when you say niggarizing and feminazing desu. try talking like an adult

>director who made "straight out of compton"
this can't be happening who even funded this?

last 2 films by the director are under 20% and nothing he has made has broke 60% on RT

now he just wants the "get out" crowd LOL


ah that makes sense. but the real reason everyone here is crying is because the actor is a mulatto. which for some reason you guys consider black even though he's 50% white.

>try talking like an adult on an imageboard for cartoons for chinese children

well, what would you consider the correct term for the current trend to take west culture products and replace them with afro american identities?

>replacing a cartoon mermaid with a black actress
>m-muh mermaid identity!!! they're literally genociding white gingers, the rarest race in the woorld!!!
actual cry babies

Attached: cryingfaggot.png (618x711, 103K)

why do you come here? i don’t get it. don’t you have a discord or reddit or something?

you neither answered the question nor are you making an argument.