What an absurd premise, no one could even live up to 25 like that

What an absurd premise, no one could even live up to 25 like that.

Attached: 40-Year-OldVirginMoviePoster.jpg (220x326, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I was molested.

26 khv reporting in.

It's the best excuse actually

Is rawdoging a prostitute make a virgin still?

I feel sorry for americans, atleast prostitution is legal and cheap in Europe, would have probably went on a rampage already if not for it

not everyone is a cumbrain you know

female here, lived up to 23, 25 is not that far, if I go on like this 40 will be not so absurd for you?

did you cum?

I lost my virginity when i was 18. It was fucking embarrassing being a virgin for that long

Lost it at 24, while it relieved the preassure of thinking of myself as a virgin it didn't radically change me that much as a person

stalker patty?

she looks older then 23

Lv33 wizard reporting in.

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I'm just scared of getting old now, everyone will assume you have a wife/family and when you say you don't they will look at you with contempt

>26 khhv
>phimosis and ipersensitivity which caused a literal sexual trauma
>not interacted properly with the opposite sex since highschool
>chad-faced but 5'5 manlet and severe social anxiety

as long as you can provide for woman and give her economical stability everything is good for you. Also, don't think younger woman will not be attracted to you and don't settle down with a woman who already has kids, you can do better, believe me.

With Tinder, and the like, making it near-impossible for sub-8 men get laid these days, I can see adult male virginity (and hermitdom) skyrocketing.

Myself, I had to deal with escorts from age 21-31, otherwise I would still be a virgin today. It's depressing.


Just get any stable job and any woman with a brain will want to have children with your ass, even in your 40´s.

>movie about the worst virgin loser
>Turns out he's had plenty of sexual encounters
>Only missed out on actual sex because he did practically avoided it
>Has no problem being attractive to women and generally has his life in good order

I hate these movies

>phimosis and ipersensitivity
can't you get a medical treatment on that? only insecure woman want tall man so they can make their "friends" envious, really nice and good girl doesn't give a damn on what other think as long as she is happy with you.

i wish i had a gun so i could kill myself

36 and still virgin here. Only 4 more years to go and I´m there. The fact I still hang around Yea Forums probobly has something to do with it.

More like you got 4 more years until your libido gradually starts dipping of hard, and it's like you're using it anyaways lol.

Unbreathing is the real patrician way of killing yourself.

i'll tell you in 7 years


I lost mine to a hooker but now I’m a normalfag who bangs tinder sluts.

way too many people claim to have this on Yea Forums that defies statistics, i couldnt pull my foreskin all the way back until i was like 18-19, had to stretch it a little everyday until it eventually retracted fully, you sure you actually have it?

haHa yeah how can someone still be a virgin at 25...haha

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B-but I’m a 36 year old wizard

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are you guys just memeing?, i get this is Yea Forums but it seems 75% of posters on here are virgins

>be 30 year old virgin
>never met my dad
>wonder if those things are related

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the state should execute fornicators

>are you guys just memeing
obviously, this is an 18+ website

I had it until 23 years old, I did stretching for a lot of years and then I could retract it behind the corona, it stops there. Probably because of the frenulum strings. My problem is the excessive sensitivity, I cannot stimulate my gland without feeling pain.

Fuck off normie, you never struggled through any real problem in your life, that's why you cannot understand.

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

probably the opposite, virgins should be executed or euthanized

haha! perfect imitation of cringelord incel

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Why are incels so deluded?

Asocials were consideres mentally ill by the nazis. They are in fact leeches, degenerates and usually unaware of how retarded they truly are.

He's not wrong

I don't want to do it with escort

29 and heading towards wizardom

not much linger now my dudes

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>So much of a virgin that he was born through immaculate conception
Truly the Jesús of our generation

If you cant get laid you are probably a 3/10 with a terrible personality, incels always believe they are 7/10 "but a but overweight/skinny" and extremely smart but "underachievers". Delusions are the reason you are so shitty, that's the difference between robots and incels robots are aware of their actual self worth. Incels are insane and shitty people. The world is filled with ugly and fat people fucking all the time.

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Ikr? Now imagine spending 40 days without sex! I know it's just a movie, but it has to be realistic to get my attention.

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>The world is filled with ugly and fat people fucking all the time.

yeah, with other ugly and fat people

having sex is meaningless if the person you're having sex makes the whole world vomit

stop being so leddit. No one gives a shit when you fuck fat or ugly women or women no one else wants. No one gives a shit when you marry a woman that has been fucked by literally half of the world's population previously. Those are not achievements. That is something to be ashamed of. I fucked fat women before I still consider myself an incel because no one likes fat women.

There is hope.

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Excuse me can you not use incel, this is a derogatory term and should not be used. Please use sexual challenged. Thank you :)

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he has a sense of humor and a big dick

31 here. Does it get better? How are you on water walking?

>yuroshit Yea Forums

I had sex a few times when I was in high school and college but I haven't had sex in the 5-6 years since I graduated, does this make me an incel or a volcel or am I neither because I've already had sex before

You're what people used to call a "loser" before internet slang changed insults into a bunch of retarded shit.

It makrs you a retard, its called incel, not invir, virginity isnt a factor when it comes to be an incel, being celibate is not the same as being a virgin.

why is sex so important? what is a point of fucking someone you have no feelings?

>why is sex so important? what is a point of fucking someone you have no feelings?
Social interactions, especially social interactions that help develop your personality and are a good thing from a social point of view, from a biological point of view not having sex makes you an absolute failure as a sexual living thing. Why incels think sex and relationships are the same thing is beyond me.

being incel is leddit

kek im like a 5 and pretty socially awkward but still managed to lose it when at uni and drunk

I'm a girl, so where is the line between sex without relationship and just being a slut?

sleeping with me: good
sleeping with girls who aren't me: hot
sleeping with guys who aren't me: slut

congratulations my dear normalfaggot friends, bravo

not helping


41 virgin here, ask me anything.

What did you have for breakfast?

There's no line. But in general, for but men and women having fuck buddies is better than sleeping around. A women can be a slut even if she barely fucks, it's all about the control you have over your own buddy, if you want to fuck and go out with the idea of fucking is way less slutty than just going out with friends, getting drunk and being fucked by any random guy instead of someone you already wanted to fuck. In a way fucking is like drinking, no one gives a fuck about the guy that drinks everyday, gets drunk and takes an uber home or goes to bed, but the guy that pisses himself is seen as a retard. Girls that can't control their asses as the same.

>fuck buddies
to get one first I have to loose my virginity and it's kind of lame to do with guy who can be just a "fuck buddie"

That starts to happen to most men around 34. I'm 32 and my libido feels like it's down at least 25% for its peak. I'm actually grateful. I don't lust after women nearly as much.

No one is telling you to stop being a virgin if you don't want too, or that being in a relationship is bad for you.


I was just curious on my incel status

Dubs and I get a hot girlfriend next month.

>One off
If dubs user gets laid.

I'm 30 but I have only had sex like 3 times, and not at all in the last 6 years. Am I an incel?

I'm 26 y.o. virg, I have had women and girls show interest before, including touching, flirty banter, all that jazz, but I don't feel really compelled to go talk to them. I like the idea of fucking around with someone, even more so having a gf, but I continue to strike out. I have made good friends with multiple women and I don't think that would be possible if I was truly creepy or entitled, but among those I've asked out they would friendzone sooner or later, which is a shame because I like the idea of dating someone who is like a best friend to me. Anyways, sorry for the blog post.

Bruh look at this DOOD

29 reporting in

maybe you're gay?

adultwork.com for my fellow britcells

I thought about it, even looked at fucking gay porn to see how I felt, but no. I get off to women and women only

havent been on /pol/ in a months, off i go

so, you like girls want to date one but you're scared that's they will lose interest in you as soon as you make a move or start dating them? actually this isn't valid concern, but without actually trying you will spend the rest of your life alone. so, maybe talking to therapist will help to overcome your fears?

It's better to remain a virgin than have meaningless sex. I experienced it first hand and it's honestly not worth it.

what if right one never comes into our life?

I don't know if it gets better, I'm perfectly fine with it.I'm not obsessed about having gf,hookups and stuff like that,I'm the type of person who is really introverted and almost asocial, I enjoy being with people as long as they share the same interest as me, but I dislike social encounters and I avoid activities with unknown people. I'm a virgin for that reasons, it's not like I have tried everything, in fact, I have never tried.

it sounds just like me
maybe we are asexuals? we do masturbate but have no desire to have actual sex?

You can do whatever, just from my own personal experiences, it's not very gratifying.

Why not have sex?

Do you regret your life decisions?


>Lost virginity at 16
>Spent 16-24 fucking
>Became volcel at 25 because sex is actually not that important
>Over a year without even a date
>Extremely productive and becoming fairly successful

I don't understand why you idiots are so hung up on being virgins. Sex really isn't that important. What you lack is companionship and friendship, which you struggle with because you're weird creepy tryhard losers. I bet you haven't even made a single friend in the last 3 months. Sex is like extreme companionship, and you crave sex because your personalities are so despicable that you can't even have basic companionship.

How about you take a shower and read a book and learn to have a normal conversation with a human being. Also have sex.

>normal conversation with a human being.
what about people doing hook ups on tinder? are they bad at conversations or are they losers as well?

>dude just take a shower lmao
normalfaggots will never stop being retarded

Idk personally I think tinder is pretty fucked, social media really twisted how we handler elationships. I only used it a few times.
But at the same time, getting mad about not being a Tinder chad is like getting mad that you're not getting PewDiePie's sub numbers on Youtube. These guys are borderline professionals at this one specific niche internet thing, but they would be unemployable trash without this weird new trend that has only existed in the last 5 years.

why no hookers?

>28 year old boomer
>Had sex about 14 times
>Half of those have been with hookers/escorts
>Last time I had sex was last year September

kek. ok tranny

The absolute state of nu-normies, also seems a bait. I have a lot friends and people who genuinely want to be around me yet I'm still a virgin due to a lot different problems including medical ones. Reality is that you just lucked out like the majority of men and you never worked hard for the things you have because they happened spontaneously. Thinking everyone has the same issues and same reasons behind being virgin is utterly retarded and demonstrates you are bluepilled to the truth.

What does being a tranny have to do with not wanting to fuck hookers?


elaborate on that


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I appreciate what you did there.

IDK man, I feel like the ones I like reject me, but maybe it isn't this simple

how can prostitution be illegal in the US? didn't americans invented pornography?

>"""female""" (((here)))

I know right? I'm 29, and I'm pretty sure I will kill myself before hitting 40 yo if I don't get pussy

not man but ok. maybe they gravitate to you because they think you are not into them, flirt and give you hope and later when they see you sre interested they just get desired validation from you and leave, or they think you value them as a friends and when they see you are romantically/sexually interested in them, they think it's the only reason you were nice and friendly with them in the first place?


I-im pretty sure I will find the love of my life and she will take care of me and take my virginity.

whats so unbelievable to you? girls my age can't be virgins or snoop around here?


Why do incels make this thread every day?

Youre supposed to be able to stretch it since before puberty.

I never had sex, never kissed, never had a gf, never approached a girl in my life. Fully aware that it's all my fault alone and I don't "hate" anyone else because of it.

Am I an incel?

I don't ever consciously think of befriending a woman as a means to intimacy. I do spend time talking to her and getting to know her to find out if I like her or not, which I guess some might see as me "trying to use the friends route to get into their pants", although I've never been accused of that that I'm aware of. What you said about validation is very valid, I think that I tend to choose women who seem sort of aloof or unavailable because it re-enforces this notion I have that I am not good enough, although maybe I'm wrong.

fuck off tranny
nobody cares about you and your mental illness

>Spent best years of youth fucking
>"lol don't know why you guys obsessed with sex"


yes, but if you get a stable job and decent income women will gravitate toward you later in life, just try to get closer to them by interests you may share and it'll be ok

>non virgin telling virgins sex doesn't matter
Fuck off.

I already have a stable job and more than decent income.

calling girls trannies is probably the reason you are still a virgin

30 years old, never even kissed a girl.

The life of a high inhibition 4/10 will do that to ya. I've might have had a chance if I tried to initiate with fatties or uggos, but I don't like ugly people. So I don't blame women for not liking me.

tranny =/= girl


Technically you are involuntarily celibate, but I would hesitate to say "Incel" because that term specifically carries many seriously negative and toxic implications with it. If you're just a decent dude with some issues who hasn't had luck in dating then it doesn't mean you're a bad person. People like to think only "good people" get laid but this is nowhere near true.

from wikipedia:
>Production of erotic films commenced almost immediately after the invention of the motion picture. Two of the earliest pioneers were Frenchmen Eugène Pirou and Albert Kirchner. Kirchner (under the name "Léar") directed the earliest surviving erotic film for Pirou. The 7 minute 1896 film Le Coucher de la Mariée
based france

Lmao this guy has absolutely no shame. She's fucking hot though, would worship that ass

>btw guys I am a girl :3

>that I am not good enough
I don't know all the details but I feel like this mindset is also a big problem, there is no reason for you to think that you are not good enough

can you be even more obnoxious?

>never approached a girl in my life. Fully aware that it's all my fault alone
>Technically you are involuntarily celibate
retard nigger kys

haha yes

Virgins of Yea Forums, please vote here


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that's a very attractive factor for woman. now try to connect with them through the things you both may like,join fandoms go to meetups where they may be and just talk about things that you like, don't try to educate them and be annoying, just listen to them and you will probably get close to a lot of them

Lol he got busted in the end

which am I supposed to pick if I'm 25?
fucking frogposters can't even do a poll correctly

he tried...

Hey now, i'm a young man
get your game on, get flayed



I lost mine at 17 with a 15 year old emo girl I met on Myspace.

Now I'm engaged to a thicc girl who wants sex constantly. I could walk over to our bedroom right now and start rootin around with her downstairs mixup but my armpit is kinda irritated from this new deodorant so instead I'm drinking my morning coffee and lurking the chans.

32 here. I think my problem is, I always envisoned something ideal with a girl who liked me and we dated and finally made it happen. The whole "I've only ever been with my wife" sort of scenario.

I had chances, girls in high school. One was kinda trailer trashy, did drugs, had already been with several guys, but we were friends and she liked me. Another was pretty heavy and didn't have the best hygeine, but was totally ready to suck the life out of me. I think I felt like I could do better. That's probably the trap a lot of us fall into, where we really want to have intimacy, but are willing to be picky, and then before you know it, you're past wizardom. There are plenty of 5/10 girls with acne who will talk to you and actually end up happy to do so, but the heart wants what it wants eh?

Another part is I was never big into the scene. In college I joined a fraternity and slowly but surely came out of my shell, but I was still never really the type to go out with the guys, pound a bunch of drinks, hit on girls, etc. Not a beer guy, so getting drunk wasn't usually on the agenda. Kinda had that idea in the back of your mind that if you did pull a girl, your first time would be with some rando after a random night. I guess I romanticized it too much.

You really have to put the work in, or at least go for it. I wanted them to do most of the work. Even now a coworker has me on Bumble and, while it's rare I get a hit, when I do I tend to hesitate. What if those couple pictures she put up don't reflect how she really is? I guess when you've been a quiet nerd your whole life, you'd rather not show up than take an L. You also start to think you only need one perfect girl for you and you can wait until you find her. Not literally perfect, but someone who ticks your boxes that actually shows interest in you.

nice blog post normalfaggot

I go back and forth between beating myself up for being unattractive (boring, skinny, unkempt, lazy) to it just not being good enough, it's hard to say. I've had a couple of women tell me I am very good looking and not as a friend to be "nice" but on apps like Tinder etc., although it's rare. Sometimes I think I just have a certain very special "flavor" that many don't care for but those that do, enjoy it very much

>What if those couple pictures she put up don't reflect how she really is?
you sound like every guy in teen drama who goes for girls out of his league. well, at last you can see it, it doesn't seem like you can't get someone you are just too picky

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>I go back and forth between beating myself up
stop doing it enjoy interactions with them, don't jump fully into ay crush, keep a distance, let them be hot and cold at the same time and everything will be ok.
I still suggest you to talk with a professional about your insecurities, I feel like they're your worst enemy and hold you behind

haha you are totally right user, who would be able to live like that?

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I'm in a similar position and know where you're coming from but with a couple of differences. I had/have low self esteem and didn't connect that a girl may like/be interested in me unless she would outright say it, and no girl ever liked me enough to do so. In high school, there was one chick that pulled down her pants to show me her panties while we sat in the front row of the class, during class. She would constantly talk to me until our seats got rearranged. Her little sister was also in high school at the time and she hated me and I had no idea why. It only clicked later that her older sister must have told her about me and that I'm not making a move on her so the little sister must have got pissed off.

The three girls that I did ask out, all rejected me which helped increase my cowardice and combined with low self esteem I stopped trying to pursue any girls starting from my junior year in high school. Now, I'm almost twice as old and haven't spoken casually with any girls since then. It's either work related or a greeting.

this is me except I'm not a virgin, I'm cut and have ED, I'm not a manlet(5'7.5 tall) and I don't have a Chad face

>not a manlet(5'7.5 tall
everything below 6' is manlet

>I'm not a manlet(5'7.5 tall)

>have sex

it's depressing.
maybe one of your coworkers is interested in you? or maybe friends can sat you up with someone?

It's an engineering company. The few women that are there are older/married. The handful of younger women that are there I have zero contact with. Of course, I have no friends.

Another thing I forgot is that apparently women are naturally scared of me. This is something that I've been told as early as elementary school, but I thought it was girls just being stupid/joking due to my above average height. It wasn't recently that a stripper outright asked me if I'm always mad, and then determined that I just have a "mad face." I've also been losing weight and have more visible veins on my arms. This led me to notice that a lot of the women that I see in the hallways would drop their head and look at the floor when they're within greeting distance of me.

>f course, I have no friends.
change that first then, retard

How exactly? Everyone my age has a family or an established circle of friends.

I will die alone without experiencing something that normalfags experience everyday.

idk join a footy team or something lol

you described yourself as tall broody and dark,
girls dig it dude, just present yourself in a right way.
girls including myself are attracted to driver and kylo, for exact same reasons you listed as your problems.


It's like a christians butt fucking to save their virginity. So yes, but no.

not the same user but explain this then

> I see in the hallways would drop their head and look at the floor when they're within greeting distance of me.

now I'm curious of how you look
but people often don't look at ones they are attracted to..

What are you like staring them down as you walk past?

What the fuck is this guys problem? Why is he always making fun of us?

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Where am I supposed to present myself? At work the women are older/married. After work I'm either at home/in my garage or driving around picking up furniture. I've isolated myself for over a decade and my social skills are shot because of that.

i just walk normally without looking at them but it´s pretty disturbing that most of the girls drop their head because of my presence and i´m not even tall

Make eye contact, nod and smile.

have friends

I'm above average height and builtfat. My face is average at best. Not deformed but nothing notable about it.

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Whats the “h” stand for?

why do you have a table in your bathroom? why do you have two chairs if you're a lonefag?

I collect mid century modern furniture. Those are Tempestini for Salterini clam shell or orange slice patio chairs and table. I keep them in my bathroom because I'm almost never on my patio. If I am then it's just to catch a breath and pace around a bit.

you are dumb to think you are unattractive channel your inner kylo and girls will be yours

>I collect mid century modern furniture
>how am I virgin????????????????

you have a passion, go and try to find someone with same interests
you have everything most girls want, just learn to present yourself

I collected Lego sets and firearms (still do on/off) so furniture is probably an upgrade overall.

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>I collect mid century modern furniture

Have you considered m4m on doublelist?

for some reason it's looks like soviet union furniture

hugless or handholdless

If I knew how I would have, but like I said my social skills are shot.

I seriously don't know how to seek out people and then maintain relationships. Even if I get along with someone, e.g. I've had a few buyers that would hang around for >30 minutes and we would chat, but then that's the end of it.

I don't see what's wrong with it. I keep the pieces I like and sell the rest. Most are bought with resale in mind. There's a few pieces I held onto due to being too sentimental, but I plan to purge everything I don't currently have room for including one of the first pieces I got.

I have had sex but this year my penis has become numb

so thats it

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The designs in Warsaw Pact countries were similar, but the big name designers were all from the west. Every wall unit I had was marked "Made in Yugoslavia." This Ello wall unit I sold recently was no exception.

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ask yourself what do you seek
if you ask me it not going to be hard for you to find a sexual partner if you try
but if you want a long term relationship you will have to work on your social skills

if prostitution was legal here, marriage rates would plummet

If prostitution were legal here less men would kill themselves and less would donate to patron/twitch whores.

I like this one


God you're pathetic

At least half of the world's male population won't have kids. Modern day porn distribution has made it available to basically everyone with a cellphone.
Being 40 and a virgin has never been so easy.

Aren't you all about protecting women? You're basically restricting anybody from possessing a woman based on monetary needs.

its 3k for car insurance and £10 for a return bus ticket to nearest town

its not porn stopping people

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Isn't that just a porn thing? I mean, everyone in my country would consider this line of thinking to be pants-on-head retarded, but I guess that some americans could think this way unironically

you have serial killer eyes
find someone to fix how they appear
also try smiling

and if you collect furniture you might be a closeted fag

Nowadays it has become such a pain for simply having an affair it's not even funny. Women won't usually jump in your car and spread her legs unless you give the signals of having "something". This something usually implies possessions. It might not be material needs, but it has to be something feasible. There's guys that are broke still have this aura of success around them. If you're not able to pass this "security" you're toast.

This is something that comes from both genes and experience. If you don't have any, you're the 50% not passing your genes to anybody.

They're so absorbed in self-pity that they have to cram as many things to bawww about as possible into their labels.

If prostitution were legal here, not much would change. Sure, you'd have a lot more guys getting laid, but ultimately you'd still have girls with C+ looks and F- personalities charging A+ prices to sleep with them (even then probably only taking clients who were A+ looks or willing to pay them buttloads of cash.)

>materialist explanation
f off marxist

yeh transport is materialist

I would get a horse but they made sure you can't store it anywhere

Kill yourself


materialism is marxist and therefore wrong
it's always about ideas per the above

I've never had sex because I have a small penis

>couple years away from being a wizard

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the amount of cope in this post

Size of the penis by itself doesn't really matter much. Now if you're a manlet and that's the reason why your dick is so small, now there's the real problem.

Big brother user, tell me, how does it feel like to lie in bed with your loving gf?

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it does matter when it's physically impossible to penetrate

In this case you're a literal dicklet. Cut it off and become a monk or something.

39 here, just never really cared enough, 40 this year It gets easier when your tastes become so deviant that they aren't really possible in reality

>Size of the penis by itself doesn't really matter much

if dykes can fuck so can you

So why should a good looking woman want you to fuck her if you're ugly and fat yourself?
Oh wait that's different...cause reasons.

>Lost my virginity a couple months ago at 21
>Already sick of it
>Female companionship is a meme

I probably would have a hard time trying to cut it off desu
I've used fingers before, it's like tit fondling but a lot more depressing

It's called supply and demand, retard. You don't have anything to offer so you have to settle for fat chicks who don't either.

What's your size?

29 going on 30

Dated a few girls but never made it. Funny enough is that I'm actually pretty good with women and making them feel comfortable. The problem is that I loathe and can't stand most people I meet.

Just because you're having bad sex doesn't mean sex doesn't matter. I was in your place once.

Are you also intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor?

No the sex is pretty good. I always thought that losing my virginity and having a gf/fwb would fill the gaping hole in my soul and fix my mental health, but it hasn't. I'm still a depressed drug addict.

I guess around 4 in erect, slightly less maybe idk but around that

Didn't lose my virginity til 21. I had sex with over 20 women in 2018 and can't fill the hole.

That's really small but far from impossible.

yours or their
cause if the former you should have sex with men, silly

i tried already

You have to ejaculate inside them

Can't fill the hole of being a loser for 21 years.

Are you literally me? I'm

>21 years
oh wow so many years

I know, it's terrible.

It does suck, but I have hope that finding the right woman will work. Stay strong!

>no I'M the biggest loser

31 next week

>Are you coming with us?
>And I was 28
Needless to say,I regret it. A lot

>muh mental health
>I fucked a bunch of women last year feel bad for me :(

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Not him, but the point being made is is that getting laid doesn't fix anything. To quote the movie, stop putting pussy on a pedestal.

>wehh I don't get laid so my life is a miserable failure
Isaac Newton never got laid as well and he turned metal into gold, find another excuse fuckface.

>imblying he wasn't just a fag

Alright then stop having sex if it’s so unimportant. You won’t because sex is number one and everyone wants to have it.

I have stopped. Been off the pussy for 3 weeks now. Feels good to just focus on myself instead of constantly trying to chat up women.

>sex is number one and everyone wants to have it
Only if you haven't had it for a long time. Once you get it regularly, it's just another thing.

Above average intelligence with a love for witty jokes. I don't know what it is about me but women like me even if I can't stand most of them.

are you gay?

Maybe they think you're a pillow-biter ;)

Oh wow three weeks, must be tough.

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>I can't stand most of them.
I think thats the reason, they want what they cab't have

I can't stand women either and none of them ever talk to me

gold is a metal my dude

you're like the male version of that girl you don't notice sexually because you're focused on the good ones

No woman has every told me that they think I'm gay. I just don't exude that vibe but I do get hit on by gay men when I go through the gay district of my city; people say I'm cute but I don't fucking see it.

thanks to newton

>implying I'm male ;)

you're male sweety, even if you dilate ;)

27 and I'm so burnt out on fapping I don't even it want it.

i, i'm user. i'm 30.
held hands, hugged girls, grabbed tits and ass a couple of times but never asked a girl out, let alone kiss or had sex AND never had the urge to. i'm content with my situation and i don't feel entitled to anything.
am i an incel or volcel? or anything else

you are asexual pal

but i like girls and wank from time to time

low test, like me

pain in the ass seeing as I have an 8x6 dick but all of no desire to use it

I do masturbate but mostly on the idea of sex then on anyone in particular, you can wank and still have no desire to actually penetrate anyone

we are just asexuals

Same though less experience. I think I'm asexual though I do masturbate.

Good to know you get your life philosophy from a kike comedy movie.

i don't think i'm low test, i'm hairy as hell lol

The Chad "yeah and what are ya gonna do about it" camlad

>tfw some guy in high school bet that I couldn't get a gf or lose my virginity before 25.
>I'm turning 25 in three weeks, still a khv.

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Thats basically me. I do fuck high class prostitutes though.

>not a manlet
I've got news for you pal

I remember when I used to say here I'm a 24 year kissless virgin when I was like 17 just to not sound like a total kid.
Now I'm an actual 24 year old kissless virgin.


What's wrong with him? He's not ugly in anyway

How does it matter though?

>managed to lose it when at uni and drunk
How the fuck do people do that? I could never get it up when drunk

ill be him in 2 years 3 months

except i don't have a job or friends so the movie is already too unrealistic

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>later in life

Yeah when they're 28. Old and way past their prime

Yes user, worship women that won't have sex with you. The jews hate that.

*constantly bullies people for being virgins*
Wtf y r they so insecure lmao XDD
*flips the fuck out and ruins your life if you criticize literally anything about them*
Why are women like this. I'm unironically a volcel because I can't be bothered dealing with American women

Land of the free


Anons how does it feel to kiss a woman you love? Is the buckling in the knees real or is that utter bullshit?

I follow this broad on instagram. Heres a fact:shes underage in this clip