>"Alexandre Dumas was black."
No he wasn't?
>"Alexandre Dumas was black."
No he wasn't?
He was a quadroon or something, so yeah he was
Typical Tarantino racial revisionism.
>one 1/4th nigger Frog wrote some children's tales
Holy fucking shit, how can whippipo ever recover? Aristophanes be rollin in his grave biiiih.
His father was black.
Black like Rachel Dolezal
>candy refers to dumas as a "soft hearted frenchie"
>this guy retorts by saying he was black
Well he didn't even fucking say he wasn't!
half black I think. All his novels are basicly SEETHING revenge fiction about how his daddy got fucked by Napoleon
mon Dieu
la créature...
Half black is like Obama, dis nigger be black like Kid N. Play
He was octaroon actually.
>what is the one drop rule
He was litterally a bastard son of a nigger slave
I really fucking hate Frogs. Ugly, degenerate little freaks. Some of their women are hot, which is why they must be used for breeding, but all Frog "Men" should hang from the Elm Tree. All the problems we're facing today started with the fucking Frogs and their sex-obsession.
have sex
I don't think that'd change my opinion of Frogs, you filthy dress-shitting, heels-wearing faggot.
>His father, General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, was born in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (present-day Haiti) to Alexandre Antoine Davy de la Pailleterie, a French nobleman, and Marie-Cessette Dumas, a black slave.
His father was half-black so I guess that makes him black too by 1850s standards
lmao shut up pussy
he was a coon
is that supposed to be a question or a statement?
>by 1850s standards
A quadroon is a nigger by any standards.
france was one of the first countries to allow niggers the rights and treat them like citizens
when in america the niggers where openly lynched, in france they had every right to fuck a white woman and even marry her
and now both the countries is ruled by them.
okay but why didnt he just shake his hand?
he was a coon
Still would qualify as such under American law.
Exactly. Frogs are the originators of all of the West's problem. Bongs should've genocided them. Bunch of uppity fucking powderniggers.
>We wuz writers
Don't you have to get wasted and watch a nigger fuck your daughter, Pierre?
Not Pere
>when in america the niggers where openly lynched
More people are killed by blacks every single year than the amount of black people that have been lynched in all of American history combined. It was nowhere near as common as it's made out to be.
He looks like Bredan Fraser's 90s cousin!
What a fucking joke, bongs and protestants are the first destroyers of the west for centuries now.
based Moldbuggian
There is a theory that Alexander Duma is actually Alexander Pushkin, a classic russian writer, who is known for having black grandmother (I think). After faking his murder in Russia he fled to France, there is more to that, but I don't really remember, there are a lot of simillarities between them overall if you look into that.