/bb/ Big Brother 21

Noms:Big Jess & Hogg
Nightmare Power:Ovi, forces HOH to make new noms at night, lasts 6 weeks
Chaos Power:Jack, he can stand and redo the veto picks. lasts until final 6
Panic Power: Christi, Diamond Power of Veto, lasts 4 weeks
Camp Comeback:evictees stay in the house until battleback

The Trials and Tribulations of Quarky

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


ovi poops on the floor

I hate these fuckers so much

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where the fuck is drawfag this year?

Season sucks so bad they dont care enough.

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Quarky Bros
We did it

please give me any cam except Kemi and Nicole, jesus christ





bimbo and david have moved to the 1 big blanket instead of 2 small individual blankets!

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>goes to too many early tribals

She's literally the type. Glad that there are actual Survivor bros here

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Comfiest feeds.

unironically this

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How would he faired if he wasnt banished? Seems like he'd be intelligent and basically be in the same position he's in right now?

I think he was a winner pick for some alumni for good reason. He was my pick too.

i think he would've had the time to work some stuff instead of having what, a three hour window?

But work with who? He'd be able to pull in Kemi, Nicole, Cliff, Kat (maybe) and Sam but anyone from Gr8ful?

work-out alliance with aquaman/michie. both seem to like him

i dont know. maybe the whole dynamic would've switched

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based David making a move

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I like Survivor so I'm trying to get into Big Brother more. Watched a few early seasons and doing my best to follow this one live.


pretty sure jack said that he hates davids guts bro

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is this genuine or is she just playing him again?

Same here. This is my first live season. Same goes for Love Island. Survivor isnt long for this world bro

i think it is. doesnt want the judgement of the house though.

what kinda judgement would that be?

think it was because david was a pariah when he first came into the house and she didnt want to be associated with him. but now after people have started to warm up to him, shes getting a little closer.
i dont know what imeant

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>Survivor isn’t long for this world bro
>just wrapped production on 40th season

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>Survivor isnt long for this world bro
Ratings are consistent and S40 is going to have crazy hype

Yeah, Survivor will be around for S50 at least. Cheap to produce too.

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S40 is gonna be a climax of sorts i think. Ratings will go down from there. I think we have two more cycles at best

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RV teasing bimbo about her date with david in the boatroom

According to some verified spoilers Sandra made it to final tribal again.

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sandra won her first season right? that was around the time i stopped watching. cause i remember her. was that with rupert as well?

why would you spoil this?

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did they wash those sheets yet? tommy is sleeping in nicks jizz and bella goo

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She won her first and second seasons, rupert was in the cast as well. she got shellacked in Game changers though.

Because I don't it to be true. Why the fuck would they give that dumpy goblin another shot at victory.

night /bb/

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There's multiple boot lists circulating, so idk what to believe just yet. Eventually there's gonna be one that's legit though since all-star seasons do get spoiled.

Night, /bb/ro.

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where th fuck do i stream this /bb/?

bella and nick talking in HOH

night boo

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>sleeping with the veto on the outside of the blanket

power move
asserting her dominance

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I'm falling in love, bros

/ourgirls/ finna run this house!

stop watching rhap

>checking last thread
>tfw i missed out on all the bb17 posting

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it is perturbing how few of you wake up at a reasonable time in the morning

excellent webm

was bimbo thinking about using the veto?

Yeah, on jess

lul, what a waste. does that mean autismo is going up?

Nicole is, but at the moment cliff is getting voted out (in what should be a blindside to nick and bella)

this is pathetic, if you live anywhere in the US besides hawaii and you aren't awake by this time then you are a deplorable piece of trash.


this isn’t a general

>bb fans pls watch our show

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so who's the target? jess or hogg?

you're a moron
publicly, the backdoor target is nicole
within the 6, they are planning to keep nicole and evict cliff to blindside nick and bella and then target them the next week
kat is almost definitely pulling down jess


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blows my mind that the amazing race still gets good ratings

That is bad famalam

Hope it's just this cast and the show still gets renewed.

i'm a colonel

cbs isn’t gonna cancel their best show in the important demographic

What are the chances of Bimbo Gheeseling working with Nicole Gheeseling?

daily reminder that fags like this actually post here

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these dips are easily explained. wed, preparing for july 4th, thurs, nathan's hot dog eating contest, and sunday everyone was at church

>michies sloppy seconds

be nice to bbo

Yeah but look at the core demo, its way low for that viewership which means it's all cryptkeeper boomers watching it

>liana saturdays! woo!

Jesus fuck you retarded n-bombs dont work in the fucking entertainment industry like I do. And I'm nobody important but here's how this works.

Take a scripted show, lets say Stranger Things. Stranger Things gets an audience, that's good. People who will continue to watch ST season 2, 3, 4, whatever. So of course, you want to make more seasons of ST.

Now comes the problem. You need the same cast. Eleven wants a raise, Winona Ryder wants a raise. You can kill off a character here and there to stop paying them (or go full Walking Dead) but the longer your show goes on, and the bigger audience it gets, eventually you're paying Sheldon Cooper & Cersei Lannister $1 million per episode.

This is true for a lot of reality shows as well, paying Simon Cowell, paying the coaches on the Voice, paying the Kardashians. You take a chance that people will still watch American Idol without Simon/Paula/Randy as the judges, but ratings still go down.

Not Survivor, Big Brother, or The Amazing Race though. Even with the prize for the winner, you're finding a random group of nobodies and paying them shit. And the fanbases of these respective shows still tune in.

Big Brother is so cheap to make that fucking Wendy's pretty much funds BB Canada in exchange for having a Wendy's walk-up counter in the storage room. You guys make BBCancelled jokes, what saved it was shilling Baconators.

All three shows have been around since like 2001 and are tremendous moneymakers for CBS. Remember when ABC tried to steal the concept with Glass House? CBS literally took ABC to court that the concept was too similar to Big Brother and settled.

This shit ain't getting cancelled

CBS better swallow their pride and work out a deal with Netflix to save this show. Its built for bingeing in America


>belly button infection

the fact you retards can't make a legit counterargument and just bait me weakly shows you have no fucking idea what you're talking about

it's over bros, time to switch to the Challenge

Early Netflix paid BIG money early on for all these reality shows but then found out that people dont watch 1 year old reality shows. They didn't renew the contracts.

you know, bbcan7 actually got me picking wendys again in the rare cases i get fast food. it's fucking delicious compared to most similar fast food places. i bet they make the money back on that given how cheap i'm sure bbcan is.
it's also a legitimate incentive to win HOH for people who are on the edge. you can't get a fast food burger in there for months. if you've been on slop for a while i'm sure it's got to be tempting.

i watch one year old reality shows
i watch 15 year old reality shows

I remember some HG (Audrey?) that melted down hard enough that production sent an intern to Burger King and got them a whopper with fries

They started talking about it on feeds and then cut to fish

audrey from bb17 is having a meltdown on twitter

>bbcancelled retard falls for shitty marketing
anybody surprised here?

>larping on a /bb/
Isn't it too early for you to be off your meds, buddy?

>1 second apart

>gets called a "thing" by Big Brother houseguest
>nobody cares and said player wins America's Favorite Houseguest 2 months later

surprised it took this while

Eh she's just ranting, not really melting down. She's not entirely wrong, either.

audrey's that one who cut off her penis, right?

>i watch one year old reality shows
>i watch 15 year old reality shows
and 15 thousand people watch Bong-Appetit--and on a planet of 7 billion that's a rounding error.

>tfw you eat an apple so good you thank God

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>low ratings back to back seasons
>no paul the last two seasons

the ratings are GUMPY as fuck

everyone thought jess would be the kino eater this season
how wrong we were

catlady cams don’t show her eating as much

Why are you calling her Quarky?

yup, iirc bb19 is one of the most viewed bb seasons.

This is true, but BB could get rid of Grodner and no one would care. BB gets 6M viewers in spite of Grodner, not because of her.

OTT showed that a bunch of interns can run the show and it still would go on.
I'd get rid of Grodner and Julie and their big paychecks.
Survivor needs Jeff, BB doesn't need Julie.

>fans tune in to see him succeed
>haters tune in to see him fail

paul needs to be on every season

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what a revelation

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YA BOY needs to come back with some FRIENDSHIP


Even though Paul is a manlet asshole, he gives the editors enough footage for the show. You can be a turd 90% of the time but if you give them 15 minutes of good stuff a week, the editors can make you look like a BB god.
This cast is just mean and boring.

serious question, but why do people think dr will is better than paul, when dr will would lose in a modern bb season? both paul and dr will played very similar games

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>agenda is solely to make money.

Isn't that the purpose of every show on network TV?

dr will is a foot taller than Paul.

The same reason Yea Forums says Babe Ruth is the greatest of all time. That fat fuck would get eaten up in today's MLB.

Screencaps anyone?


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i'm not falling for anything
wendys is just tasty

Yeah I mean she's not wrong but the naiveté on display here is not a good look.

we need ARISA!!!

yeah the fact that she thought big brother production had a different goal is the retarded part

if Will is evicted early on in BB2, BBUS would be just one of the dozens of failed early 00s reality shows that got canceled after 1-2 seasons

based Shannon going full retard with a toothbrush and saving bb forever

yes. these people have very little grasp on reality


I watched BB2 in 2001, and at the time and Dr. Will was just another contestant. He really didn't drive the ratings at the time. His legend didn't get started until BB7. BB3 goes on with our without Dr. Will.

audrey is based, she made early bb17 so much fun
be nice

we all know it’s a dude but it gets confusing if we don’t call it by what it is commonly called


its cost-effective, and has a lot to do with Fly on the Wall Entertainment, co-run by Grodner & Rich Meehan

they would need a very good reason to get rid of Grodner, better than "this years cast sucked" or "we'd rather pay this other person to do your job cheaper".

There's a lot of legal shit involved with production companies and showrunners who essentially make the show and hand-deliver it to the network. Same reason why HBO can't just find another showrunner and keep Game of Thrones going despite D&D wanting it to end stupidly.

Again, Walking Dead is one of the few shows that did exactly that, and now the fired showrunner wants $300 million


it’s just jews jewing jews


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Why do you call Nicole Quarky?

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I watched BB2 in 2001 and you're a fucking retard. Will was a breakout superstar just like Richard Hatch, Rudy, or Colby from the first Survivor seasons.

The first season's cast was extremely boring, then you had this attractive manchild who played the game by pretending to not play the game

Dani Reyes S3 was another breakout star.

dunno, without Will Big Brother would go the road of early Survivor before Rob C and Johnny Fairplay (which were also directy influenced by him) where it's all about challenge wins and loyalty
and BB didn't have an advantage of starting with 50mil viewers, if nobody else shakes up strategy and metagame it would fizzle out way more quickly

>played against a bunch of retards who didnt know what the fuck they were doing in bb2
>people love to forgot how badly chilltown got BTFO in bb2
>literally only made it far because there was no veto
>threw a temper tantrum and said he will only come to bb7 if his fuck buddy boogie was there
>only made it far in bb7 because he was bribing hgs for him to stay
name a more overrated winner, you fucking cant

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making things up is not an argument

cause based on her pre-show appearance they thought she would be some kind of autismo.. turns out she is just a generic person with emotional issues

>I'll shit on Will because in the year 2001 I wasn't born yet: the post

being in denial is also not an argument

what doubt you retard?

Based on her pre-season bio and interviews she looked like she might be a manic pixie quirky type girl. Turns out she's fairly normal but the name stuck.

>Will was a breakout superstar just like Richard Hatch, Rudy, or Colby from the first Survivor seasons.
LOL no. bb was irrelevant as FUCK

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Is Quarky a reference to something?

calling someone underage is not an argument

Nah it's just a play off of "Quirky."

Yea this, I was in 8th grade at the time, Survivor was talked about all throughout school and stuff, I remember discussion of BB when it first began but it petered off quickly, I didn't even know they changed the format for season 2, no one was talking about it by then

I can’t respond to yours until you make one

it's the intellectual's game of choice

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kek, deep down you know im right

Cliff blaming Nicole for blowing up his game

>cliff is told he was caught speaking too loud in the boat room
>still there speaking at the same volume

he should get his fishing wire out and rig it to the door handle. start talking loud shit in there and wait for someone to try and listen. then pull the door open from his sitting position



Not one mention of Dr. Will in contemporary articles of BB2.

if he knew when people were trying to listen it wouldn’t have become a problem in the first place

ugh, really? they had kaitlyn host a comp? wtf did she pay cbs to let her?

it was a puzzle assembly comp

guess i dont have to watch tonights ep

Sunday eps are never required viewing

it was a veto, so you would have to skip Wednesday comp

oh right, fuck that

this hundo p

So I guess that means CBS/Production likes her still. Good chance we see her on another season then.


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many past HGs have hosted comps and never played again. they move on and have professions that wont allow for them to take the summer off. in her case she is a loser with nothing going on anyway so she would jump at the chance. probably agree to take half stipend

>in her case she is a loser with nothing going on anyway so she would jump at the chance. probably agree to take half stipend
and that’s a good thing!

Next sesson will be returnee for sure. Partially anyway. Vet seasons get the best ratings. BB16 will prob be the oldest season they grab vets from i imagine.

she was not entertaining

you dummies are strawmanning the argument. Peak survivor was always more of a cultural thing than peak BB.

There's a reason why in All-Stars, Monica and Bunky weren't voted in but Production ensured Will that his BFF - who got voted out 4th the first time around - would get to play the game with him

Imagine if Dan had the clout to get Brian, or Angie, or Steven as one of the other coaches on BB14. That's how much Will meant to BB

her puzzle failure was top tier television but I hated her on the feeds

She should bring her boytoy Taran on BB with her.

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so basically will is a production pet? gotcha.

you are foutte tier genius levels if it took you this long to figure that out

Yea I support your thesis

no shit buddy...

I like Taran so I’d be okay with it

and you are a retard because you just proved my point LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

you knows hes gay right?

I’m gonna go get lunch y’all better have cooled down the autism when I get back

poor cliff talking like he has such a good grasp. he has no idea he is finished

Ratings wise, Big Brother 2 was nowhere near Survivor. BB had about 8M viewers at a time without streaming or major cable shows. Survivor 2 had 30M viewers.

yo clif they are going to blast the music in a minute or two why are you going back to bed

Kaitlyn can peg him if he wants.

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Should they cast more old people? It seems a little harsh to have Cliff be the only boomer in the house. Instantly puts him at a disadvantage.

no. nobody wants to see more boomers

season 1 had a million more viewers than season 2

s3, 4 and 5 all had more viewers than s2

I like gay people

BB needs to cast closer to Survivor, shorten the season, and quicken the pace to the CBB schedule. 50-60 days with two evictions per week.
99 days is just a slog and by August it becomes tedious.

bb21 is averaging 4.42m over 7 episodes

far below bb20 avg of 5.41m which is the series low


Only if they're cool. The last few have been duds.

only 6 season have been 90 days or more with 2 of them being 90 and 92 days.

75 seems like the sweet spot


If they shorten it to 50-60 days, they could fit two seasons into the Summer and not have that month of dead space in between the end of survivor and the start of BB.

Also, OTT seemed to be the right length of a season at 65 days.

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they could only do this if they bring back something like OTT with a lower budget and no house major house renovation between. no way are they going to get dual houses going

That's what I meant, you have about 120 days between the Spring Survivor season and the Fall Survivor Season. They could either do two 55ish day seasons or have a normal 75 day season and a short 35-40 day season. The short season could feature Survivor alumni or an older cast that can't do the 3 month long seasons.

These Instagram model casts are getting old.

god this season fucking sucks

id like to see at least 16 hgs though. if that means expediting the evictions or adding 10 more days i will take either

they absolutely need to straddle 2 months so all-access subs have to buy 2 months lol

my internet went out
what happened after kemi's eviction?

Jessica is 38 which is boomer by bb standards

she got in bellas face and bella touched her and got scolded by the DR. then kemi sat at the table mhmming and snapping her fingers internally


Even though the game play of Celebrity BB sucked, I liked the pace. They could do a 16 player season in about 75 days using that schedule. Start off the first few weeks as normal and then kick it into high gear as soon as jury starts.

no and... NOO.. its a terrible format and that is why the gameplay sucks. its not enough time for a real pressure cooker. i know the downtime sucks but thats what creates it. CBB sucks because it moves too fast


>tfw you realize you are Winston without the good looks

im audrey without the inverted penis

r u a grill

>not a single reply is about the feeds
its that boring huh?

david switching the coffee for decaf is a micro-aggression

only girls are allowed in /bb/

theres nothing going on. david is babbling incessantly in the kitchen and kemi and nicole are in the camper having the same convo they were having last night for like 6 hours

devinsploitable.png has hit a setback.
somehow instead of erasing everything around him, I was just painting it a similar shade of grey.
it was about 50% done before I even realized it.

thank you for subscribing, remember to ring that bell for notifications and consider donating to my gaytreon

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they just woke up

i want to _____ analyse right in the _____.

pontificate, brain

i want to touch analyse right in the butt.

they are just letting the HGs sleep rather than have to deal with censoring them with fish

david wears his uniform less than 50% of the time

apparently they planned on letting them sleep in the day after veto this season. i still miss when they would just let them sleep all day cause they would talk all night for us neets

am i living in some kind of bizarro world where i can’t see all this cruel, abominable, irredeemable behavior everybody is freaking out about? and instead i’m just seeing a season that has an average or below average level of mean behavior?

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getting twitter likes is ez

all tv's shows agenda is to make money, thats how it works. ive not seen any bigotry and that shot at julie is uncalled for but shes right about the twists

they just got called out by bob. hopefully they start playing the angry ones soon

i don’t think they’ll be happy until the show is cancelled. and some of the people complaining are “superfans” and/or former players. how did they ever become a fan of the show if what they’re seeing right now horrifies them this much?

>and you have to drive to me because a judge took away my license!

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>that shot at julie is uncalled for

none of them are watching the feeds or the show. they just have a carefully curated twitter feed that screams racism at any opportunity

David is just a weird ass dude. Pretty sure if the cameras weren’t there he would be sniffing Analyse’s panties right now.

sounds like hes /ourguy/

>sniffing panties

>letting twitter morons live in your head rent-free
more pathetic than they are desu


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because she does the job well and is authentic as a reality tv host can be. it would be really weird with someone else desu. its a personal shot at julie while she complains about how people act on the show

kemi isnt wearing hers either. i guess they are above the game

> Jack: Why don't David, Kemi, and Ovi go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.

Wow twitter isn't going to like this

I really don’t care who gives the shitty interviews after evictions. Actually if they give it to Paul I will fly to LA to go attend an eviction ep and boo until they cut to commercials and escort me out

>letting anons on 4channel who let twitter morons live in their head rent free live in your head rent free
this is a head space Inception

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this. Ott started the trend, it was sort of justified then but its cringe now.

minor twatter posting is ok when feeds are down or nothing is happening imo

i miss paul :(

kat wants that deep dick so bad. imagine her bouncing on davids cock wearing nothing but the veto necklace

I actually really like how Julie does the show. She does act like a robot, but it’s good because she doesn’t insert herself or her personality when talking to the players. She doesn’t make the show about herself.

I’m just shocked that people think that there is anyone alive today who is not bigoted towards one group or another.
the self delusion is wild.
we’re all bigots in some form or fashion and pretending you’re not is delusional, just accept it and get the fuck over it. try to improve your own behavior and stop trying to impose your own arbitrary will on people, it’s fucking annoying and it doesn’t change anything for the positive.

insisting that she calls herself Julie Chen Moonves is kind of making it about herself but it could be ross and jewmanji tier ego shit so Julie really isn’t that bad

Have sex

this is why I like chenbot too. well said.

bbo pls calm down

graduate high school

>going on twitter to find tweets by literally who's just to get mad about
>browsing /bb/ and getting annoyed by the people who keep posting the tweets in the thread
no you're right both of these things are the exact same

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I’m not him and I don’t even want to discuss it, I just wanted to get it off my chest.

no bully

did I reply to you

>this thread

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who's the Djokovic of big brother?

no but I ranted, so I made an assumption. sorry if I was incorrect.

>this season

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Hayden bb12. Good winner but will always be considered below the god tier greats

>this cast

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r8 my BB all stars 2 cast
Tyler (BB20)
Brett (BB20)
Johnny Mac (BB17)
Devin (BB16)
Derrick (BB16)
Enzo (BB12)
Paulie (BB18)
Ian (BB14)
Vanessa (BB17)
Keesha (BB10)
Becky (BB17)
Gina (BB15)
Chima (BB11)
Kaitlyn (BB20)
Shelby (OTT)
Alex (OTT)
r8. i would do this on bransteele but im too lazy

im so sick of hearing the word "bullying"

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it’s funny how every time these are posted the female HGs are way weaker than the male

all if fine except kaitlyn and nobody from pre bb14 is going to play again

>Another betas following the alphas cast
It's like it's human nature or something

yeah i was having a harder time trying to find female hgs lol especially post BB14

The BB21 Wikipedia article has an entire section dedicated to what Twitter retards have to say about statements that were taken out of context. Of course it’s one-sided and leaves out crucial details regarding what what said.

How does it feel knowing that if you vomit your thoughts onto social media with enough groupthink retards and click-baiting media sources backing you up, you can have your brainless thoughts immortalized on Wikipedia for ever?

>Chima (BB11)
u serious?


What are they going to do?
It isn't like they can give them a penalty vote or nom.

shes based as fuck

holy shit they started a change.org petition LMFAO


right, they arent going to do anything but they are just being shitty by not playing along. shows their mentality. cody jess and whistlenut did their punishments like champs and it was much more extreme

she's one of four houseguests removed, the only one who didn't get removed for physical violence
there's not a fucking chance she gets brought back

>How does it feel
I don’t like it

>How does it feel knowing that if you vomit your thoughts onto social media with enough groupthink retards and click-baiting media sources backing you up, you can have your brainless thoughts immortalized on Wikipedia for ever?

That's just life, man. That's the way people work. Human behavior like that doesn't really go with any specific ideology.

BB needs to punish them like this:

Attached: bb chain.jpg (480x270, 28K)

She didn't even get paid for her season.

The coup d'etat they gave to Jeff and fucked over her HOH with was some of the most blatant Grodball bullshit that has ever happened on the show. Chima did literally nothing wrong.

/bb/ threads are actually the worst part about this season. zero discussion about feeds

we don’t care if you are here or not



i like how people complain about the gr8ful alliance and yet love big brother all stars

Sir, this is a family friendly board. I'm going to have to stop you right there.

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I tried this but it won't let me take screenshots wtf?

who are you quoting

nobody who complains has watched bb pre season 16

camp comeback easily ruined this season

I had high hopes that it would make this season kino, but yea it's shit

At least it is keeping black twitter seething

i think once it ends things should pick up because at least most of the weak players will be gone first making the latter game kino as fuck

Derrick, on paper one of the greats but he's newer and nobody actually likes him that much

is BB13 worth watching? its the only season i havent watched because danieles constant crying and bitching in bb8 pissed me off.
shes hot though even with the monkey face

Attached: bbdaniele.jpg (800x1200, 188K)

she’s taken

it's an unfair premise to the vets. Dick leaves early so Danielle doesn't really experience it, but the entire season revolves around the two couples, Jeff/Jordan & Brendan/Rachel
When you target one, the other comes after you, hard. So the newbies kiss vet ass, with one of the all-time most useless husks of a Big Brother with his stupid Tori Spelling obsession.
There's kinda a bullshit late game twist that a lot of people think is bullshit. But Dani really isn't the problem with S13

only if you really like rachel
if you dont, its fucking tough to watch
its basically bb19 but with more blatant rigging

if you factor in the skeletor rating she it the GOAT female player of all time


Tag yourself i'm the jail

posted a few threads ago. try again

That stretch between bb11 through 13 was pretty bad.

the best parts of the season were (in this order)

>1. the jury house segments
>2. Lawon being a fucking retard
>3. The DE

Meant for

legendary stare contest right now between david and christie

lol cam 1/2

bb12 is top 5 season

Well maybe if they hired actually interesting people instead of instagram models.

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david has to win the comeback hes gold

The most impressive part of this is that someone can look at Christie's ugly face for this long

davids mouth just hanging open

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Leave BBO alone.

>early game of a show that has eliminations
>take out people who suck at comps
Literally why?

Bb12 got boring once rachel was evicted. Even the production knew this when they brought her back as a punishment.

david confirmed a competitive threat

take him out


ur wrong and idc

people don't realize how many people used to watch Survivor when it started

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Cared enough to reply :)

because targeting your own alliance in the first month is retarded

I’ve taken shits with more care than my /bb/ replies

No one in this cast is that terrible at comps, except for the physical late game stuff that jess and cliff won't be able to do. No reason to think ovi and kemi are worse than like nick and holly

That’s disgusting

hnggg elizabeth from outback

GOAT reality show

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kemi better not tank quarkys game this week

new thread