Why is this board so close to being so great? Memes are great, bros are generally based but everyone has to ruin it with unironically posting “muh black people” and “muh women” like some dumb fuck inverse blue rose version of npc sheep. Just because your opinion is taboo doesn’t make it right. /pol/ tourists and similar retards need to leave so we can go back to how things were before
Why is this board so close to being so great? Memes are great...
Other urls found in this thread:
Autists can't keep politics out of their discussion since with them everything is "me me me" all the time.
Sneed posting is based, it’s the rest that’s retarded
fuck niggers
Fuck off nigger.
Maybe reddit is more your speed, kiddo....
*walks towards you menacengly*
I’m good
>hehe i did nazi that coming anne frankly it's just plane wrong xD
>woah bro you can't make jokes about racism like that!
>dude we gotta colonize that 4channel board of nazis it's too problematic!!
What the actual fuck is wrong with redditors? Do they know they're ruining the environment that brought them all those funny stories and jokes that they refined and posted on their subreddits, by coming here and colonizing the userbase and jannies with no fun allowed SJW tranny faggots?
Grow up.
It was never that way.
TV will always be pol
>le red scare
Holy fuck go back to pol
You and your retard incels can’t go 3 seconds without thinking about how low you are in society so you have to bring it into every conversation about T E L E V I S I O N A N D F I L M. I unironically just wish every one of you could be happier and have a job and a gf so you could get the fuck off my board and be a benifit to society instead of disappointing your parents daily.
t. city slicker
Kek no, the larping is dying down these days and the real /pol/tards are few and far between.
There are a lot of leftists in this board and wherever they are it becomes a shitty place.
>that's what you think nigger
>but everyone has to ruin it with unironically posting “muh black people” and “muh women”
it's literally because it's forbidden to talk about that on other sites
this is the only site where they can lash out on that.
Why not just take it to pol
I’m fine with nigger jokes, it’s just every other post is now about how they think le sjws are taking over their masculinity when it’s not even related to media
For the purposes of this thread, there's no reason for me to say any of this otherwise, tv has always been like this. "Tranny" wasn't really a term bounded around but then transgender-ism or whatever it is has only been a very recent fad in the last 5 or 6 years.
That's about it. The board has been reactionary to blockbuster casting policies in recent years, but the overall tone of shitposting has always been leaning toward taboo humour. I've been here since 2009 as much as I regret wasting my time.
I assume that the "y so raycic go bac to pol" posting cropping up is a new form of meta shitposting which just adds to the collage. If it's unironic then it would seem far more likely it's osmosis of people from reddit and facebook looking to be part of the population of the copypastas and screencaps they found so funny in the previous sites they browsed than the chance it's oldfags who so drastically mis-remember what the board was like 4+ years ago.
le Shiggy Donatello a daring synthesis of memes
>reactionary to blockbuster politics
>see 20+ threads daily that are political or race related with 0 relation to film or television
My board is television and film
Have sex incel
Have sex in a cel.
this board is absolute trash, and any user with the smallest bit of something to say has no idea why they come here at all. it's all shitposting and faggots - of mostly the contrarian sort aka the fucking lowest.
It's just shitposting.
When pepe and lesadfrog and wojack began cementing as memes in about 2010 you would look at the catalogue and ONLY see green faces.
When baneposting was at its peak you would look through the catalogue and ONLY see "i cia" that lasted for about 18 months, varying in degree ofcourse.
tv has always had enormous off-topic trends of posting and meming which have defined the landscape and meme-references of lots of other high traffic boards and other sites, mainly reddit. tv has NEVER been "politically correct" in the sense of racialist language being absent. It IS hightened in the last 3 years, because shitposting never happens in a vacuum - the board about television and film is reacting to dumb trends in the world of television and film, who'd have thunk it.
tv was never the reddit friendly place you think it was. It was definitely 'comfier' by my estimation atleast, threads were a little slower, memes were of a higher quality, but all those things decline with a larger userbase from sites not used to creating content but taking them from other sites - the Yea Forums
So I'm This guy. I just went to archives looking at 2014 back to 2012.
Look. This was 5 (FIVE) years ago. Easily enough time for your reddit mentality to think this is going back to some golden age. Phoneposters less prevalent, pol not at its height. Cunnyposting, baneposting, suicide posting, autism posting.
These are random, chronological posts from the board. How many of them are actually about television and film.
You are from reddit. You are lying to yourself. This was never your secret club, it WAS my secret comfy club TEN years ago. tv has always been a offtopic shitposting maelstrom.
If what you're objecting to is "RACIC! DAS RACIS! racis new!! not like old!!" then please have a deep dig through these. YES it's more common, but tv is reactionary, it was always present, it's just in vogue to inset ideologically tickbox characters into media and tv is reacting to it.
Politics are part of television. Also, you are lying and part of the problem. It's about muh SJW and their sick ideology.
So no responses to my posts?
We're not on the front page, this thread isn't getting any momentum. It's probably just you and me hitting f5.
Go. Just sit up a little straighter in your chair. Take a breath. You got it wrong. You came here expecting it to be something it's not. Sure, you've been here since 2017, that's two years, feels like a long time, a big investment. But it's not for you. It's not for me. This board doesn't care about the quality of the content it produces for your consumption. There isn't some overmind or community driven momentum towards a golden time. This is it. This fad will change, when Hollywood changes. It might take the time for current upper management in production companies pushing racebaiting or diversity to retire, or loose enough money, for their analytics to draw the conclusion that diversity /= millions in profit, true or flase. maybe even 5 years. Or for the board to get tired of it and move on.
Why not just go back. Someone will still screencap those 3P1C-BREADS and share them on reddit, you won't miss out. Just leave, and you don't have to worry about it.
based, fuck the tourists
Yeah, you tell yourself "heh heh i was trooolin'". You weren't.
You got absolutely fucking blasted. You have nothing. Stuck your head up and got a big fat cock shoved into your eye.