ITT: subtle jokes from your favorite show

ITT: subtle jokes from your favorite show

Attached: critic trump tower.jpg (765x572, 96K)

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80% of the critic is political jokes that didn't age well at all
i bet none of you guys can even name a single ayatollah besides khomeini

It's funny because Trump is a terrible businessman.

Reality seems to disagree with you.

Yeah its funny how terrible businessmen make billions while the good ones cry in their rat infested hovel... oh wait that doesn't make sense.


The reality of him getting all his money from daddy and going bankrupt six times?

Attached: SNEEDTOUHOU.jpg (1891x960, 669K)

>going bankrupt six times
Oh no, it's retarded.

Of course only the best and smartest businessmen can recieve more than 400 million dollars from their fathers. He's a self-made man!

Jee you're not too bright, are you? You have the internet, go look up why what you said is wrong.


Trump is unironically a bad businessman but zoomers weren't alive to witness all his failures.
They actually take such a statement as politically motivated despite it having nothing to do with his time in office.

Listen, buddy...
Woah, he had some incorrect positions in an ever-shifting area? Man oh man.
Don't even bother responding to him, its bait.

You actually, seriously, believe this? Is middle school your highest level of education? Do you honestly not know what Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection is?
You really are swilling down the clapping seal feed straight from Colbert, aren't you.

>400 million dollars from their fathers

The number goes up every time a faggot complains about it. I bet you don't even have a clue what he got from his dad.

I love how you keep posting articles at me written by retards for retards with absolutely no knowledge of business finances like this is somehow going to convince me to be a drooling goon like you and #resist.

>The number goes up every time a faggot complains about it.
that gives me a big think

> reality shows him going bankrupt again...and again...and again
> "hurr reality disagrees hurr gottem mom!"

Attached: this idiot.gif (308x384, 2.28M)

And yet hes still rich. Lol.

>reality shows him going bankrupt again
Except it doesn't, which you would know if you knew the slightest thing about bankruptcy protection, which you don't. Just keep repeating the sound bite you swallowed, that'll substitute for having to go outside your comfort zone and learn how business works.

No the 400+ million sum is where it's been at.

>what are chapters

>an article from the NY Times by actual economists using public information is wrong because I say so

So this is the power of Drumpfturds...

Lol, retards actually believe this!

>actual economists

>He was bankrupted many times.
>No he wasn't because although he was repeatably bankrupted you don't know what that means!

Honest question: Do you know what chapter 11 bankruptcy protection is? Please explain it in your own words so I know you understand it.

I really really like this image. Mind if I save it?

>they're not actual economists because they made fun of my orange daddy

Says the retard.

>although he was repeatably bankrupted
False. I REALLY suggest you attend some basic 101 college course on economics sometime.

Yeup. Sneed OCs are for the people

If the lacked the expertise to come to the right conclusion with their publically available data then prove it.

That must be why hes so absolutely terrified to let anyone see his tax returns, hes really modest and doesnt want to know how rich he is.


And yet... true. Funny how that works huh.

No, completely false. Again, you don't know what you're talking about. Being "bankrupted" is not the same thing as filing for bankruptcy protection. Not at all. This might blow your mind because it seems like the same word, but they refer to very different things.

The guy's failures are massively outweighed by his successes, though. Trump's biggest support also isn't from zoomers but rather baby boomers who are older than you.

Didn't he make like 500 mil in 2005

>going bankrupt six times
I'll be nice to you and explain this: he didn't go bankrupt. Six of his businesses did. Six out of hundreds of successful business ventures, over the course of decades.

God the cognitive dissonance of this guy.

> Trump's biggest support also isn't from zoomers but rather baby boomers who are older than you.
decent point.

I just like to be consistant.
Trump isn't a phenomenal businessman just like Kylie Jenner isn't a phenomenal businesswoman.
They're both filthy rich from the start and can make huge amounts of money just on name value alone with their existing wealth providing a huge safety net.

Attached: 1543996038431.jpg (1400x1400, 233K)

Yeah it takes a lot of talent to make money with only 400 million+ dollars starting out.

>he wasn't bankrupt, okay!!! He just needed bankruptcy protection for his massively successful endeavors!

Or he's trying to hide his extensive business relations with Russian oligarchs. Quid qu pro.

I don't think anyone here's ever looked at Trump as a genius. If they did, they were either boomers or children.
He won because he made a fool of himself at every debate and rally, so much so that the media only focused on him rather than on the other republicans, to the point that he became the de facto candidate.
Beating Hillary in the main election was a stroke of good luck.
I think what we hoped for was that Trump would be good enough to let better people than him do his work for him, like Bannon. Instead he got uppity and fired Bannon because the media made fun of him.
And since then he has proceeded to do jack shit. Say what you will about Obama, but he actually did try to get shit done.
I think that's all we saw Trump as, a retard, but also our only choice because everyone else was trying to move to the left.
People forget it now, but before Trump came along, every single Republican was trying to appeal to the Mexican crowd, except maybe Kasich. (see ¡Jeb!, and a bunch of other candidates like Cruz and RUbio with spanish names, arguing with each other on stage about who could speak spanish better.) He was a retard, and in the end turned out to have the effect of a retard, but he also was the only choice.

B-but he built the wall, repealed and replaced Obamacare, denuclearized North Korea, released his tax returns, revived coal mining, and negotiated fairer trade deals with China, ending his tarrifs, all like he said he would! Promises kept!

>he's trying to hide his extensive business relations with Russian oligarchs
>he STILL believes in Russia conspiracy theories

>imagine taking the time to write this out on 4channel in current year (+4)

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You're shifting the goalposts but yes, it takes talent to turn money into a lot more money. If you were give "$400 million+ dollars" ("four hundred million plus dollars dollars"), you'd blow it and be lucky to have a buck left by the end of the week. You certainly would not take that money and turn it into even more money.

>you'd blow it and be lucky to have a buck left by the end of the week

Lol, no. Even putting that in the bank would earn anyone a fortune. Also, how many times did Trump blow all his money, again?

Zero effort bait at this point.

Explain in detail how. Go ahead, I'll wait.

>"I'd just put the money in a bank!"
Have you ever even opened a bank account before? I'm going out on a limb here, but not really: the only time you've ever been to the bank, they gave you a lollipop.
>Also, how many times did Trump blow all his money, again?

>Also, how many times did Trump blow all his money, again?

No HE went bankrupt, retard.

>hundreds of successful business ventures

You're talking about companies, not "ventures".

I for one, think that Daniel Moynihan joke aged very nicely.

I'm still waiting for you to explain how being bankrupted does not equal being bankrupted.


When did he (not a company, but the man himself) go bankrupt?

>No HE went bankrupt, retard
Literally when?

Man, you just fucking suck at this. And by this I mean any form of human interaction.

Donald chump is a bankrupt cheeto. Admit it

>He still can't answer.

Prove it.
Broke people don't become President of the US.

I haven't been asked any questions you fucking ape.

>just put it in muh bank
Ok you are clearly a zoomer retard

You were asked how being bankrupt is different from filing for bankruptcy.

>I'm still waiting for you to explain how being bankrupted does not equal being bankrupted.

Reading is hard!

No, I wasn't. Rub your two last remaining brain cells together and figure out how this fucking site works.

>also that's not a fucking question
Reading sure is hard (for you).

>Donald Trump wasn't bankrupt
>but he filed for bankruptcy
>yes but thats different

>that's not a fucking question

It is. But you can't answer it because that would mean admitting you were wrong.

Obviously filing for bankruptcy over and over is not something people do when bankrupted. It's what they do when they make lots and lots of money. That's why Trump did it!

Since you still haven't figured it out: I'm not that user. I'm a different anonymous user calling you a retard, and proving it since you were so dumb you couldn't figure that out without me holding your hand through it.
But you know what, I'll answer for that other user:
First Google response. Have your handler slowly read that to you, and then go play in traffic. Final (You). Bye!

I'm a third anonymous user calling a retard.

Yes but that is a business ran by Trump. The one he headed was bankrupt.

Thus Trump himself did no go bankrupt.
I'm glad you are finally agreeing with us.

He wenyt bankrupt because those were his businesses. Duh. Cope harder.

It really does not reflect well on Trumps business acumen.

Only genius businessmen go bankrupt!

Trump was never bankrupted. The business he headed and had complete control over was a failure but that is unrelated.

Yep. Six business Trump has owned went bankrupt, three during a recession. Looking online, Trump has 500 businesses in his name under The Trump Organization (with half of them sporting his name). Six failures out of five hundred is pretty damn good.

Some of them were while others were a success

>single ayatollah besides khomeini
But there were only two, Khomeini and incumbent Ali Khamenei

Attached: gettyimages-495453991.jpg (800x533, 79K)

>owning a business means creating and managing it

Uh, no. The projects Trump personally oversaw crashed and burned, bankrupting him. Using daddy's money to buy other people's businesses isn't the same thing. Also:

>a business not going bankrupt means it is succesfull

Again no. He probably ruined those too.

Cuck shill. Stop desecrating the name of our great president. 4 nore years libkek


go dilate

You really don't seem to know the difference between a person going bankrupt and a business going bankrupt.
You might want to look into that.

You keep saying things, but none of them are rooted in reality. The truth is, as stated, of the 500 businesses Trump has headed (where he is the "sole or principle owner"), only six of those ever declare corporate bankruptcy (not Trump himself, but the businesses) and that's six over the course of three decades plus of doing business.
You can keep not liking the guy, that's by all means fine and dandy, but, at the very least, you should try and make an effort to join the rest of us in the real world instead of playing make-believe and attempting to live in a fairy tale world where Trump has no money or whatever.

All of Trump's businesses in the past decade are under investigation, so you're only making it worse by deflecting to the other businesses.

>Confusing bankruptcy's

>owning a business means heading it

Again, alas, no! The ones Trump actually headed went bankrupt. Look into that.

Post source

Why dont you post a source?

Not him but you are the one making the claim.

Yes, six out of five hundred businesses Trump headed went bankrupt (and not Trump personally, as was previously stated). That's exactly what I said. Meanwhile, all the other 494 businesses he headed didn't go bankrupt. That's a pretty damn good record.