In the end

Was he a based Jew?

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jews are white.

No they arent

they genetically cluster with south europeans.

Bald Eagle!

Yeah because of Rome, doesn't make them white

So you are saying the Holocaust was a white genocide? Check mate

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Who gives a shit. Their homeland is in the Middle East. White means European.

>complains about Sam Hyde

They don't identify as Southern European, and Southern Europeans can't get Israeli citizenship unless they're ethnically Jewish. This can be tested genetically.

not how genetics work.

Sicilians, to be more precise. And they are between Sicilians and Levantines. So, in short, Jews can suck my white dick.

What makes a person white?

That's what white means, dumbass. White means European caucasoid. All whites are caucasoid, not all caucasoids white. Jews are a Middle Eastern, Semitic people.

Have long lasting genetic roots to Europe, going back further than 1000+ years

Ashkenazi jews are definitely white.

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What makes a person black?

He was an insufferable faggot.

Ashkenazi jews are ethnically european retard.They converted to judaism.

But if they're European, then how can Israel be their homeland?

>based Jew
no such thing. like saying "white jew"

Not bring a Jew, a nigger, chink, or spic.

Nope. They don't consider themselves white, and they are the most anti-white group in human history. They belong in Israel, and away from whites.

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do you understand the difference between ethnicity and nationality you absolute retard.

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Then why aren't all Europeans highly susceptible to the Jewish Diseases?

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>they don't consider themselves white
Nope,lots of them do consider themselves white.

Actually, Jews are an ethnoreligious group and Israel in an ethnostate so there's really no distinction to be made

Ascension janitor?

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>Israel is an ethnostate
imagine being this retarded

>one guy said jews are not white therefore its true

>they genetically cluster with south europeans.
>middle east semetic jews are European


Nope, that's so they can play both sides using the Caducean strategy. And retards like you fall for it.

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I meant ashkenazi jews you dumb fuck.

I have a lot more where that came from, but sadly, thread will probably get pruned before.

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>the state of this thread
do we next start to question the nationality of roaches before killing them? no one gives a fuck about jews but jews. anyone else doing so can choke on bleeding infant foreskins and frisbee hats until they stop polluting the atmosphere with their rotten breaths.

Jews are only white when it benefits them

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greeks and italians are ethnically closer to ashkenazi jews than they are north europeans.

It's a state that openly prioritizes the interests of a specific ethnic group. It's an ethnostate.

its doesn't matter what they consider themselves or what europeans consider,the fact is europeans and jews are very close to each other ethnically.

then answer this

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21 percent of israel is arabs

Explain the Jewish Diseases then.

Oh God, here's your Yea Forums gold

So? Greeks and Italians are the cutoff.

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you first

>starts thread to talk about stranger things
>Summons lol


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That is interesting, I wonder if maybe the land that Israel occupies now was once occupied by a certain Arabic people?

it's the homeland of the sephardic jews, who welcomed the ashekenazi jews as immigrants.

Can I become a citizen if I'm goyim?

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>/x/ infographics

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Why don't Arabs have a Law of Return? Why aren't Arabs allowed to go on Birthright? Why hasn't Israel ever had an Arab president or prime minister?

>My tiny peabrain can't comprehend that Jews would actually say this.

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same reason european countries never had an arab president.

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Do you think restrictive immigration policies are a good thing? It seems kind of racist to discriminate against other ethnic groups, don't you think? Why didn't the Sephardi Jews invite Ethiopian Jews, for instance?

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So are you saying Israel is a racist country? It sounds a lot like an ethnostate to me since other minority groups are discriminated against and aren't given any institutional power. I mean, even The United States elected a black president, and they're one of the most racist countries in the world! Why hasn't Israel done the same?

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same reason european countries never had a black president.

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>According to a TV program in 2012, female Ethiopian immigrants may have been given the Depo-Provera birth control drug without full explanation of its effects, although the Israeli health ministry has instructed all health maintenance organizations not to use the treatment unless patients understand the ramifications. Ethiopian Jewish women awaiting aliyah were given birth control while in transit camps. The drug has existed for around thirty years, but only about five percent of women elect to use this method of birth control in the US. The effects of Depo-Provera last for three months.

>The practice was first reported in 2010 by Isha le'Isha (Hebrew: woman to woman), an Israeli women's rights organization. Hedva Eyal, the report's author, stated: "We believe it is a method of reducing the number of births in a community that is black and mostly poor." Haaretz criticized the coverage, alleging that there was no plan to deliberately reduce the birth rates of Ethiopian Jews, and there was no evidence of coercion.

>We believe it is a method of reducing the number of births in a community that is black and mostly poor.


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Look how much smarter they are than East Asians! Amazing!

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>no source

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I used the same source

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Essentially, Ethiopian women were given depo-provera (which lasts for 3 months) upon arrival to Israel, but the story was blown way out of proportion after the health ministry issued a directive against administering the drug since it seemed some women did not fully understand the effects. The result of the coverage was accusations of forced sterilization because of endemic Israeli racism.

This makes no sense whatsoever in light of the fact that the reason Ethiopian Jews are in Israel to begin with is because of the state's compassion for them.

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Because they're genetically inferior and subhuman

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>it's not an ethnostate unless it's 100% pure!
wrong. retard

>We believe it is a method of reducing the number of births in a community that is black and mostly poor.

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Bravo sir, argument or the day

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Who the hell is that annd how do you know he's Jewish?

Bald eagle.
He's the most jew


When did he mention Sam Hyde?

>what is argentina

and for that reason there will never be a white president on israel