for me its Sarah Bolger as Princess Mary in The Tudors
ITT: Character you literally fell in love with
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For me, it's Sneedoran
Any nudes?
Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
nope, some lewds but no nudes
>wanting a roastie
Same. But she looks aged nowadays. Also, she has no career.
can't get her i can at least enjoy her flesh
She's a good Catholic girl so of course not.
I thought there was no way she could live up to eight seasons of buildup. Then she did.
>good Catholic girl
youre kidding right. her reveal was so underwhelming
we are talking about the character brainlet
you were i wasn't
Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the Leon the Professional girl so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I drink a cup of milk I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Mathilda. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Mathilda's tight loli pussy. I want her to have my mutant jew/human babies.
Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with source film maker. I'd made a 3D model and dressed her in a SS officer's uniform. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my laptop. I might not ever get to see Mathilda again.
On another note, is The Tudors worth watching?
The actress OP posted is very pretty, but I just want a good drama-ish show to immerse myself in. Bonus points if it has a bit of mystery/intrigue and well written characters.
Nope. I cried at this scene.
It's hard to tell. It's not that exciting. Don't suspect Game of Thrones, even remotely. It's much about politics and personal stuff. Maybe try Wolf Hall (miniseries) with 6 episodes instead, and if that's okay for you than Tudors might be as well. In Tudors the have more sex.
I enjoyed it. That it's a dramatization of actual history kinda takes away from the mystery/intrigue though.
hey bro, would appreciate it if you stopped posting lewds of my future wife.
i bet you'd appreciate it more if she stopped doing lewds in public
pls stop.
Valorie Curry as Emma Hill from the Following. I've been obsessed for years.
Anya Taylor-Joy in The Miniaturist. Something about those big flowing dresses and bonnets melted my heart.
Did you watch her tick show? i got pissed off that there was this serial killer cult and then they had so much of the show dedicated to their bisexual love triangle
I've seen everything she starred in. Well, except for Twilight.
Oh yes, I know. This really really works for me, I'm a /fit/ resident mainly.
>I'm a /fit/ resident mainly.
then you should be appalled by that stupid exercise
Why would I? She's a woman, if she's doing anything, it's already better than 99% of the female population. And she's looking go-o-od. Even a tiny bit of muscle definition works for me.
for me it's live action Elsa
same faces different dresses. boring and bland
>same faces different dresses
what? it's the same dress, and of course it's the same face, it's the same person.
imagine not only liking stupid cosplay whores but also liking them with 20 pounds of makeup
she need the makeup to hide the true color of her skin.
cosplay without makeup doesn't make sense
yes, you are a faggot for liking this cosplay shit
that is exactly my point
For me, it was Emilia in interviews
it's performance art
>you are a faggot for liking this cosplay
>you are a faggot if you watch cute girls doing cute things.
hmmm I have a bad news for you son.
this is what a girl being cute looks like
note the absence of 5 inches of foundation on her face
I don't see any girl in your pic tho.
you're the one who thinks makeup makes a girl cute and you're trying to pretend not to like trannies?
that girl on the left is not that cute tho.
Same, bro.
My wife also agrees since Zooey Deschanel is our number one waifu of all time.