...is this real?


...is this real?

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'''This is a Bond for the modern era who will appeal to a younger generation while sticking true to what we all expect in a Bond film,' the source added. 'There are spectacular chase sequences and fights, and Bond is still Bond but he's having to learn to deal with the world of #MeToo.'''


>Waller-Bridge, who wrote the BBC comedy Fleabag and the female-led thriller Killing Eve, was recruited to ensure the 57-year-old franchise moved with the times. She said: 'There's been a lot of talk about whether or not Bond is relevant now because of who he is and the way he treats women.
>'I think that's b******s. I think he's absolutely relevant now. [The franchise] has just got to grow. It has just got to evolve, and the important thing is that the film treats the women properly. He doesn't have to. He needs to be true to his character.'

This movie is sending so many mixed messages. Is it a super PC sexless Bond film or a slightly more updated one in how they portray women that still keeps Bond true to how he is?

>The source added that the phrase 'Bond girls' is now forbidden, saying: 'We were all told that from now on they are to be addressed as 'Bond women'.'

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Ahahahahahaah wtf.

>'There's been a lot of talk about whether or not Bond is relevant now because of who he is and the way he treats women.

No, there hasn't you untalented hacks.

Because the people making it don't have a fucking clue what they're doing. The movie still doesn't have a title and it's absolute carnage on set with everybody getting blown up and people putting cameras in toilets

Idris Elba was finally cast for a James Bond movie?


Ah what a shame. When I heard Cary Fukunaga was directing I got excited but apparently he’s being a fuck up on set too. Showing up late constantly because he’s playing video games.

This cannot be real
I refuse to believe it

Considering it didn't blow up Twitter I've got my evidence in of the contrary

They're going to cut his balls off and put them on a pedestal next to Hitler.


Wanda Sykes is looking niggerish as ever

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I believe it, they already have Lea Seydoux and Ana de armas as the bond girls, leaving our QUEEN to be the new 007

I cannot wait to see people look back on this era with disgust.

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He doesn't treat women poorly at all, he seduces them, still acceptable behaviour by 99% of people.

I wish this were true but the only way it would happen is if Islam becomes the dominant cultural force in the west at which point all will be lost anyway

zoomers are more brainwashed with leftardism than any previous generation

>Bond girls renamed as Bond women
Imagine being eternally buttblasted you're past your prime

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He's probably in a total monkey paw situation right now, which is why he can't be bothered to show up to shoot half the time. You finally get to make a big budget 007 film but you're clearly shooting with an unfinished script while studio execs try to fuck you in the ass with every turn. No wonder Sam Mendes got right the fuck out of there, it's obvious Spectre being a turd in the water wasn't his fault. How do you do a worse job producing a 007 movie than fucking Sony? A company who wanted supervillain in one of the Spiderman movies who attacked with the power of dubstep and decided to make the Craig Bond films a pseudo-cinematic universe

There will be a swing back over the generations. It's only a matter of time. It won't end with zoomers. Rome burned, yet, here we are.

a majority of people already look at it with disgust. its just the institutions at the top are living in a detached world that doesn't take into account the broader sentiment.

eventually that will catch up.

The problem is that whites are already a minority with younger generations. Rome burned but the same people still occupied those spaces, they just had to rebuild. it's nothing like that this time round

Rome didn’t leave Europe minority white. This time, it’s different. DNA change is irreversible.

Well hopefully the film can be salvaged but it’s looking unlikely. It’ll suck that the Craig era started so strong and now ended so badly.

>The name's Bond, JaLashana Bond.

>Bond can be a white man but only on the conditions that he needs to be fully emasculated and his romantic partner HAS to be a nigger
i fucking hate this clown world

blacks are 3% of the UK population so why are they pushed into literally every fucking franchise we have?

>American Bond
This is what mutts actually believe

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>A movie insider said: 'There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says 'Come in 007', and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman.

>'It's a popcorn-dropping moment. Bond is still Bond but he's been replaced as 007 by this stunning woman.

OMG! Subverted expectations!!!

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that's the same woman who created a tv show where she fucks a black guy in it. bond is finished

These people need to die. It's that simple.

Do African-Americans in the UK have normal names?

The series just needs a fucking break. It's been going constantly for like 25 years. They took one (involuntary I suppose, but still) after License to Kill and then we got fucking Goldeneye. License to Kill isn't bad, but that whole era had a ton of issues when it came to making the films.

Thats its then, its over. Just fucking end everything

More like jail bonds

they used to have biblical names really but now younger niglets are increasingly adopting the americanised route

we still have time, Elon is building rockets so that we might escape the earth and start new civilizations among the stars.... without niggers ruining everything.

Because the people who make the movies live and spend all their time in London, where most of the black people also live. And because these producers don't spend their time looking at population census data, they believe that London demographics are representative of the country as a whole. Also UK media is trying to imitate American media as much as possible.

That's a stretch ever for sjws

>Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don’t work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed.
This reads like a fucking SJW tumblr fucking fan fic


>blacks are 3% of the UK population
not in London.

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because hopefully if we have more positive portrayals of black people on screen then they'll put down their knives and become functioning members of society, or something

>The 007 codename can apply to anyone
Is this the new meme? They go after any fucking semantics they can so they can justify why the character should be black or female?

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Because your cuck ancestors gave them rights. Spit on their graves for destroying your future.

First look at iconic FIRST BOND BOY

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Yeah but he'll still end up fucking her because she's just playing hard to get. Its a fucking standard plot that's been around for literally thousands of years.

I got this joke

>007 doesn't drink Martinis but Monster Zero Ultra

this is so brave and just what is needed rn with brexit and blumpf!!!

>Is the first female 007

Is there anything he can't do?

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>The comments below have been moderated in advance.


No Bond film is ever making over 200mill ever again

Bond is literally the ultimate male fantasy and there is no way in hell it could be successful with a woman in the lead

>Bond is still Bond but he's been replaced as 007 by this stunning woman.
>but he's been replaced as 007 by this stunning woman.
> stunning woman.



yeah you know i'm just going to stop ever clicking unintelligible garbage like this.
i highly doubt the unabbreviated headline, let alone the article itself, would be any more ineresting

She is not the lead, she is the new 007. Presumably this will be the end of the Craig arc then it will be rebooted with a new guy

>she is the new 007
007 is bond

They've now separated the two

Cucks like you need to die

Im stating facts you stupid mutt, not defending it

>The Waller-Bridge family were landed gentry of Cuckfield, Sussex.

You clearly are defending it cuck boy

007 is Bond, not some fucking nigress

This has to be fake right? I havent seen any other news about it anywhere

I remember making a shitpost many years ago how next Bond will be a black woman. Simulation confirmed.

Seduction is rape, shitlord.

>come in, Black Panther.
>in walks blonde haired, blue eyed man

Bro it's just a Superhero title anyone can be Black Panther dude just like how anyone can be Spider-Man.

That's dumb. So is his real name just James Bond now?

Separating the two to make the replacement more acceptable, you know very well that 007 is bond. The writers clearly has political reasons for doing this.

statements made that came straight out of your STD-ridden ass are not facts

Literally the definition of fake news. They want to see peoples reaction. Especially after the Little Mermaid shit. Take it to a higher level, these ashkenazi jews are literally fucking with people at this point.

That was always his name

Not his real name. You don't use your real name when you're on spy business.

That's like thinking Solid Snake is the real name of the MGS protagonist.

It's definitely true. Bond is retired in Jamaica, so they need a new '007'. What is Lynch's role if not the new 007?

>Bond leaving MI6

Boy I can't wait to see that again

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I don't see any problem with this. She's a great actress and a beautiful woman.


expectations subverted

Remibnder that Danny Boyle pulled out because of creative difference. They probably told him this was a WOKE BOND, there must be niggers and fags and strong women, and Bond is now a little cucke bitch. Nic Pizzaiolo is totally fit for woke garbage as seen in tru detective s2 & s3

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another movie i dont need to see thanks

>/pol/tards seething as always
Laughing at your sad little lives rn, s m h.

Because you stop burn that witch

I think it has to do with the producer of Bond being a female, Barbara Broccoli, she has no merit, she inherited it from her dad and she said they're changing things after #metoo

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probably someone whose name ends with a stein or berg has something to do with it

>Barbara Broccoli
literally a fuckin plant

>Put Women in charge
>She immediately ruins the franchise

So she's the new 007 instead of replacing the Bond character entirely?

Sounds like they are turning Bond into a buddy cop movie

Fucking hell


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black & beautiful

I'm done with movies.

>spacey finna boutta be free
>Weinstein case going nowhere
>every other big metoo lawsuit for the most part resulting in nothing except a few
Metoo had no impact on anything. Only more hatred towards women

Uuhhh where is the East Asian representation? Middle East rep etc? 50% black what the fuck is this bullshit.

I haven’t been to the cinema since 2015. They won't see a single Shekel out of me.

They really should not have her stand next to the other three, ever.

laughed. muscles hurt because it been so long. thanks i guess.

I'd be mad, bit I haven't watched like the last three Bond movies.

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>This is a Bond for the modern era who will appeal to a younger generation
lol it'll fail

*other two

Welcome to the future where everyone sequel is recast to star a black female. Hmm maybe tessa Thompson? She's definitely not box office poison.

Why is it always a black women and not any other race when they change things, I don't get it. Do all the jews just have a blacked fetish

Naomie's cute, the new one is horrific.

I really disagree. It's all subjective of course, but I think Naomie is hideous. There are way better looking black women out there.

if naomi is the other nigger, she has a fucking orangutan face.

the only cute ones are the 2 white ones, in the actual cute sense, and no thr fetishized beastial sense.

>if you don't find them all equally beautiful, you are a bigot

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jakey is a fag

One of these things is not like the others. One of these things just doesn't belong.

jakey is my bf

why is the alternative of white man is a nigger? why can't it be chinese, indians, HAPAs, or gingers?

Because the UK tries to emulate the US in everything they do.

That's not diversity.

>why is the alternative of white man is a nigger
Niggers are the easiest puppets of the jews and the most distinct in terms of diversity and creating a melting pot. If they manage to convince the goyim that having niggers in your society is okay, then inviting asians or others into a mix isn't gonna be a problem.

Would you feel better if it was a white female? I think the've done it so many times i'm glad it's engress, we'll see how white feminists will react

who's that down syndrome on the left?

But what percentage of violent crime are they responsible for?

Why does every old franchise have to have black women in it now? Hell not even black men enjoy watching black women on screen because they're the fucking plague.

Why do black women crave white cock so badly?

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>[The franchise] has just got to grow. It has just got to evolve,
Kek, are they implying blacks are more evovled than whites?

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>your brain on /pol/

They want us to kill each other ourselves so they can take full control after the chaos, literally the plot a great espionage movie would be. They know to use Nigers as a bulwark because they are so feral.

looks like average finn

t. finn

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This reads like an april fools joke.

Why is she wearing pajamas

>your Bond on onions

Fucks sake. Why does everything have to be "superseded" in favor of being woke? Why the fuck can't they make a spin-off IP?

Fuckin'. Make a Moneypenny movie and cast her as a sassy black woman for all I care, don't destroy the original for the sake of being Progressive.

good to see Don Cheadle will always find work


you can vote against this j00 bullshit with your money by not going to see this shit and encouraging everyone you know to do the same, thats the only thing that hurts them. The nose knows

>'Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don't work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed. Well, certainly not at the beginning.'
>The source added that the phrase 'Bond girls' is now forbidden, saying: 'We were all told that from now on they are to be addressed as 'Bond women'.'


>Samwell as 007
>what what in the butt
Okay, I can dig this

Women literally ruin everything they touch.


>The series just needs a fucking break. It's been going constantly for like 25 years.
A lot longer than that!

>Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don't work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed.
But they already did that in Casino Royale. I guess 2006 wasn't retarded enough for people to brag about it.

Did they really censor the word bollocks?

Fucking niggers

why is it Always the ugliest looking black women that they give these kind of roles to

This is just controlled demolition of the franchise. They’re going to tease us with the possibility of a black, female James Bond. Then, when the next one comes out, and it stars Idris Elba, we’ll happily say, “Well, at least he’s a man.” Or if they cast a white woman, “At least she’s white.”

Why is this allowed?

Nice of them to do a little colour spectrum shot.

Why not Idris Elba?

>White fragility is a myt...

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>I'm done with Hollywood

It's not white fragility it's called finding blacks disgusting. If an African audio made their own spy movie I wouldn't care, it's by them for them. The problem it that they're being forced to like them in our media and even worse with our heros.

Your dream of being a women as well tranny

This, if it's not Jew produced it's by some white guy under Jewish influence.

It will happen , it will flop and next year we are back at good old white male bond.

Venom is still good.

Only if you never get seduced yourself.

Bond. Haim's Bond.

Ayo, Bond, Bail Bond.


Bump bump bump bump it up

>Because the people making it don't have a fucking clue what they're doing.
That's the answer right there.
All major decisions are made on the spot by a bunch of random executives.

Because the British creatively suck the cocks of yanks. Having a Indian or Pakistani character would make far more sense since there are more of them, they’ve had an integral role in Britain the last 100 years and they are actually underrepresented.

>then it will be rebooted with a new guy
So what, this black chick then hands the codename 007 to this new guy? This new guy isn't named Bond, right? This is getting confusing.
We'll have Nomi agent 007, and Jack Harrington agent 0015 going on adventures together?

>They said: "There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says, 'Come in 007,' and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman.

>"It's a popcorn-dropping moment. Bond is still Bond but he's been replaced as 007 by this stunning woman.

>"Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don't work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed. Well, certainly not at the beginning."

>But that's not all - the insider also told the publication that the term 'Bond girl' is now strictly forbidden.

How does it feel to watch all your favourite franchises go down in flames?

It feels great.

I've had the oppurtunity to go to the movies for free 10 times in the last 4 months and haven't gone once.

Bond was never that great and Craig already shit it up to the point that I'll never pay to see another bond film

>and tries his usual seduction tricks,

When was the last time Bond tired his "seduction tricks"?

>Bond 25 will be about Blofeld accusing Bond of rape

The jooossss

I don't even blame Craig that much. I'll agree with the libs that Bond is outdated...just for different reasons.
The way Bond movies are set up were great during that cold war time period. While WAY over the the top, we know from real-life sources that the nature of spying was kind of done like that back then (Ian Fleming WAS a spy for crying out loud), with sending a dude in directly, similar to undercover police trying to bring down the mob.
Nowadays technology has far surpassed that. Why send a lone guy who'll be instantly identified, with a trail that leads right back to you country (see: Russians poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal) when you can just hire an independent agency to hack at any info you want, with the ability to look like you had nothing to do with it if caught?
The more time passes on, the more Bond's lone wolf style won't work. Keep it set somewhere around 50s-90s, sure. Otherwise it's starting to feel like still using calvary at this point.

>Bond himself will still be played by Daniel Craig — and will still adhere to his old-fashioned macho characteristics, an insider told the UK paper.

>‘Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don’t work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed,” a source told the Mail.

>Movie takes place in Jamaica

Its nothing user

Boyle left because he wanted the plot to revolve around "Russian interference" in the West and the producers didn't want it to be that political. So, if anything, Boyle would have demanded Bond be even more woke.

>Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007
just give him best actor now

So is the movie shorter now?
Black Bond can bleed into a pool of water and push her enemies in and they'll die of AIDS.

read the daily mail quotes from the "source"
it almost sounds like its from /ourguys/

>There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says ‘Come in 007’, and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman
>Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don’t work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed. Well, certainly not at the beginning

No fucking way that's an official source

She doesn't appeal to anyone. No one wants this

Ana is so fucking outstanding

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Name's Bond. Out on Bond.

Where does the americanized nomenclature for black people come from? Who thought Larceny was a good thing to name their kid?


Basically it's because people keep thinking we are America, especially when we watch their shows and movies.

There is no way her name is “lashana Lynch” unironically.
It literally reads as lash and a lynch. Had a hearty kek when I pictured the parents naming her that


This is a dude in drag

b-but leftypol told me the Kalergi plan wasn't real?

implying that this boomer and his weird fixation with ugly smelly indians wouldnt love to cast some bollywood actor to play the james bond-lahansa.

come the fuck on.

Do black people even like this idea?

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>agent of capital

Are this people stuck in 19th century Marxism? Its two thousand and nine teen

It’s sort of the same in America with hispanics, they’re like double the population of blacks, yet blacks are in literally everything whereas hispanics are in pretty much nothing

Somethings got to give.

You do realize that "James" is now an androgynous name? So, next movie she's "James Bond".

Britcucks are subhuman

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Gtfo normie

>‘Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don’t work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed,” a source told the Mail.
kek, they just couldn't help themselves

>Are this people stuck in 19th century Marxism?
Unironically yes, as if "capital", the stuff that generates economic growth is a bad thing.

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>modern western governments
>not the military wing of globalist capitalism

>There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says 'Come in 007', and in walks Lashana who is black

>implying its not the same