Will it be the success Disney wants it to be?
Star Wars: The Mandalorian reportedly cost $15 million per episode
It'll be about as successful as this thread
What’s a mandalorian?
Ow, my pride.
for 15 mil you could have produced 15 clone wars episodes
this one doesn't even have boba fett lmao. Just fucking do something with temuera morrison already. No one cares about these literally who deviant art OCs that don't even have rangefinders on their helmets.
Would rather watch literal who deviant art tier OCs than another episode of ahsokawank
Damn, jews are embezzling 14 million per episode? That would be impressive if it weren't so despicable
He’s in it though. He’s going to play live action Rex. I think this was leaked.
Depends - how many purple haired trans ethnic minorities have leading roles?
>muh boba fett
If thats true I hope they won't make him fat
Rebels Rex and co. were an utter disaster
He's in it as old clones. Rex was confirmed by Filoni.
Define "success"
I don't think Disney wants or expects it to be a big thing in its own right compared to other major series - they want it to be a just-big-enough "launch title" for their streaming service to get people to sign up. So its success will be measured by how many people bother with buying into their service because of it.
someone from Mandalore
What’s Mandalore?
The Kyle Katarn audience will like it because it's its own story far removed from the movies. I hope I'll like it, but I liked Rebels, too, so I'm an easy target.
Imagine if Kyle randomly shows up. That'd be neat.
Eh...if it's as good as the trailer, yes. If it's just a bait and switch, then their endgame can only be demoralization.
AKTUALLY it's a clan of bounty hunters that got their start on the planet of Mandalore
There's a trailer?
Yeah, I could see it bringing in subscribers
Some offscreen leaks from a SW convention if I remember correctly
Reminder that Bryce Dallas Howard is one of the directors on this series.
Yes, it was leaked months ago I think. youtube.com
Do fans actually find this good? If that's the best they have to show i would be worried
>bounty hunter my ass
>doesn't even have a cool jacket
>fuck where's the bathroom, too much blue milk
>Do fans actually find this good?
As a former hardcore fan, that is I don't recognize Disney's ret-conning on the EU and their handling of TFA , Rogue One, and TLJ, I feel that the look is wonderful and promises to do what we originally wanted and expected Disney to do. NEW designs, new ideas, yes, please, but the "wokeness" factor worries me. The message they may hamfist into the fantasy setting may take me right out of the experience if they go that route.
It has the potential to be great but Disney doesn't have the balls to do what needs to be done for a bounty hunter show to be good.
>I could be killing stormtroopers right now
It will be about a mcguffin they have to find, overcome differences, teamwork, and a way to somehow stumble into a famous scene from the next mainline movie.
In it for fucking Werner Herzog.
I really hope they do action figures for him, Gina Carano and Ol'Billy 'Blaster Balls' Burr.
herzog was one thing but
>bill burr
top lel
everything about the SW universe outside the sequels is more interesing at this point.
Why do i imagine this show is just gonna be balls-to-the-wall stupidity?
Like as if it was a tv show made around a party in a tabletopStar Wars RPG game
I'm no fan of nuWars but this clearly has someone who knows the setting and has some semblance of personal interest in the material working on it. Just the few seconds of the IG droid dropping bodies, the stormcommandos with flame troopers, and the use of classic trilogy props where appropriate is enough to tell you that. I'm sure it'll be bogged downed in Disney's corporate bullshit messaging considering they couldn't even keep the stronk woman bounty hunter out of the promo footage, but it may still have some quality despite that.
Knowing how delusional and retarded is the SW fanbase, they will eat any piece of shit that has a SW logo on it. So, yeah,, it will be successful.
IG-88 is one of my favorite characters so I’m kinda excited to see and IG assassian Droids in love action.
>they will eat any piece of shit that has a SW logo on it
The toys didn't sell at all tho and TLJ is hated by half the audience.
>this clearly has someone who knows the setting and has some semblance of personal interest in the material working on it.
Dave Filoni.
Where's the fucking trailer. It's FOUR MONTHS away.
Then why the fuck did it make 1.3 B?
>TLJ is hated by half the audience.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssss ---Rian Johnson
D23 Expo is next month. So then, probably.
Come up with something new instead of raping the original trilogy
That explains it. This might actually end up being the best piece of Star Wars media to come out of Disney. The irony of that would be incredible too since it's also the furthest from their vision of "reinventing" the IP and smartly leans on recognizable and iconic elements from the original films much like Rogue One did. Rogue One however was a production disaster and it shows.
>The Last Jedi” is now the eighth highest-grossing domestic movie of all time with $517.1 million
>Star Wars:
The Force Awakens Domestic Total Gross:936,662,225
disney buys their owns tickets to maintain brand strength which is more valuable than the cost of a shit film
just googled
"disney buying their own tickets"
which one of you marvel shills made this thread
Why so late. Jesus. Everyone at Celebration loved it.
>as good as the trailer,
What the fuck was good about it?
People have been saying this since Black Panther. (I will add a caveat that I can't explain Captain Marvel)
This is fucking retarded and you're an idiot if you genuinely believe it. It's very illegal (defrauding investors as well as the IRS - think about stocks and taxes) and it would lose Disney considerably more money than you'd think. Nevermind that it'd be really fucking obvious
>it would lose Disney considerably more money than you'd think
When you have 30 other movies planned and some already in development the opportunity cost of a series being seen as a failure is huge
Does ol billy marry a Wookiee in this too?
150m for a 10 hour series of this magnitude sounds pretty good actually.
as a former SW fan I don't give a fuck so they already lost.