I fucking hate rich people

I fucking hate rich people

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Other urls found in this thread:


Rich people should just give their money to us poor people. We deserve it.

his oldest son acts more like him than his other faggot son.

Jaden smith looks like a retard

to be fair,
I doubt 90% of rich people deserve their wealth

This, but unironically

He is a retard. So is his mother. And somewhat his father. Willow is hot.

Shes hot fuck at least

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Not any more. And especially not when you realize how fucking retarded she is.


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Well, shes like 50 now. Id still fuck the shit out of her
Yeah, shes basically the black Gwyneth Paltrow

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When is Smith just going to admit that his son is legit retarded?

Jeez.. Will is pretty based - no tats, humouristic etc, but Jaden is straight up faggot. Dat laugh, dem looks.. fucking embarassing. Bet he's doing coke or smoking crap

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girl and 5:36 is cute

Based dudes always get either daughters or faggot disappointment sons
That's why I'm so scared about myself, im cool as fuck

why does jaden looks like a homosexual black eminem

>im cool as fuck

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S-shut up

Everyone besides Will Smith is awkward as fuck in this vid

I hate rich blacks, why should glorifying crime be rewarded with wealth?

Whys that? Just because your fat and unsuccessful doesn’t mean others don’t deserve what they have. Do you say the same for people who have sex since you don’t have that either?

Has Will Smith gotten fat?

> Will Smith - 1.88cm
> Jaden - 170cm
Kid must be feeling like shit

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>have emotionally retarded, fame obsessed dad who's in a cult
>turn out retarded

It's because his dad came from nothing and worked up the social ladder to get to a point where he no longer cares what movies he's in

Jaiden is your typical rich boy using his daddies wealth and connections to fuck around. He was born into that wealth and his father keeps pushing him so that's why he acts and looks like a giant faggot

Jaden's gay right?


Goddam Jaden is such faggot

>came from nothing
Shut the fuck up, he was an international world star at like 15

yes, because he worked up to that point and made something of himself you dense fuck

fuck off tranny

his dad is so probably

Le bi xDDD
All the faggots nowadays try the bi card for money

Nigga is a Louis Vuitton female model, lmao

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will smith is from an upper middle class family


Hey guys don't stop growing until 25...


araki really outdid himself with this one

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I find Will speaking with his mouth full to be the worst part of this.

fuck this sucks


Uh yeah I'm thinking you're check'd

>ywn african american master race

Based and sexpilled

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I'm checking you out baby. Mmmmmm

Rich or black?

>Hey guys don't stop growing until 25...
Nah, I've been a 5'10 manlet since I was 18 and Im 27 now
Tho, I started smoking in 8th grade, so maybe this has something to do with it

People whose profession is "entertainer" should not be allowed to be rich. "Entertainment" offers nothing to society and acts as a detriment to the progress of society. Their net-worth should be capped at a million dollars.

They are only mouth pieces of liberal/globalist propaganda anyway.

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ok im saying checked and based for this one


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back to gulag

I agree desu


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SEETHING talentless loser

So did Will have a secret stroke like Mark Ruffalo did

Quite the opposite actually. According to Forbes and the Foundation for Economic Education, the majority of the highest earners in the country are self-made.

Seething bootlickers in this thread

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meh I'm glad will smith enjoys his family

looks kind of cute desu

Seriously. Entertainers are treated like royalty, and for what? They offer nothing, they produce nothing. They shouldn't exist, even if that means artificially depriving them of a platform.

Fuck off fat tranny pinko. Get a job

Implying that the entire human race isn't.

check'd and correct

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That's just jealousy from yall.

He made his own anime and millions of people watched it.
You can only draw pictures in your room of sonic.

Tbf the wealthy drive the economy and innovation. But libbys love to hate from their iPhone which is ironically a product of free market capitalism.

Can't argue with those numbers

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lol its my birthday on sunday. i expect a call from my mother and thats it.

Yeah JUST like Kylie jenner. She did that all by herself.

What a GET

>I fucking hate rich people
Having dealt with both extremes, I can attest that both poverty and extreme wealth have a strong tendency to dilute your soul until nothing is left but a lifeless shell. These people are a good example of that.

Jaden doesn't even look like his father at all. He looks like a queer Somalian heroin addict. I still envy him though for banging all these high society prostitutes with daddy's money. (pic related)

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Yea I'm sure the current gen Rotschilds or Walmart kids earned their wealth

>using one person to represent an entirety
Nice collectivism you got there.

You're right user. People like me and my family DESERVE to be billionaires despite having no discernible skills, and having a clearly negative effect on social cohesion.

when will self-made billionaires like us get the respect we deserve?

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The iphone was a stolen idea and people were literally killed over it. But keep going on how great capitalism is.

Wow two examples out of millions. You sure showed him


Imagine genuinely believing this. I bet your boss loves you.

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Based and redpilled.

Have sexts

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Your argument was that the majority of the wealthy's money is inherited, and you were wrong.


If you don’t want a boss why don’t you start your own business? Is it because you truly have no drive nor skills to speak of?

You browse Yea Forums stop lying to yourself

> A small number of people own all the wealth
> That's not fair, they're one in a million

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>unironically defending Jewish capitalism
You might as well be a degenerate Liberal.

I'd like to see a movie starring him and Barron Trump.

When are the Mexicans gonna burn down Beverly Hills?

The idea of the iPhone wouldn't even exist in a socialist/communist environment because the incentive for competition (and therefore innovation) is so limited.

I have my own business, retard. That doesn't mean I don't realize the system is inherently fucked and you have to stomp down to get up. Only the sleaziest will get rich in capitalism.

We've names at least 3 people (3 wholefamilies actually) of the 1% of the 1% so thats like 30% we named already.

Should I have not used the most prominent and top person under 25 fir an example?

>that tables hot


God, imagine her getting blacked...

What the fuck did Jaden Smith do to his eyebrows? That kid is ugly as fuck.

I want to hate fuck Jaden

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damn, that looks like a nice place to live. look at that daytime sunshine, the haze on the horizon. the heat in the air. look at that ocean, where you can walk or drive down for an ocean swim. look at those sandwiches. that sunset where its getting chilly and you go back inside. malibu look nice.

It's Econ 101. Communist and socialist societies don't produce anything. They just stagnate themselves due to central planning resulting in poor resource allocation, then teeter out and starve.

Ya seethe?

They have a nice place, too bad Jaden's a faggot in the non-literal sense. Not that there's anything right with that.

Why does he look like a 50yo lesbian?

Just trust me bro

works on two levels

You don't even have to imagine

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lol no you don’t. A deviant art page isn’t a business

> It's capitalist econ 101 hur dur I can't think outside my framework because scary commies. Hurrrr

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It's not so much that I am advocating for capitalism as it is I am advocating for the only economic system that works. The more you veer towards a socialist or communist society, the more likely you are to create a stagnant or declining economy

nah, hes a fag

If they did, it would almost instantaneously go right back into their hands.

ooga booga

>damn, that looks like a nice place to live. look at that daytime sunshine, the haze on the horizon. the heat in the air. look at that ocean, where you can walk or drive down for an ocean swim. look at those sandwiches. that sunset where its getting chilly and you go back inside. malibu look nice.
Bro, let's get rich...

Well thats a win-win for everyone. Sounds great why do they hoard all the money then?

>ywn be one of his kike managers and leech off his family's fame

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Get off this board and spend time with your kids Will

The entire "self-made" schtick is just brainwashing to make office-slaves blame themselves for being poor instead of questioning why some people are free to inherit literal countries worth of bnp in an ever going cycle that steadily increases every generation. Extremely few are actually self-made, because people who grew up in millionaire families doesn't really count as self-made just because they made more money than their parents, they were still richer than 90% of the population will never even come close to before they even started their career.
It was my first post in this thread so no, I've never claimed a majority of it was, but you do see how this is a self-sustaining cycle that will only become a bigger and bigger problem as time goes on?

That's not even close to the majority, which was your argument. See:
Here's your source bro. I suggest taking a read before ever supporting socialism again.



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What ever waggie keep dreaming and grinding. Only the people who realize the truth anout capitalism can successfuly use it to gain acutal wealth.

>>ywn be one of his kike managers and fuck his family's heir in the ass until he show up in public wearing dresses

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Thats because its only been done in 2nd and 3rd world countries while being sabotaged by 1st world capitalist ones.

>self sustaining
Less than 10% of the last names on the Fortune 500 from the 1980s remain there today

Very based and zeropilled.

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No it's because you can't create a functioning economy while controlling price values because it throws off supply and demand

I honestly agree with you, user. "Culture" now is something produced by corporations instead of being the spontaneous creation of people. And who's to blame?
Cinema, modern music, TV, and everything that comes with it.


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I grew up poor and became wealthy. I live poor so they accept me socially because I can't stand rich people.

wait, when did Jaden contract AIDs?

he looks like one of those Etheopian niggas

>will smith will never be your dad

>imagine being such a good goy you unknowingly defend your pedo masters.




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If a small number of people own ALL the wealth than how can you afford internet?

Jada and Will are both in Epstein's little black book

One of the only few niggresses that look good, and that's because she hardly resembles a nigger.

Not an argument. Feel free to give an example of an economic system more successful than capitalism

>thinking capitalism is a zero sum game



Sexts of truth.

>trust fund babies earned their wealth.
>t. 60 IQ


Approximately 90% of the top 1% won’t be there within twenty years. You act like the rich are always the same people when it’s a revolving door. The majority of employment is done by small businesses so your assessment of being unable to be self made is also bullshit. If you had skills and weren’t a lazy fat fuck you’d have wealth. Heck if you just weren’t a lazy ass you could build wealth. It’s really not that hard to accumulate

Trust fund babies make up a minority of the wealthiest people.


Capitalism is basically aristocracy with a few extra steps.

The end game is socialism like star trek, but our technology hasn't reach to that point, nor has human edicate evolved to that point.

Who is that bitch? I would bury my face between those buttcheeks and eat her ass.

Call me Exxon

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>the debater who uses shittube links as an argument

face it some rich people really don't deserve their wealth you flying faggot.

There are approximately 9.4 million Americans with a net worth between 1-5 mil. I wonder what the secret truth is they know about capitalism is lol?

Her hair is fucked now that she wants to be naturally niggerish

Let's see Jayden Smith's dubs

Socialism is just stealing from the successful. It’ll never work

Those YouTube videos provide links to peer reviewed economic study cases. At least they're providing something other than butthurt feelings of jealousy, unlike you.


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>Do you say the same for people who have sex since you don’t have that either?

thats because you have a tiny brain.

what part of technology don't you understand. when we have robot slaves and replicators a lot more wealth has to be distributed to accommodate the growing population and displacement of jobs. It's a process, capitalism isn't an endgame.


They already do give the lower class money first. They pay more in taxes, they pay more in charity, and they provide through job creation before they ever receive an ROI from their business (if they even do, the large majority of businesses fail in less than 10 years).


Technology will create new types of jobs you absolute pea brain. Morons like you were saying the same decades ago when the car replaces the horse and buggy, sewing machines replaced hand sewing, and during the industrial revolution.


5’10 isn’t even remotely manlet, you’re delusional for thinking so

Tell that to the Nordic countries.

It works as long as the people in the system have common bonds and familiarity with eachother.

Norway for example has a 1 trillion dollar sovereign wealth fund.

Mixed economies ftw.

>more automation will create more jobs

literally the whole purpose of automation is to make jobs easier and lessen the workforce.

what an idiot.


Back to the bagel shop with ya, smallson

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A car is more automation, a sewing machine is more automation, the cotton gin was more automation. Stop believing the leftist propaganda and think for yourself already

>Yeah, shes basically the black Gwyneth Paltrow
That's a good thing?

why is his son a manlet?

yeah and instead of having 10 niggers trying to seperate 5 shirts worth of cotton in a day you have 1 person operating a cotton gin making 100 shirts worth of cotton a day.

again, you're a brainlet.

I’d say it’s more that they have significant oil reserves and other natural resources than socialism. That is like saying Saudi Arabia is successful because of their economic system.

You guys think Will is on the TRT?

Fucking perversion. You simps make me sick

The cotton gin was the start of the industrial revolution which opened up a whole new world of jobs and economic growth. Holy shit are you one stupid fuck lol!!!


What the fuck, did anyone else think he was like 10 or something?

Based rad user

No lol, goop is a braindead hippie snake-oil salesman

nah just get rid of the jews and entertainment will return to the correct course it was supposed to take.

I dont care for Jaden but he's done more for people than anyone here and most celebs. He has a water company, He supplied water filters for Flint when the government didn't do shit and he has a food truck feeding homeless people.

That's pretty based, but, if you were a literal millionaire since you were born, wouldn't you do the same?

Jada Smith is such an ugly and annoying fuck. imagine being Will and dating that shit when he could fuck prime bitches like Margot Robbie LOL

>you either worship celebrities or you are a bootlicker

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Point is the vast majority don't and he's made his own money but yes he started with privilege.

The rich donate more to charity than anyone. Hell Rockefeller has the record I think.

Why are socialists so economically illiterate?

Even if they dont directly inherit the money, the vast majority of “self made” rich people have access to a huge amount of connections and opportunities that poor people dont, which directly enables their success.

The phrase “its not what you know but who you know” is incredibly true when it comes to your success in the world

that doesnt really mean much

seethe harder bitch

Yeah dude no shit. You missed the point.

Jeff Bezos mother was 17 when she had him and his father was a bike shop owner, what connections did he start with? Bill Gates built Microsoft out his garage. Again, the majority of the wealthy aren't that way due to inherited wealth (I already provided a source for this which you are clearly ignoring btw) Extreme wealth comes from revolutionizing a product /service that increases everyone's standard of living. That's literally the point of free market competition - to provide the best possibility for the consumer so you can capture the market.

Tell that to all the people who use the massive libraries he built.

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>hey mr rockefeller we should build a library or something, itll improve you public image and only cost 0.000000000000001% of your net worth
>sure i dont care why not

You are putting upper middle class white cis men up as examples why? Thats rich already buddy. You are proving their point for them

Bezos went to princeton and his step father worked for exxon

He obviously had some connections somewhere, you dont just get in to princeton from nowhere


I like will. Just hate jaden

i was 5'0 at 18 but when i turned 19 i hit a growth spurt and grew a whole foot. i went through highschool a manlet and ended up growing taller than most of my bullies by the time i graduated. All I did was believe in myself and keep my head held high.

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>Inspired in part by fellow Gilded Age tycoon Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), who made a vast fortune in the steel industry then became a philanthropist and gave away the bulk of his money, Rockefeller donated more than half a billion dollars to various educational, religious and scientific causes.

According to the history channel (the men who built America) they both gave away anlatge bulk of their earnings (if not the majority) to charity before they died, which they couldn't have obtained without capitalism btw.

I accept this turn of events.

She's an instagram model who used to date Jaden Smith. She ended up taking the dicaprio dick.

>cotton gin started the industrial revolution.

imagine being this retarded and not knowing what supply and demand is.

>comparing someone who was born from a bike shop owner to the ultra wealthy

Why are you so impressed that an obscenely wealthy man gave away money to charity? Even if rockefeller gave away 90% of his fortune he would still never have to worry about money ever again and would live a lifestyle most people cant even dream of

ok coon

>im cool as fuck

>wealth = having money

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i-imagine having a father..

Because the argument was that they don't?

What would Will Smith think of this?

>can't comprehend economics
>shitposts instead

hahaha. if i posted me in my 2019 audi r8 would that make you seethe even harder? lolol. I make more money a year producing music than you'll ever see in your life.

That video is wrong and so are you when you look at in another angle. The vast majority of millionaires became millionaires because they were backed by other millionaires. Actual self-made millionaires with zero millionaire connections or networking are a dime a dozen.


socialism is capitalism evolved.


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How much time in the gym to reach this aesthetic?

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>You act like the rich are always the same people when it’s a revolving door
Not user but haven’t you wondered why that is? It’s quite simple, because these revolving door millionaires were made millionaires by multi-millionaires/billionaires. When they became useless they stopped getting support and returned to being poorfags. This happens all the time here in Toronto and Canada in general, it’s the same everywhere else. It’s all about connections, networking and sucking dick to make it big. Self-made millionaires don’t exist.

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Nice "source". I'm talking about the 1% these berniebots are complaining about and I'll take the Foundation of Economic Education over your anectdotal claim.

And even if that were the case that still doesn't mean they were born into wealth. The one receiving the support still needs to create the idea, the business plan, and market it before obtaining resources.

I wonder if things get complicated for Jayden when he brings his friends or gfs home and his middle aged father is 1000 times cooler and more fun to talk to than he is.

There aren’t any sources because this is how the mega rich operate and hide cash. A lot of these “self-made” millionaires have worthless ideas that don’t move humanity forward, they have prepared business plans from their benefactors and they outsource marketing. Guess how they got their benefactors? Sucking dick or knowing somebody. They immediately get funds from their rich benefactors this way. This happens all the fucking time.

But the majority of top percentage aren't due to inherited wealth or gifts. We've covered this already.


Even in the cases where someone's idea is sponsored, everyone benefits from this when it's successful in a free market economy because you receive better products at lower prices - the dollar accrues value.

If you look at the subtle social interactions that are going on here you can kinda see how Will Smith is an attention hogger, i guess that's why Jaden tries so hard to get attention by being a whiny little faggot. Must be hard with a father who constantly wants the spot of attention.

Everything about this video from concept to execution to how they act all scream serious mental illness for everyone involved.

Oh ok let me just take your word for it.
If their idea is shit btw the business fails and there's no ROI. You have to produce a good idea/business that will benefit others before you see any profit.

Pop a boner, probably

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Jaden is such a little faggot rich boy twink.

It's his life, life isn't fair so a question of deserving it doesn't matter

but I can't help but sit here like I am and look at that and just feel numb. Financial freedom. A passion or just a whim, you can fully pursue it without the seemingly endless roadblocks most people have to deal with. That's your life.

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>looks 40
God dayum nigga

dont include me in the screencap

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Literally this

If they got it, they deserve it.

It's called being an alpha, soiboy

bretty gud

Remember when they pretended to poor? The fucking cheek. Seriously fuck these people.

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ayayayay ma' lik' wha' u' me' by'ah?? ya's bin raycis ah sumn?

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How can OP be real if this user isn't real? Checkdd

Man, hes actually pretty, he could be a Chad, why is he tryharding so much to look like Gollum

drugs and the need to have a unique personality

why user this video was very modest and wholesome. Maybe you should take your anger toward the rich and use it to get rich.

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what's up with the half naked white guy playing the guitar? is that their pet

Makes sense, imagine your dad being one of the biggest Hollywood stars ever, you will almost certainly live in his shadow forever it surely shits on your mentality

His son is now becoming a full time inventor and is off to create new technologies.

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Holy fucking shit, who is she???

jade chynoweth

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hella based en coolpiled.

you know you opened up a right thread when youre seeing this after a half minute of scrolling

some average looking woman
are you that desperate?


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lmao i remember when everyone thought this bitch was a synder's daughter that killed herself

Shes fucking gorgeous

if thats average the internet has ruined your perception of reality.

Shooped Elliot Rodger.

she´s a sex addict btw

hes so obnoxious and out of touch it doesnt seem like anybody wants to be there with him. FUCK.

So am I, but I never had it hahahahahaha :D :D :D


When he revealed he basically sits around and watches TedX talks all day it finally made sense.

Someone get this dude some weed.

Will Smith was apparently pretty douchey on the set of fresh prince depending on who you ask, he might just be better at keeping appearances in public unlike his autistic son

Wealth is in having no desires (or a few that are easily obtained). Take the asceticpill.

No they don't it's usually some million or billionaire who come up with the idea and use them. Take will smith and for that matter almost every rapper that has made it big. They were all founded and backed by them, from tupac to will smith.

Why is Jaden trying so hard to be a shittier, talentless, discount Kanye?

your son/daughter(male) will be an incel

Its also not a better market because they use their wealth to sqaush any competitors. They don't care if the best prouduct is number 1 on the market they just care that THEIR product is number 1 on the market.

>all this talking with mouth full
no amount of money can buy class
especially if you're a nigger

jaden btfo'd

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I’m a sheep so put my in the checked group

Lifestyle porn for you goy

Is Jaden on drugs? Why is he so skinny?

The majority of wealth in the world is inherited

Genetics. His parents are naturally skinny.

I always forget he has an older son.

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formerly quints

He looks like he has AIDS


Why does the one on the left look so normal besides being black? What happened with the other two? Also, what happened to his wife?

Yes because clearly we live in a just world where people get what they deserve. Pablo Escobar, OJ Simpson, and Jeffery Epstein are all fantadtic people. The real enemy is that homeless guy on the corner.


Happy birthday wet baby horse!

nah he looks feminine and dresses gender neutral. that boy has been fed hormones

thats quite a drawn out post for eliminating the jews from america

Jaden has the "If only you knew how bad things are" face

Jada is insane, she prolly low key put him on HRT

I believe you, nobody this open about it is ever uncool.



Forget about "entertainment" making useless people famous and influential. What about the talented people who would excel in other areas of industry that would actually be useful to society instead choose entertainment since it pays more. These people essentially waste their potential by going into entertainment.

Is that good for a society? No.

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>audi r8
>I make money
This is how I know you are poor.

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That's the point. You're essentially a worthless, talentless, low IQ piece of shit. Yet you have wealth? It is unnatural. In a sane and utilitarian world you would be a ditch digger because as a music producer you produce nothing of value.

Check’em and gays don’t exist

woah calm down dude no need to be mean

>In a sane and utilitarian world
but we dont live there anymore, do we?


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That's the point. We need to artificially create that world. A person's value shouldn't be determined by how many people pay to watch them dance like a monkey.

>capped at a million dollars
You’re retarded. I bet you’re a christcuck.

Okay, capped at ten million dollars. Do you agree now?

Why does Jaden Smith deserve Will & Jada Smith's money?


whats his stand's name ?

Hehe, numbers

but how can digits be real of our posts aren't real?

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i am accepting these digits


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absolutely underbaited

>there are only 2 ways to organise politically and economically.
here's a first year uni student if I've ever seen one.

>Why does the one on the left look so normal
He's not Jada's

WTF I'm Antifa now

if you go to Princeton you are the top 0.1% of the planet.

this thread is pinnacle slave morality. you ideological parasites make me nauseous.

protip: buy crypto

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I don't support hedonism but story telling is the essence of our existence. What is the fucking point of working as hard as the average goy does if he comes home and works more? A life of work. I would rather kill myself.

First time I kek'd hard today and it's 5 AM here. Goodnight, thanks for this post.

He cute